Plays. Pygmalion. The Apple Cart / Пьесы. Пигмалион. Тележка с яблоками

Book Description

Джордж Бернард Шоу (1856—1950) выдающийся британский драматург, один из основателей реалистической драмы XX века, сатирик, юморист, лауреат Нобелевской премии в области литературы. Он внес неоценимый вклад в развитие национального театра, и в Англии имя Бернарда Шоу стоит в одном ряду с именем Шекспира. Основным оружием борьбы с несправедливостью любого рода драматург считал смех. В издание вошли две лучшие пьесы автора «Пигмалион» (1913) и «Тележка с яблоками» (1929).

The Apple Cart

Book Description

This is a satirical comedy about several political ideologies that the characters expound on, often in extended monologues. The entire play revolves around a simple "conflict of interests" between a king and his prime minister. The story follows the fictional English King Magnus as he wrestles with Prime Minister Proteus and his cabinet as they seek to deprive the monarchy of its remaining political power. However, the king is adamant about taking independent positions against his Prime Minister, which leads to a clash between the two. Will the King eventually outwits the Minister

A Guide to the Plays of Bernard Shaw

Book Description

First Published in 1963 A Guide to the Plays of Bernard Shaw is a descriptive and critical account of Bernard Shaw’s work as a playwright. The leading ideas contained in the plays are discussed because they are relevant to the work of the dramatist, and the author has also commented on their original production as they were mostly done under Shaw’s direction. Author argues that if Shaw were to be reincarnated as a dramatic critic he would only too often be as scathing of the treatment of his plays upon the stage today as was G.B.S. when writing of the Shakespeare productions in the London theatre. This book is a must read for students of English literature.

The Reader's Adviser

Book Description

Book Description

Anglo-American Stage and Screen Drama

Book Description

Anglo-American Stage and Screen Drama analyses and discusses the contemporary role of stage and screen drama as a critical forum for progressive thinking in an increasingly polarised geopolitical world. The book addresses the cultural politics of socially engaged 21st century stage plays and films, and makes the case for drama as a sociopolitical forum, in which the complex and contentious issues that confront society can be explored and debated. It conceives of Anglophone political drama as a significant intervention in today’s culture wars, representing the latter as a convenient distraction from the ongoing depredations of neoliberalism. In the main part of the book selected case-study plays and films from each of the first two decades illustrate drama’s capacity to influence critical debate on social justice issues. All of the case-study texts under discussion express a powerful aesthetics of resistance to right-wing ideology, and promote inclusive and enlightened values. This broader orientation underlines drama’s role as a channel for critical agency in today’s putative post-socialist, post-democratic climate.

An Approach to Absurd Theatre in the Twentieth Century

Book Description

The present study contributes to the corpus of later 20th-century drama and theatre, examining how absurdist theatre works to show the playwrights’ deep insights into humanity’s angst through a confrontation of the deeply subconscious self and the manifest socio-moral façade around us. The book, as a consolidated study, will allow students to form a comprehensive understanding of 20th-century experimental theatre, replete with theories and discernible techniques from as early as the 1950s. It highlights the decisive turn taken by Western playwrights and the dramatic revolution that took place around the mid-20th century through the plays of Beckett, Pinter, Ionesco, Genet, Adamov, Albee, and others. The book strives to familiarize the learners systematically through scaling, surveying and scanning the multifarious literary movements and metamorphoses that created this theatrical scenario.

English Drama, 1900-1930

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English Language Study Material & Solved Papers

Book Description

2023-24 BSST English Language Study Material & Solved Papers

The Playwright as a Thinker

Book Description