Poison For The Toff

Book Description

Richard Rollison, otherwise known as the Toff, has become lethargic. Aunt Gloria arranges a birthday party to cheer him up, but it ends in disaster as one of his souvenirs - a tube of arsenic - disappears, with the contents later re-appearing in the ice-cream. The Toff is spurred into action to solve one of his most difficult cases ever.

Introducing the Toff

Book Description

Whilst returning home from a cricket match at his father's country home, the Honourable Richard Rollison - alias The Toff - comes across an accident which proves to be a mystery. As he delves deeper into the matter with his usual perseverance and thoroughness , murder and suspense form the backdrop to a fast moving and exciting adventure.

To Nail A Serial Killer

Book Description

Nine suburban housewives are found murdered in their homes, and all have been raped. Gideon is called upon to investigate and is depressed not only by the sickening nature of the crimes, but also the unintended interference with his first ever visit to New York. But crime never stops, whether it be London or New York .....

Here Comes the Toff

Book Description

Every social call brings Richard Rollison, aka ‘The Toff’, closer to death in this thriller that is dominated by characters from all ends of the spectrum. As ‘The Toff’ leaves his calling cards a killer’s pace grows and his confidence with it. Can ‘The Toff’ escape death himself and at the same time unravel the mystery?

Death of an Assassin

Book Description

Roger ‘Handsome’ West of Scotland Yard has to ensure a Prince arrives in London safely. However, as the oil-magnate Prince crosses a Cathedral Square, a shot rings out. The Prince’s main Counsellor lies dead. Jim Barnett catches it all on camera, but then he too is murdered. It is up to West to solve the mystery, but just who is he up against?

Blood Red

Book Description

‘The Baron’ was selling a fabulous diamond ring known as the ‘Red Eye of Love’. The ring, however, was not wanted by its intended recipient. Could a sixth sense be at work, as the ring is surely associated with death? There is genuine mystery and a bloody mess for ‘The Baron’ to sort out with all of his usual panache and attention to detail.

The Executioners

Book Description

Roger West of Scotland Yard, gets involved in the callous brutality of the underworld. Chayter is released from prison, but some believe he should have served longer, whilst others are convinced of his innocence. West has to battle with those who want Chayter dead and also fight off any notion that ‘bygones should now be bygones’.

Palfrey Versus The League of Light

Book Description

A Darwin explorer, Keith Young, believes he has found radioactivity in a mysterious 'forbidden city', inside an aboriginal reserve. The rock formations are shaped like battlements, towers, walls and streets. At night the "city" glowed with an eerie light, which he considers to be radioactive in origin.

Versus the Baron

Book Description

John Mannering, retired jewel thief known as ‘The Baron’, is offered a set of diamonds which have been stolen from the Louvre. He faces a dangerous dilemma; the jewels may lead him to a murderer, but he is also tempted to return to his old ways. He is lead into a dangerous adventure, in which he is kidnapped and threatened with death.

Travelling Crimes

Book Description

London's transportation system is experiencing a crime wave, with a ruthless gang victimising unsuspecting commuters. There are also all of the usual thefts and 'ordinary' crimes to deal with. With murders occurring on buses, any passenger may be a target. Panic ensues and only one man, George Gideon, can remove the fear . . .