Practising the Dhamma with a View to Nibbāna

Book Description

"This book is divided into two parts that I have called "THE WHY" and "THE HOW". Part I shows you WHY you should practise the Dhamma with a view to Nibbana. It is designed to make you understand how rare is the appearance of a Buddha and how very fortunate you are to be born at a time when the teachings of a Buddha are available. It also shows you how difficult and rare it is to be born as a human being. It is designed to encourage you to strive on with diligence and concentrated, continuous effort. Part II concentrates on "HOW" one practises the Dhamma with a view to Nibbana. Once you have realized the urgency of practising the Dhamma, it is important to know how to practise the Dhamma with a view to Nibbana. "THE HOW" begins by introducing you to Nibbana and the characteristics that must be destroyed to attain it, and then goes on to show how one destroys or eradicates each of these characteristics. It is designed to introduce the reader to the practice of the Dhamma with a view to enlightenment."--Author's preface

Entering the Stream of Dhamma

Book Description

I would like to begin by discussing the meaning of the title, “Entering the Stream of Dhamma,” so that we understand it in the same way. All followers of the Dhamma want to enter the stream of Dhamma, but we may be talking about different things. In fact, there is only one true meaning. My explanation is for you to consider, review and contemplate with wisdom before you decide whether or not it is right. The Noble Ones, from the sotapanna stage on, are those who have entered the stream of Dhamma. Although sotapannas, those reaching the first of the four levels of Noble Ones, have not yet been completely purified, they are enlightened enough to see clearly the right path to Nibbana, the Final Goal or the complete eradication of suffering. In other words, they have undoubtedly entered the stream leading to Nibbana with no turning back, and know this for themselves the first moment they step into this path. At that point they become Stream Enterers, and are regarded as nitaya-puggala, people who are advancing toward Nibbana and will never return to the stage of ordinary people. Even though they may be reborn in this world, they will experience no more than seven lives before attaining Nibbana. The Lord Buddha taught clearly and reasonably how to enter the stream of Dhamma. In his time, his followers practiced in accordance with the Noble Eightfold Path and attained the Noble Fruitions. If we want to reach the same goal, we must strictly follow the Lord Buddha’s teachings, and we will enter the stream of Dhamma just like the people in his time. What the Noble Fruitions were like in the past is still the same now and will continue to be so forever. Phra Acariya Thoon Khippapanno

The Dawn of the Dhamma

Book Description


Book Description

The teachings beyond ordinary views of Dhamma are rare, and those who wish to pursue the disciple route to reach a Stream Entry and gain benefit for themselves will need to reflect wisely and understand the teachings beyond ordinary views. Those who will hear and will practice Dhamma beyond common ways will gain a precious opportunity to enter the Stream-entry state, to develop higher knowledge, and to enter into Nibbana. Consequently, they will be able to stop experiencing stress and samsara for themselves. The easiest way to develop vision leading to Nibbana is hearing Dhamma from someone who has already developed right understanding across four stages of Nibbana. Nibbana that is hard to see can be seen for those who develop internal qualities and wisdom to see dhamma beyond ordinary views. The purpose of this book is to clarify the teachings of Buddha leading to Nibbana beyond common views. Such clarification will be helpful for practitioners to develop an understanding of Nibbana beyond common views to develop an understanding of a Stream Winner.


Book Description

The Path to Nibbana

Book Description

What is Nibbana? Is Awakening possible? This new book says definitely yes! But only if you follow the method laid out by the Buddha in his earliest teachings. Nibbana can and does occur. In this book, you will be shown the step by step progression through the eight aware jhanas (levels of understanding) to the final cessation and the appearing of the unconditioned, and the joy that arises afterward.

