POSHAN's abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 29

Book Description

In this issue of Abstract Digest, we present to you a collection of articles on various outcomes, determinants and interventions related to maternal and child nutrition, from around the world and India, in particular. Additionally, articles from three special issues including BMJ Global Health’s supplement on the measurement of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition, Maternal & Child Nutrition’s supplement on the marketing and consumption of commercial foods fed to young children in low and middle‐income countries, and the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences’ special issue on the risk of excessive intake of vitamins and minerals are featured in this issue.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 38

Book Description

Issue 38 of the Abstract Digest brings to you a series of studies on nutrition outcomes, including prevalence of stunting and its association with women’s empowerment, nutrients in complementary feeding, and the impact of nutritional interventions among lactating mothers. In this issue we have also included two special sections. One features COVID-19 related studies and blogs, and the other features studies that have used the recently released National Family Health Survey-5 data.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 49

Book Description

The 49th issue of Abstract Digest features a set of studies on child growth, including patterns of child stunting in low- and middle-income countries, various forms of inequities in child growth, and the role of milk in child growth. It also includes studies on obesity in India and the double burden of malnutrition. Anemia is also highlighted in this issue, with one article presenting a framework on integrated action for anemia and the other exploring the timely diagnosis of anemia. This edition also presents various studies examining the factors associated with coverage of antenatal coverage, with maternal behavior change, with kangaroo mother care, and with breastfeeding practices. Two articles focus on frontline workers, and there is a systematic review that examines dietary diversity and undernutrition among school children. Moreover, this issue features authors’ correspondence and responses in The Lancet on gender sensitivity in the National Family Health Surveys.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 40

Book Description

In this 40th issue of the POSHAN Abstract Digest, we bring to you a collection of articles on the burden of malnutrition in India, its distribution patterns and determinants. You will find several articles focused on nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive solutions aimed at improving nutritional outcomes and determinants. This issue also features two articles on data for nutrition, one pertaining to data availability for nutrition financing in India and another describing the current situation of reliable biomarker data availability on micronutrient deficiencies at the global level. We have also included a small section on COVID-19 focused peer-reviewed articles.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 45

Book Description

In this 45th issue of the POSHAN Abstract Digest, we bring you a collection of articles on child, adolescent, and maternal malnutrition. It features studies on micronutrient deficiencies and on anemia among adolescents, inequities in undernutrition among children, and inequities in overweight and obesity among women. It also features an evaluation study of self-group-based behavior change intervention in rural India and its impacts on multiple maternal and child outcomes, and a comprehensive review of smartphone applications delivering child nutrition information.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 48

Book Description

The 48th issue of Abstract Digest features studies on anemia highlighting trends, inequities, and determinants of anemia among various population groups. Another study examined micronutrient deficiencies and their association with cognitive function among children and adolescents. This issue also includes the latest Lancet 2023 Breastfeeding Series editorial and three-papers that outline the multifaceted and highly effective strategies used by commercial formula manufacturers to target parents, health-care professionals, and policy-makers. Other studies included are on patterns in the prevalence of unvaccinated children, variations in measures of poverty, and an assessment of progress on the sustainable development goals. Another study examined the validity of maternal reports of receiving counseling on infant and young child feeding, and yet another one examined utilization of systematic review-based evidence in formulating guidelines for the National Health Programme.

POSHAN's abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 31

Book Description

In this issue of Abstract Digest, we present to you a collection of articles on various outcomes, determinants and interventions related to maternal and child nutrition, from around the world and India, in particular. Additionally, we bring to you two salient reports, which have been released recently. UNICEF’s Children, Food and Nutrition: Growing well in a changing world highlights the state of the world’s children in 2019. India’s Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey provides significant information on malnutrition, anemia and micronutrient deficiencies among children and adolescents in India.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 33

Book Description

This issue of Abstract Digest comes to you at an unprecedented time of COVID-19 pandemic. We hope all of you are healthy and safe. In the current circumstances, Naja and Hamadeh present a framework for action at multiple levels to maintain optimal nutrition during COVID-19, at the individual, community, national and global levels. Along with it, this issue has a collection of articles on various outcomes, determinants and interventions related to maternal and child nutrition.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 46

Book Description

Issue 46 of the POSHAN Abstract Digest brings to you yet another collection of articles on various maternal and child nutrition topics. This issue features studies on the prevalence and impact of anaemia in adolescents, an ecological analysis of child undernutrition and overweight, micronutrient supplementation and linear growth, diets, diet quality, and dietary diversity. growth. This issue also include two studies- one on cost-consequence analyses and another on the process evaluation-based on nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions implemented in Odisha to improve maternal and child health nutrition. Other interesting studies included in this issue are on birthweight data quality, decentralization in the Integrated Child Development Services, use of digital technology to improve service delivery, and changes to service delivery in multiple states across India during COVID-19.

POSHAN’s abstract digest on maternal and child nutrition research - Issue 37

Book Description

Issue 37 of the Abstract Digest brings to you a set of global, regional, and India-focused articles on issues pertaining to undernutrition and its solutions. Global studies include the Optima Nutrition modelling assessing the likelihood of 129 countries reaching the global nutrition targets by 2030, a systematic review of economic evaluation of interventions to address undernutrition by scaling up proven interventions and identifying priority interventions, a study that identifies research priorities for social, behavioral and community engagement interventions for maternal and child health, and a review of literature on social accountability approaches. India-specific studies examine inequality in child undernutrition among urban populations, the economic feasibility of nutritionally adequate diets, and two studies focusing on frontline workers time use and factors influencing their performance. In this edition we have also included implementation research focused articles relevant for maternal and child health programs.