Prayer Force

Book Description

Many 21st Century Christians have excused themselves from the Biblical mandate to engage in effectual prayer and meditation. God is unlimited, yet He chooses to demonstrate His power through prayer. "Prayer Force" is a call to the believer for greater intimacy and communion with God. Prayer is not a magic wand. Perhaps the chief reason believers do not pray consistently is because they do not see their prayers answered. Without God's prerequisites, prayer remains unanswered. Misconceptions regarding prayer must be dispelled with the foundational Biblical descriptions. Priorities dictate schedules and schedules reveal priorities. If prayer is not a priority in action, it is not a priority at all. A look at God's view from Scripture and men's view from life, combine to make this book a dynamic propeller to fight the good fight on our knees. Pastor Kenneth J. Spink grew up in western New York, the 7th of 12 children. He is a graduate of Baptist Bible College and Baptist Bible Seminary of Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Debbie, have four children. He has served as Senior Pastor of the Berea Baptist Church in Berea, OH since 1984, on the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Council of 12 and the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches Council of 18. He has also served on the Baptist Mid-Mission General Council since 1988, where he presently fills the role of Chairman. In addition to his ministry as pastor, he has had numerous opportunities to develop and teach college level Bible courses. Pastor Spink has preached and encouraged believers in Hong Kong, Japan, Jamaica, Brazil, Chile, as well as Alaska and several other States.


Book Description

While handling the tough assignment among half a million hostile Moros, Laubach experienced a most extraordinary breakthrough of the sense of the Lord's presence as he prayed. Prayer was for him "the mightiest force in the world."

A Wing and a Prayer

Book Description

“A compelling account of the air war against Germany” written by the navigator portrayed by Anthony Boyle in Apple TV’s Masters of the Air (Publishers Weekly). They began operations out of England in the spring of ’43. They flew their Flying Fortresses almost daily against strategic targets in Europe in the name of freedom. Their astonishing courage and appalling losses earned them the name that resounds in the annals of aerial warfare and made the “Bloody Hundredth” a legend. Harry H. Crosby—depicted in the miniseries Masters of the Air developed by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg—arrived with the very first crews, and left with the very last. After dealing with his fear and gaining in skill and confidence, he was promoted to Group Navigator, surviving hairbreadth escapes and eluding death while leading thirty-seven missions, some of them involving two thousand aircraft. Now, in a breathtaking and often humorous account, he takes us into the hearts and minds of these intrepid airmen to experience both the triumph and the white-knuckle terror of the war in the skies. “Affecting . . . A vivid account . . . Uncommonly thoughtful recollections that address the moral ambiguities of a great cause without in any way denigrating the selfless valor or camaraderie that helped ennoble it.” —Kirkus Reviews “Re-creates for us the sense of how it was when European skies were filled with noise and danger, when the fate of millions hung in the balance. An evocative and excellent memoir.” —Library Journal “The acrid stench of fear and cordite, the coal burning stoves, the heroics, the losses . . . This has to be the best memoir I have read, bar none.” —George Hicks, director of the Airmen Memorial Museum

54 Day Basic Training in Holiness

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54 Day Spiritual training and Novena

Prayer: a Force That Causes Change

Book Description

There is more to prayer than meets the eye; it can be hard work. In Prayer: A Force that Causes Change, author David Williamson analyzes how to pray and what to pray and provides a thorough discussion of prayer and effective faith-filled prayers. In this, his fourth volume, Williamson shares a series of articles previously published in the weekly online newsletter Voice of Thanksgiving. The articles promote power in prayerprayer that accomplishes Gods plans and goals here on earth. In this collection, Williamson continues with themes leading to power in prayer: Partnership of God and man in prayer Dealing with faith killers: doubt, fear, and unbelief Breaking down barriers to prayer Components of effective prayer Breakthrough in prayer The articles in Prayer: A Force that Causes Change illustrate how a life of effective prayer is one of a close relationship to God and a life filled with answers to prayers. Effective prayers can lead to changes in peoples lives, family, church, neighborhood, cities, and nations. It shows how prayer opens doors that have previously been closed.

Prayer as a Force

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Book Description

AWAKENING AWARENESS During the course of preparing for publication, many personal interviews were made in a test of the present stage of awareness of an individual's sense of self, of who the "I am" really is. These interviews were generally spontaneous, conducted in a natural setting during a conversation in which I would take advantage of a pause and quietly say: "I am going to ask you three questions which will change your awareness of who you really are. You will simply give me one-word answers, and by doing so you will begin to think of yourself in a new way. First: Are you more than a body? Yes, I am more than a body" Second: Since you are more than a body, what is the "more?" What is the "more" than my body? My Soul. Third: Since your soul is "more" than your body think now are you a body with a soul, or are you a soul in a body? Which has domain, your body or your soul? Which is the real you? (Longer pause) Most replied by saying "I am a soul in a body." ********** "With" or "in" is determinative, and the one you choose, like a fork in the road, will control your path ahead. If one chooses "with," it is an admission that Darwin is right; we are Homo sapiens, intelligent animals descended from the ape. As Donald Trump said, "Life is what you do when you are waiting to die." If one chooses "in," then one believes we cannot die. We are Human Beings, ascended from within, on the earth but not of it, destined to graduate when our bodies die and we return to the universe from whence we came as Souls in the form of radiant energy. The key to the fork in the road is awareness, for we become as we think. Who we think we are is that which we become. Descended from the ape or ascended from within, there is magic in the awakening of awareness of who is in control during our time of life on earth, and the personal awareness of who "I am" ignites the presence of enthusiasm within us entheos: God within. *********** BEING . . . is Nathan Shippee's autobiography of his Soul following his out-of-body experience.

Purpose in Prayer

Book Description

Reproduction of the original.

Answered Prayer

Book Description

The utmost possibilities of prayer have rarely been realized. The promises of God are answered to those who truly pray. His promises to answer, to do, and to give “all things,” “anything,” “whatsoever,” and “all things whatsoever” are so very large, so very great, and so exceedingly broad that it almost staggers our faith and causes us to hesitate with astonishment. All God asks is that, when we pray, we believe Him and trust that His promises in His Word are true.

Purpose In Prayer

Book Description

"The more praying there is in this world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil everywhere. Prayer, in one phase of its operation, is a disinfectant and a preventive. It purifies the air; it destroys the contagion of evil. Prayer is no fitful, short-lived thing. It is no voice crying unheard and unheeded in silence. It is a voice which goes into God's ear, and it lives as long as God's ear is open to holy pleas, as long as God's heart is alive to holy things." Purpose in Prayer will awaken those who have neglected prayer, encourage those who desire help in this spiritual exercise, and give significant instruction to all who read its pages.