Thought and Poetic Structure in San Juan de la Cruz's Symbol of Night

Book Description

Thought and Poetic Structure in San Juan de la Cruz's Symbol of Night is a comprehensive appraisal of the traditional critical perspectives of mysticism: philosophical, theological, literary, and psychological. Examining the a priori limitations of these approaches, the book presents an original definition of the symbol as an integral whole of experience and expression, and concludes that night is the form - the organizing principle - of spiritual life.

Introducción a la mística de San Juan de la Cruz AETH

Book Description

San Juan de la Cruz es el gran desconocido del pueblo cristiano. En los últimos cuarenta años han proliferado métodos de oración y meditación trascendental. Y es precisamente en esa búsqueda por encontrar una guía firme y permanente donde muchos se han topado con san Juan de la Cruz. Al paso que canta la belleza de la creación en sus sublimes poemas, el santo nos recuerda que toda la belleza creada es nada comparada con la divina. Quien renuncie a lo pasajero, superficial e ilusorio, se encontrará con el Todo de Dios. El libro que nos ofrece Isaías A. Rodríguez no pretende sustituir a san Juan en lo que pueda decirnos, sino que nos ayuda a entender lo que san Juan nos dice, a ver los caminos que va señalando, y a seguir las pautas para nuestra peregrinación que es la vida. Saint John of the Cross is the great unknown of the Christian community. The last forty years have seen a growth in prayer methods and transcendental meditation. The search for a guide that teaches such prayer and meditation practices have led many seekers to the teachings of Saint John of the Cross. Like a song that sings the beauty of the creation in its sublime poems, the Saint teaches us that all of the beauty of creation is nothing in comparison with the beauty of the divine. In this book, Isaías A. Rodriguez does not pretend to be able to substitute Saint John in what he can teach us, but he helps us to understand what Saint John says to us, to discover the roads that he shows us, and to stay on course for our life pilgrimage.

St. John of the Cross

Book Description

Looking for connections between his verse and prose, Colin Thompson argues for a theological understanding of the intensely beautiful and moving poems. He seeks to explain the principles that guide St. John in his exploration of the self and its encounter with the divine, and provides an analysis of the poet' most famous symbol - the dark night of the soul."--BOOK JACKET.

Los Dos horizontes

Book Description

Poema del Cid

Book Description

Este singular poema se constituye come el mas grande monument epico de las letras castellanas. En esta obra, de autor anonimo, se cantan las hazañas guerreras de heroe legendario de la corte de Alfonso Con aquel participamos en los inicios de la lengua castellana y nos encontramos con toda la serie de topicos que seran argument en la literatura de lengua castellana posterior, como son el honor, la valentia , la intervencion de lo maravilloso y la hidalguia De este modo, Poema de mio cid se convierte en la raiz de los romances y de motives propios de nuestra mas genuine lliteratura.


Book Description

El camino de descenso a las profundidades de nuestro ser y salida al encuentro de nuestros hermanos es cíclico y a la vez progresivo, hasta que veamos a Dios 'cara a cara'. Por esto no hay auténtica mística sin ética, ni ética verdadera sin mística, ni verdadera religión sin mística ni ética. Y todo esto lo vive la persona santa en el aquí y ahora del presente de Dios. Todo comienza con una decisión, la de salir, la de ponerse en camino para descubrir nuevos horizontes, abrirse a lo provisional y hacerse peregrino.

Romance Notes

Book Description

St John of the Cross: His Life and Poetry

Book Description

The paperback edition of a very successful and in some ways remarkable book, first published in 1973. Gerald Brenan is well known for his 'expository' works on Spanish history and literature, and now in his eighties he has returned to an early interest in the Spanish mystics to produce an absorbing study of St John of the Cross, one of the foremost of Catholic mystics and poets. The book is perhaps the first in English to combine an objective - but sensitive and lively - account of St John's life with a fresh translation (by Mr Brenan's associate Lynda Nicholson) of his verse.

From Ignatius Loyola to John of the Cross

Book Description

The 16th century saw the rise of movements of religious reform which, in Spain as elsewhere, contributed to make the history of the period such a ferment. In these essays Terence O’Reilly is concerned with the writings produced by these movements, notably Illuminism, the early Jesuits, Erasmianism, and the Carmelite reform, and with the mixture of medieval and new literary conventions that they display. The book first deals with Ignatius Loyola and his Spiritual Exercises, examining its origins in his experience of conversion and the books he read, and locating him not in the period of the militant Counter-Reform, but in an earlier world, linked to the teachings of 16th Spanish Erasmians and illuminists. One study, hitherto unpublished, presents the lost treatise in which the Dominican Melchor Cano argued that Ignatius was an alumbrado. The following sections move to the later the century, considering the connections between spirituality and literature in works such as the ode to Salinas and, above all, in the mystical poetry of John of the Cross and its basis in exegesis and liturgical and devotional texts.

Imagen y Palabra

Book Description

Imagen y palabra: En torno a "El Cristo de Velázquez" es un análisis estilístico e interpretativo del Poema cristológico de Miguel de Unamuno. El poema está inspirado en el famoso cuadro del pintor español Diego Velázquez. Unamuno comienza a componer estos poemas poco después de haber publicado su magna obra, "Del sentimiento trágico de la vida" (1913). En el poemario el Rector expone todos sus pensamientos y pensamientos en torno a la figura de Cristo. Es un poemario con profundas raíces bíblicas. A través de cada poema, escrito en clásicos endecasílabos, el poeta refleja su profunda fe en el Cristo Crucificado. Junto a su obra póstuma, "Diario intimo", esta obra poética no deja lugar a duda de que el conflictivo don Miguel murió creyente. Se encuentra aquí, pues, el "Unamuno contemplativo" frente al "Unamuno agónico" de los críticos. Eliezer Oyola hace un examen minucioso de cada poema, notando las alusiones bíblicas, literarias, históricas y mitológicas.