The Only Way for the Realization of Nibbāna

Book Description

In The Only Way for the Realization of Nibbāna, the Most Venerable Sayadaw gives a brief summary of the practice necessary for such realization, namely samatha and vipassanā. He bases his discussion on the first section of the ‘Mahā∙Sati∙Paṭṭhāṇa Sutta’, the in&out-breath section of ‘The Great Mindfulness-Foundation Sutta’. In the preface (pp.1-23), the Sayadaw discusses the ‘Mahā∙Sati∙Paṭṭhāṇa Sutta’ within the context of other suttas where The Buddha discusses the practice necessary for realizing Nibbāna. Afterwards, the Sayadaw discusses the in&out-breath section of the sutta within the context of the remaining sections of ‘The Great Mindfulness-Foundation Sutta’. Afterwards, the entire in&out-breath section is quoted (pp.25-26). And there is a brief discussion of how one progresses from mundane samatha and vipassanā to supramundane samatha and vipassanā (p.27). The Sayadaw then discusses in practical detail The Buddha’s instructions on samatha in the in&out-breath section of the ‘Mahā∙Sati∙Paṭṭhāṇa Sutta’, beginning with Ever mindful he breathes in; ever mindful he breathes out; ending with ‘Tranquillizing the body formation, I shall breathe in ’: thus he trains. ‘Tranquillizing the body formation, I shall breathe out ’: thus he trains; this being the four stages of development for attaining the four jhānas (pp.28-36). The Sayadaw then discusses in practical detail The Buddha’s instructions on the four stages of vipassanā. First Thus he abides contemplating the body in the body internally, or he abides contemplating the body in the body externally, or he abides contemplating the body in the body internally and externally; this being direct know­ledge and contemplation of ultimate materiality and ultimate mentality through the elements contemplation section of the ‘Mahā∙Sati­∙Paṭ­ṭhāṇa Sutta’, as well as the sections of consciousness-, feelings- and dhammas contemplation (pp.37-60). Second He abides contemplating originating phenomena in the body; or he abides contemplating perishing phenomena in the body; or he abides contemplating [both] originating&perishing phenomena in the body; this being the direct know­ledge and contemplation of causal and momentary rise&perish (pp.61-65). Third Or mindfulness that ‘there is the body’ is established just sufficient for knowledge, sufficient for mindfulness; this being the higher mundane vipassanā knowledges, prior to the realization of Nibbāna (p.66). Fourth And he abides independent, and does not cling to anything in the world; this being the supramundane realization of Nibbāna (p.67). The Saya­daw describes each stage of samatha and vipassanā in terms of the Noble Eightfold Path, and he describes vipassanā in terms of the full knowledges described by The Buddha as necessary for realization of Nibbāna, quoted and discussed in the preface. Their mutual correspondence is shown in a table (p.69). Tables describe the phenomena that make up ultimate materiality (pp.41-45) and mentality (pp.51, 53, 56-59) as described by The Buddha, and their correspondence to the various classifications given by The Buddha in earlier quoted suttas (p.71): the five aggregates (p.72), twelve bases (p.73), eighteen elements (p.74), and four Noble Truths (p.75). [From a book published by Pa-Auk Meditation Centre, a Centre of Theravāda Buddhist Tradition]

A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (T. W. I. M. )

Book Description

In this booklet are the beginning instructions for Mett� or Loving-kindness Meditation, as part of the 'Practice of the Brahmaviharas.' Bhante Vimalaramsi calls this Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation or TWIM for short. This is the practice described in earliest Buddhist teachings that the Buddha gave the monks to attain Nibbana. The way Bhante teaches this meditation practice yields very fast results. The warm, happy feeling of Loving-kindness, and the 6Rs practice system Bhante has discovered based on right-effort, gives you deep and profound states of meditation in only a matter of weeks or even days, when practiced consistently. Did you know Loving-kindness will take you deeper faster than doing Breath Meditation? Did you know that Metta DOES take you to Nibbana? This booklet gives the preliminary instructions for the practice of Metta and how to handle hindrances. This practice can also be brought into your daily life and helps with all your life/work situations and the many relationships you have. Mindfulness is re-defined here and practicing in this way yields the attainment of what Bhante calls the Tranquil Aware Jhanas. They are related to concentration Jhanas but are not the same. Through this practice, you can experience these deep states within days or weeks, not years or decades. Even just doing sitting practice at home. Bhante has students he has never met or taken a retreat who have gone all the way to awakening by using this system at home. Everything is here, and in detail, with many tips and examples, to get the meditator on his way to experiencing awakening in this very life. For more than 40 years Bhante Vimalaramsi researched and practiced many methods without finding any real satisfaction. He went back to the earliest Buddhist teachings, using the Majjhima Nikaya and found what he was seeking. He found the step that had been left out! Find out what that is (hint- to 'tranquilize'). Bhante Vimalaramsi's method of "The 6Rs", is the key to the step he found, which is the "Relax" step. In the suttas, it is called "Tranquilize." Once you learn this practice you can continue by going to Bhante's website and doing online retreats from home or visiting his center one of the retreats around the world he conducts. Bhante Vimalaramsi has been a monk since 1986 and practiced with many of the major Buddhist teachers in Asia. He now teaches all over the world and is the abbot of the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center near St. Louis, Mo, USA. He is also the US representative to the World Buddhist Summit.