Política social y pueblos indígenas

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Los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes ante el nuevo milenio

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Este documento propone un marco de antecedentes que permita contribuir al seguimiento de las acciones y propuestas emanadas del proceso que llevó a la Conferencia de Durban en Sudáfrica. Para ello se reúnen antecedentes respecto de los procesos en que se inscribe la Conferencia de Santiago + 5, en especial la evolución de los acuerdos y tratados que en el sistema de Naciones Unidas han marcado la dinámica de reconocimiento de la situación y los derechos de las minorías étnicas y raciales. También se sintetizan los antecedentes históricos relativos a la discriminación racial y étnica en el ámbito global y regional, con énfasis en las condiciones de negación, discriminación, exclusión y falta de ciudadanía efectiva que han padecido secularmente las mencionadas minorías.

Relaciones y arreglos políticos y jurídicos entre los estados y los pueblos indígenas en América Latina en la última década

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El estudio que forma parte de una investigación sobre etnicidad y ciudadanía en América Latina y el Caribe tiene por propósito analizar los cambios que han ocurrido en la década de 1990 con respecto a las relaciones entre los gobiernos y los pueblos indígenas latinoamericanos. Se trata de pasar revista a las nuevas políticas adoptadas en estas materias, a los acuerdos a que se ha llegado por la vía legislativa como asimismo a las demandas, programas de acción y otras peticiones que están pendientes.

The Politics of Identity in Latin American Censuses

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The Politics of Identity in Latin American Censuses contributes new and original perspectives to existing discussions about the shaping of multiculturalist ideology in Latin America, its interweaving with the cultural politics of neoliberalism and the relation between ethnic identification resurgence and economic globalization. Scrutinising national censuses across the continent, the studies included in this volume reveal clear relationships between censuses, nation-building and government projects, but also strong and determinant connections between domestic and supra-national spheres. The contributors to this volume open provocative avenues of research on Latin American societies by demonstrating how, in the realm of identity politics, supra-national institutions and normativity socialise national census bureaus in a way that largely annuls ideological differences between regional governments. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research.

Handbook of Research on Revisioning and Reconstructing Higher Education After Global Crises

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Global challenges, in a chaotic context, are ever in play, emerging and receding in time. At the present moment, the global challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in several years of mass-scale challenges and lost learning and socialization from K-12 to higher education for many. The pandemic has been a high consequence and continuing event. Universities and colleges have been under unprecedented budgetary strain. Despite all the immense and irreparable human losses, humanity is moving forward with lessons from the past several years. The Handbook of Research on Revisioning and Reconstructing Higher Education After Global Crises explores how global higher education will recover from the global pandemic at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels, and how they will re-establish their relevance for teaching and learning, research and innovation, and social contributions. Covering topics such as campus life, online library services, and Indigenous students, this major reference work is an essential resource for educators and administrators of higher education, government officials, students of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.

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Law & Anthropology

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The Law & Anthropology Yearbook brings together a collection of studies that discuss legal problems raised by cultural differences between people and the law to which they are subject. Volume 10 of Law & Anthropology includes eight studies that discuss various forms in which the rights of indigenous people are violated. Topics include: the way in which the seemingly neutral criminal justice system of Canada discriminates against aboriginal people; the fact that land rights issues of indigenous peoples cannot be separated from political rights; the conceptual differences between the human rights concepts underlying the modern international system, and the concepts behind human rights as these are understood in the Guatemalan Highlands; and the relationship between the rights of indigenous peoples and upcoming new standards of environmental law.