La Tierra: El planeta vivo

Book Description

Home, Sweet Home! This title is about Earth, the planet we live on! The layers of the Earth, how it relates to the other planets in our solar system, and how it is the only known planet to sustain life, as far as we know, are all discussed in this science title. Learn about how the Earth rotates on its axis, giving us day and night, and how it orbits and is warmed by that giant star we call the Sun. This book will allow students to make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface.

Book Description

Repensar la sostenibilidad

Book Description

La sostenibilidad, cualidad de lo sostenible, hace referencia a un proceso que puede alargarse en el tiempo. Cuando este proceso lo referimos a cuestiones socio-ecológicas, comprobamos cómo, desde hace ya largo tiempo, no son pocas las voces acreditadas que han puesto sobre aviso del progresivo deterioro ecológico y sus consecuencias perjudiciales para la vida humana. Nuestra obra parte de estas negatividades para repensar la idea de sostenibilidad en sus justos términos, y así dar cabida a una variedad de aportaciones que ayuden a restituimos dentro de los límites ecosistémicos.

World Who Is Who and Does What in Environment and Conservation

Book Description

Qaidu (1236-1301), one of the great rebels in the history of the Mongol Empire, was the grandson of Ogedei, the son Genghis Khan had chosen to be his heir. This boof recounts the dynastic convolutions and power struggle leading up to his rebellion and subsequent events.

Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor

Book Description

"In his latest work, the noted Latin American theologian Leonardo Boff extends the intuitions of liberation theology, showing how they contribute to answering urgent questions of poverty and ecological degradation. If faith fails to appreciate the ecological paradigm, Boff argues, it only adds to the crisis and begs for reform." "Focusing on the threatened Amazon of his native Brazil, Boff traces the economic and metaphysical ties that bind the fate of the rain forests with the fate of the Indians and poor of the land. He shows how liberation theology must join with ecology in reclaiming the dignity of the earth and our sense of a common community. To illustrate to possibilities, Boff turns to resources in Christian spirituality, ancient and modern, including cosmic Christology and the vision of St. Francis of Assisi."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Environmental Sustainability and Development in Organizations

Book Description

This book aims to analyze contexts and perspectives in the relationships between environmental sustainability, human development and organizations. The book combines different scientific approaches for enhancing our understanding of environmental sustainability, development economics and evaluate what the actual conditions in emerging economies are and how developing new process could improve the well-being of developing countries. Employing a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, the authors work to determine the main related factors and outcomes of the relationship between challenges and new strategies in the environmental sustainability, ultimately seeking to guide public policies to enhance the welfare of the population of an emerging economy.

The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS Medicine

Book Description

Examining all the major research data since the 1940s, this book challenges two orthodox medical models: HIV as the cause of AIDS, and random genetic mutations as the cause of cancer. Based on the recent findings from Evolutionary Biology and Nitric Oxide research, it presents a fundamentally new understanding of the human cell, its double genome split between the cell nucleus and the mitochondria, and the role of energy production and signal modulation for immune reactions and carcinogenesis. Finally, it explains the concept of a new Cell Symbiosis Therapy® for the treatment of all chronic diseases, including cancer. Now available in English for the first time, this book is a must-read for doctors, patients and anyone following the cutting edge of biology and immunology. With the blasting open of such doors of knowledge, the medical world will never again be the same. Heinrich Kremer, MD, Medical Director Emeritus was, from 1968-1975, head of social therapy for addicts, sexual offenders and people with personality disorders at the Berlin Tegel prison which was the pilot project for the reform of the German penal system. In 1988 he resigned as medical director of a model clinic specializing in youth drug addiction due to differences on medical ethics regarding the HIV test and AIDS therapy. From 1993-1999 as collaborating member of the Study Group for Nutrition and Immunity (Bern) he investigated together with Prof. Alfred Hässig the mechanisms occurring in AIDS defining illnesses and in cancer. Since the publication of this book in German in 2001 he has been in demand as a lecturer on the treatment of chronic diseases, working today as senior consultant in a growing medical network for Cell Symbiosis Therapy®.

