Poisonous Slow Lorises

Book Description

Slow lorises are big-eyed primates. They look so sweet that it might be tempting to approach these cute creatures, but don’t touch, slow lorises are very poisonous. When they think they’re in danger, they may deliver a toxic bite. Readers will find out much more about these fascinating creatures, including details about their habitat, diet, and life cycle. The entertaining text coupled with appealing photographs make this volume a high-interest experience for all levels of readers.

All About Asian Slow Lorises

Book Description

The slow loris is small. They look like cute teddy bears. The slow loris has a secret. They are dangerous. They have a poisonous bite. Look inside All About Asian Slow Lorises to learn about these unusual animals who live in the rainforests in Southeast Asia.

Poisonous Slow Lorises

Book Description

"Slow lorises are big-eyed primates. They look so sweet that it might be tempting to approach these cute creatures, but don't touch, slow lorises are very poisonous. When they think they're in danger, they may deliver a toxic bite. Readers will find out much more about these fascinating creatures, including details about their habitat, diet, and life cycle. The entertaining text coupled with appealing photographs make this volume a high-interest experience for all levels of readers."

Evolution, Ecology and Conservation of Lorises and Pottos'

Book Description

The first book to present the latest discoveries on the behaviour, ecology and evolutionary biology of lorises and pottos.

Primate Anti-Predator Strategies

Book Description

This volume details the different ways that nocturnal primates avoid predators. It is a first of its kind within primatology, and is therefore the only work giving a broad overview of predation – nocturnal primate predation theory in particular – in the field Additionally, the book incorporates several chapters on the theoretical advances that researchers studying nocturnal primates need to make.


Book Description

A thrilling tale of encounters with nature’s masters of biochemistry From the coasts of Indonesia to the rainforests of Peru, venomous animals are everywhere—and often lurking out of sight. Humans have feared them for centuries, long considering them the assassins and pariahs of the natural world. Now, in Venomous, the biologist Christie Wilcox investigates and illuminates the animals of our nightmares, arguing that they hold the keys to a deeper understanding of evolution, adaptation, and immunity. She reveals just how venoms function and what they do to the human body. With Wilcox as our guide, we encounter a jellyfish with tentacles covered in stinging cells that can kill humans in minutes; a two-inch caterpillar with toxic bristles that trigger hemorrhaging; and a stunning blue-ringed octopus capable of inducing total paralysis. How do these animals go about their deadly work? How did they develop such intricate, potent toxins? Wilcox takes us around the world and down to the cellular level to find out. Throughout her journey, Wilcox meets the intrepid scientists who risk their lives studying these lethal beasts, as well as “self-immunizers” who deliberately expose themselves to snakebites. Along the way, she puts her own life on the line, narrowly avoiding being envenomated herself. Drawing on her own research, Wilcox explains how venom scientists are untangling the mechanisms of some of our most devastating diseases, and reports on pharmacologists who are already exploiting venoms to produce lifesaving drugs. We discover that venomous creatures are in fact keystone species that play crucial roles in their ecosystems and ours—and for this alone, they ought to be protected and appreciated. Thrilling and surprising at every turn, Venomous will change everything you thought you knew about the planet’s most dangerous animals.

Venomous Mammals

Book Description

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Pages: 30. Chapters: Platypus, Slow loris, Sunda slow loris, Bengal slow loris, Bornean slow loris, Javan slow loris, Northern Short-tailed Shrew, Hispaniolan Solenodon, European Mole, Eurasian Water Shrew, Cuban Solenodon, Pygmy slow loris, Southern Short-tailed Shrew, Marcano's Solenodon, Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew, Giant Solenodon. Excerpt: Slow lorises are a group of five species of strepsirrhine primates which make up the genus Nycticebus. Found in South and Southeast Asia, they range from Northeast India in the west to the Philippines in the east, and from the Yunnan province in China in the north to the island of Java in the south. Although many previous classifications recognized fewer species, five are now considered valid: the Sunda slow loris (N. coucang), Bengal slow loris (N. bengalensis), pygmy slow loris (N. pygmaeus), Javan slow loris (N. javanicus), and Bornean slow loris (N. menagensis). The group's closest relatives are other lorisids, such as slender lorises, pottos, false pottos, and angwantibos. They are also closely related to the remaining lorisiforms (the various types of galago), as well as the lemurs of Madagascar. Their evolutionary history is uncertain since their fossil record is patchy and molecular clock studies have given inconsistent results. Slow lorises have a round head, narrow snout, large eyes, and a variety of distinctive coloration patterns that are species-dependent. Their arms and legs are nearly equal in length, and their trunk is long, allowing them to twist and extend to nearby branches. The hands and feet of slow lorises have several adaptations that give them a pincer-like grip and enable them to grasp branches for long periods of time. Slow lorises have a toxic bite, a rare trait among mammals. The toxin is produced by licking a gland on their arm, and the secretion mixes with its...

