The Secrets of Saturn

Book Description

"Discusses the planet Saturn, including observations by ancient cultures, current knowledge of Saturn, and plans for future scientific research and space exploration"--

Planet Saturn Secrets

Book Description

Saturn is the most feared planet of all, and for more reasons than one. It is not there in the cosmos to make everything cakewalk for you. It is there giving us hardships, teaching us lessons of life. But this is not to make us destructive and contemptuous, as is the case with Mars negative influence. It is there to make us better individuals, filtering the negative forces to leave us with refined personalities, ready to drive towards spirituality and higher learning. It wants us to be disciplined, thus poses retractions and limitations. Having Saturn’s influence doesn’t always means denial of success. It simply means delay. In some cases however, it also denies the native success if positioned in or aspected by enemy sign, or is debilitated. It makes sure to play the role of a teacher in our lives. Its positive influence brings us the old age wisdom, a sense of conventionality, determination, authority, and a lot more. Below is a detailed overview of this ringed planet to further assist you in having a better understanding,

Planet Mercury Secrets

Book Description

Have you ever heard a voice within, inquisitive, irritating, and contemplating all the time? Well, it has to be Mercury, the karaka of communication and wisdom according to Hindu Astrology. Mercury is the ruler of that fragment of mind that can decide, differentiate, and reason, the faculty that controls the subconscious thoughts and conscious actions and power of discrimination. Its influence is strong. Controlling travel, finance, logic, and education, Mercury can take you places if positioned strong in a horoscope. It can make you a nonsense wreck or sagaciously sensible. Mercury is responsible for how you express yourself to the outer world, how you handle stresses and tackle unfortunate choices in life. Though we are like buildings built brick by brick, it is Mercury that helps present ourselves in the fullest form

Planet Saturn Secrets

Book Description

The Secrets of Saturn

Book Description

"Discusses the planet Saturn, including observations by ancient cultures, current knowledge of Saturn, and plans for future scientific research and space exploration"--

Planet Saturn

Book Description

Saturn's shining rings have led some to call it the jewel of the solar system. Students will find out how this massive planet's heavy, gaseous atmosphere surrounds a core of rock and liquid. They will also learn how the planet was discovered and how


Book Description

Simple text and "out-of-this-world" photography introduce readers to NASA's Cassini-Huygens space probe, and its mission to explore the gas giant Saturn. Important details include the probe's construction, its launch, the landing of the Huygens probe on Saturn's moon Titan, and Cassini's continuing mission to unlock the secrets of Saturn's rings and other unique features. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. A&D Xtreme is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

Planet Mars Secrets

Book Description

In a Vedic Astrology Horoscope, the positions and effect of 9 heavenly bodies are carefully examined. These are the seven planets - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn along with two nodes - Rahu and Ketu. Each planet has a long list of significations which are further divided into the direction, metals, age, nature, elements, body part / body system, colors, rulership of zodiac signs and the host of other attributes which a good Astrologer has to keep in mind at the time of making the calculations and giving the forecast. While all planets are given equal attention but it is Mars which is given special attention to check for suddenness in giving bad results - if it is a malefic. At the time of matching the Horoscopes for marriage purposes, it is the presence or absence of Manglik feature which is checked before anything else. So let us go a little deeper into the nature, functioning, and mode of operation of Mars in a Horoscope. Is it always to be feared or does it have the power to give also? Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is called Mangal in Hindi, Kujja in Sanskrit. West has named it after the Roman God of War. Mars is also referred to as the Red Planet because of its reddish appearance as seen from Earth. Similarly all the planets are divided into 4 elements of nature - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Mars is supposed to be a fiery planet. As the story goes in the Vedic system, Mars is the commander-in-chief of the celestial army. It is therefore, quite natural to associate Mars with action & raw energy, after all it is fiery, hot red and fast (compared to Jupiter and Saturn it is a much faster planet orbiting the Sun).

Secrets of Planets

Book Description

Dear Reader, The whole process of spiritual practice during the initial steps consists of neutralising karma and gaining poise. The inequalities of past karma manifest as the inequalities of the mentality, personality and behaviour of man. Behaviour is only a response of the person to environment in terms of his own habit or past karma. This response also forms the basis of his future karma. Every step is subject to correction until poise is gained, “poise in food, expression and behaviour” is the path of yoga according to the Bhagavad Gita. Every planet in every sign in house represents our past life karma. To understand that first we need to understand the planets in astrology. This book is all about describing planets in astrology to give indepth knowledge and wisdom to the person to experience and learn fundamentals of astrology. Regards, Saket Shah


Book Description

In 1986, Dr. Norman Bergrun published the book "Ringmakers of Saturn". He discovered strange anomalies in the Saturn system and based on collected NASA evidence he concluded that human civilization is not the only one in our solar system. On several photos and video evidence, he clearly pinpointed the existence of huge electromagnetic vehicles (EMVs) under intelligent control which was directly involved in the creation of rings on Saturn.This book picked up where Dr. Norman Bergrun left off back in 1986 and it went much deeper into the subject matter of the extraterrestrial presence in the Saturn system.The author is also an astral traveler with extensive experience and a contactee of a rare type. Andov's conclusions based on many years of extensive UFO research and direct astral observation are filling the gaps in the Big Picture which are currently missing.In 1964, Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev figured out that civilizations can be categorized by the total amount of energy available to them. He defined three levels of civilizations (Type I, Type II and Type III) based on their capacity to harness and use power, as well as the amount of knowledge the civilizations have access to. Type III can control energy on the scale of its entire host galaxy. Once it reaches the level of knowledge to harvest galactic energy, Type III can take a path of light, coexistence, prosperity which will lead towards further evolution or it can take a path that also leads to progress and expansion but will be full of darkness, manipulation and the exploitation of lower evolved civilizations. However, by taking the dark path it will seriously slow down the real evolution of Type III civilization towards Type IV civilization. In case Type III civilization has exhausted the power of a single star, it can easily reach out to other star systems. No natural catastrophe known to human science has the capacity to destroy a Type III civilization. The potentials are enormous, however, the appetite to grow and expand further can sometimes turn this type of civilization into a vampire type of predator that exploits and consumes the life force energy of the lower evolved civilizations. Unfortunately, a Type III civilization that exactly matches that description is present in this solar system and it uses a combination of highly sophisticated technology and the natural transmitting capacity of planet Saturn to manipulate the Astral Plane of planet Earth for purposes that will further be explained. During the last planetary conflict with the "gods" which happened around 4,000 ago, the Optimal Genetic Expression was lost. In other words, the biological gigantism on planet Earth was lost, the DNA abundance was no longer possible, and the human genetic functionality was downgraded. With only 5 sense input and higher abilities of consciousness deactivated, the humankind became an easy target for many abusive ET species that stayed in the solar system.This book contains an abundance of scientific data collected by Cassini and other spacecraft in our solar system. In parallel, there is a metaphysical explanation of all that is happening. It is a perfectly balanced mix between advanced space science and metaphysical knowledge.The comments about many unexplained phenomena in our solar system are a product of Andov's direct observation on the Astral Plane.One thing is for sure. This book will take deep into the mysteries of the gigantic Saturn system and the presence of intelligently controlled space vehicles of enormous sizes. Explanations are given what exactly these EMVs are doing in "our" solar system, how they function and why they are doing what they are doing...