The Ecosystemic Decision

Book Description

"The human brain is neutral, it does not distinguish between right and wrong, ethical and non-ethical behaviour. It only learns and optimizes whatever is repeated" Talking about risks implies talking about decisions, those we do make and those we don't. Learning how to manage those risks requires considering the decision content and, fundamentally, understanding what drives us to "make" a decision. We would all probably agree that the current state of the global ecosystem demands urgent action. It seems that changing radically the way in which we decide is necessary for all the species of the planet to keep on coexisting. But, how do we do it? Why are we still chained to a decision-making model that has shown to be poor in terms of sustainability and ethics? It may be that the answer lies in our own evolution, but what kind of biological and cultural evolution process transformed humans into "not so good" decision-makers at recognizing and becoming responsible for the impacts and potential responses of the ecosystem towards their decisions? This book approaches these questions with a view to understanding who has been and who currently is the Western decision-maker. It proposes a paradigm shift that makes "ecosystemic" management of decisions and risks possible. Through a deep reflection about the topic, Rita Carrizo -the author- seeks to connect contributions from the fields of biology, genetics, sociobiology, neurosciences, systems thinking and ontology of language.

Africa / The Americas / Asia and Oceania

Book Description

Africa / The Americas / Asia and Oceania.

Estudio Comprensivo del Origen de la Humanidad

Book Description

‘PREMIOS’ ‘Medalla de Plata – Concurso de Libros Favoritos de los Lectores Internacionales y Reseñas de 5 Estrellas’ ‘Premio de Oro al Libro Literario Titan y Reseñas de 5 Estrellas’ ‘Bestseller en Amazon – #1 Historia de Oriente Medio y #2 Historia de Civilizaciones Antiguas’ Los dioses Anunnaki del planeta Nibiru llevaron a cabo una misión en la Tierra, y la historia fue documentada en tabletas de arcilla o textos mesopotámicos descubiertos en las ruinas de edificios en Oriente Medio. Los académicos han propuesto que algunas historias del Génesis ya habían aparecido en textos Mesopotámicos hace miles de años. Esta propuesta nos motivó a evaluar los textos más relevantes. Aunque la mayoría de los académicos creen que los textos mesopotámicos son mitología, la investigación se realizó bajo la premisa de que su contenido corresponde a hechos reales. El análisis de las traducciones académicas de los textos reveló que muchos detalles críticos para comprender la historia no han sido revelados. Un análisis exhaustivo de los datos determinó las fechas más probables de los hechos. El libro presenta los acontecimientos relacionados con la llegada de los Anunnaki a la Tierra y las consecuencias de su misión de manera cronológica según los hallazgos en textos Mesopotámicos y libros antiguos. Diversas fuentes, entre ellas libros apócrifos, informes de historiadores antiguos, investigaciones científicas y registros arqueológicos, complementaron la investigación. Se descifraron muchos enigmas, entre ellos quiénes eran los Anunnaki y los Igigi (vigilantes, Nephilim). ¿Por qué, cuándo y cómo se originó el H. sapiens, cómo surgieron las otras especies y por qué se extinguieron? ¿Por qué y cuándo llegaron los Anunnaki y finalmente abandonaron la Tierra? ¿Cuándo regresará el planeta Nibiru a nuestra zona en el sistema solar interior? Los resultados y hallazgos de esta investigación merecen ser conocidos debido a la probabilidad de que las historias de los textos Mesopotámicos realmente sucedieran. Las propuestas del libro difieren de lo que hemos aprendido en las instituciones educativas sobre el origen de la humanidad e invitan al pensamiento crítico para reflexionar sobre la historia de los dioses Anunnaki. Los lectores entusiastas de la temática extraterrestre encontrarán propuestas innovadoras.