Deadly Venomous Mammals!

Book Description

Wildlife biologist George Madani was studying wildlife on the island of Borneo when he spotted an adorable slow loris clinging to a mango tree. The tiny, furry primate was so cute that George leaned in to look at it. As he got close, the loris nipped him on the finger. Soon after, George’s mouth began to swell and he felt short of breath. He was in a very remote location. Would George be able to get help in time? Learn all about rare venomous mammals in this engrossing new narrative nonfiction book for young readers. It’s packed with exciting wildlife encounters, cutting-edge science, and loads of info about venom and its deadly effects.

戰勝學測 文意選填+篇章結構完全攻略

Book Description

#符合111學年度起適用最新學測題型 #108課綱核心素養 專攻英文科文意選填+篇章結構兩大題型 通曉單字文意,剖析文本架構,高效拿下學測重點分 ■ 本書四大特色 ① 題材多元 試題選文多元,跨學科、跨領域,取材發揮不設限 ② 對症下藥 針對文意選填+篇章結構廣泛練習,深入要領奪取高分 ③ 高頻命中 重要字詞詳列學測歷屆出現年份,迅速掌握高考頻單字 ④ 解析詳盡 文章中英對照,翻譯與解題,重點一目了然,自學便利 適用對象→欲加強升大學考試中「文意選填」與「篇章結構」兩大題型的學測應考生,以及想增進英語閱讀能力的一般讀者。 108新課綱強調「核心素養」,除了落實教學層面,也將此概念融入評量中。大學學科能力測驗體現新課綱精神,不僅取材更多元,跨領域、貼近生活的各式素材入題,完整反映資訊來源的廣度。出題方式亦趨靈活,自111學年度起,學測英文科加入「篇章結構」與「混合題」。整體來說,除了考驗學生對文章脈絡的理解深度外,邏輯推論、統整分析的能力也不可或缺。 本書因應新型學測題型編纂,共20個單元,專攻學測選擇題中的「文意選填」與「篇章結構」兩大重點題型。朝向新課綱「跨領域」的訴求,全書文章選材豐富多元,橫跨社會、生物、音樂等學科,並涉及文化、環保、科技、飲食、生活、藝術等,兼容並包。 l 文意選填 每篇文章依大考形式設計10處考點,精選重點實詞、虛詞、語態、時態變化及慣用語等。應考時可藉由分析原句句構決定需要填入的詞性,或觀察、推敲空格前後是否運用某固定片語、句型,再透過語意篩選出正確答案。 l 篇章結構 每篇文章依新型學測趨勢設計4處考點,每格需填入一個完整句子。此題型的重點為正確理解文章架構,對於起承轉合的寫作模式也須有基本認識,並透過轉承語精準訓練篇章(discourse)概念。 本書在文章選材、試題設計方面都經過精心規劃,詳盡的解析也有助學生在試後檢討時融會貫通,達到最強學習功效,乃考生準備大考時的最佳工具書! 目錄介紹 Unit 1 Animals動物奇觀 Unit 2 Arts and Humanities 藝術人文 Unit 3 Business商業趨勢 Unit 4 Daily Life日常生活 Unit 5 Ecology生態保育 Unit 6 Education / Schooling學校教育 Unit 7 Entertainment影視娛樂 Unit 8 Environmental Concern環保議題 Unit 9 Food 美食饗宴 Unit 10 Health健康知識 Unit 11 Medicare醫療保健 Unit 12 Nature自然奧秘 Unit 13 People / Celebrities人物專題 Unit 14 Science科學探索 Unit 15 Society社會關懷 Unit 16 Sports運動軼事 Unit 17 Technology科技新知 Unit 18 Tourist Attractions旅遊景點 Unit 19 Trends趨勢瞭望 Unit 20 World Culture世界文化 單元簡答表

Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior

Book Description

Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Second Edition, Four Volume Set the latest update since the 2010 release, builds upon the solid foundation established in the first edition. Updated sections include Host-parasite interactions, Vertebrate social behavior, and the introduction of ‘overview essays’ that boost the book's comprehensive detail. The structure for the work is modified to accommodate a better grouping of subjects. Some chapters have been reshuffled, with section headings combined or modified. Represents a one-stop resource for scientifically reliable information on animal behavior Provides comparative approaches, including the perspective of evolutionary biologists, physiologists, endocrinologists, neuroscientists and psychologists Includes multimedia features in the online version that offer accessible tools to readers looking to deepen their understanding