Preaching the Cross

Book Description

Prominent authors call pastors to pursue gospel-saturated, preaching-centered ministries.

The Message of the Cross

Book Description

For several months, prior to publication, some people were asking that we should write this book and that it be entitled, “The Message Of The Cross”. • I believed then and now that their request was from the Lord. Consequently, this book is the result of that need. • This Message, “The Message Of The Cross” is the single most important Message of the Word in any language. The Salvation of the soul and how we live for God is important beyond comprehension. • I feel every Believer will be greatly strengthened in the Word if they will avail themselves of this publication.

The Crucifixion

Book Description

Few treatments of the death of Jesus Christ have made a point of accounting for the gruesome, degrading, public manner of his death by crucifixion, a mode of execution so loathsome that the ancient Romans never spoke of it in polite society. Rutledge probes all the various themes and motifs used by the New Testament evangelists and apostolic writers to explain the meaning of the cross of Christ. She shows how each of the biblical themes contributes to the whole, with the Christus Victor motif and the concept of substitution sharing pride of place along with Irenaeus's recapitulation model.

Tethered to the Cross

Book Description

What guided English Baptist minister Charles H. Spurgeon's reading of Scripture? Tracing the development of Spurgeon's thought and his approach to biblical hermeneutics throughout his ministry, theologian and historian Thomas Breimaier argues that Spurgeon viewed the entire Bible through the lens of the cross of Christ.

Dying to Preach

Book Description

A fresh approach to the theology of preaching that will inspire every pastor

The Cross of Christ

Book Description

Why should the cross—an object of Roman distaste and Jewish disgust—be the emblem of our worship and the axiom of our faith? And what does it mean for us today? In the centennial edition of this study of Scripture, theology, and contemporary issues, John Stott brings you face to face with the centrality of the cross in God's plan of redemption.

Proclaiming a Cross-Centered Theology (Contributors: Thabiti M. Anyabwile, John MacArthur, John Piper, R.C. Sproul)

Book Description

Some of the leading voices in evangelical Christianity reaffirm the importance of preaching biblical theology for the health of our churches. Loving, teaching, and rightly dividing the Word of God is every pastor's privilege and responsibility. If a pastor understands what the Word says about God, man, and the curse, about Christ and his substitutionary atonement, and about the call to repentance and sacrifice, he will develop and preach a sound theology. And sound theology is, in the words of J. Ligon Duncan, essential to faithful pastoral ministry. Proclaiming a theology that is centered on Christ's atonement is especially critical, for by this atonement, Christians have been brought from death to life, and by it a church lives or dies. In this penetrating sequel to Preaching the Cross, John Piper, R. C. Sproul, John MacArthur, and Thabiti Anyabwile join authors Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, C. J. Mahaney, and Albert Mohler in exploring the church's need for faithful proclamation and calling pastors and churches to cross-centered, scripturally saturated thinking.

Seven-Mile Miracle

Book Description

His Final Words Are Your New Beginning It’s Good Friday. The Son of God is giving up his life. What does he want to say to us in His final hours? What does He tell the people standing at the foot of the cross, to pass down to the ages? He speaks only seven short statements. Words of forgiveness, salvation, relationship, abandonment, distress, triumph, and reunion. Seven statements that mean everything. In Seven-Mile Miracle, Pastor Steven Furtick shows us how Jesus’s last words offer mile markers for our journey in relationship with God. It’s a lifelong journey and it’s not always easy. But Jesus is both our guide and our destination as we travel. Includes questions for reflection and a forty-day reading guide to Jesus’s death and resurrection. A Proven Path for Spiritual Growth From time to time we all feel stuck in our relationship with God and frustrated by life’s setbacks. Jesus faced what could have been the ultimate defeat on the cross. Yet he emerged triumphant through his relationship with his heavenly Father. And he showed us the way so that we could do the same. In Seven-Mile Miracle, Steven Furtick explores how Jesus’s seven last statements on the cross offer a proven spiritual growth path for us. You will experience the Easter message more personally than ever before as you engage the words of forgiveness, salvation, relationship, abandonment, distress, triumph, reunion. After all, we are not simply believers—people who have put our faith in Jesus. We are not simply disciples—pupils who learn from him. We are called to be followers of Christ. This is your opportunity to follow Jesus through his death, and move forward in his resurrection power, starting now.

Stumbling over the Cross

Book Description

It has never been easy to preach about the cross and resurrection of Jesus, but difficulties today are particularly challenging. Hearers ask tough questions of the church and the Christian faith, and they are not satisfied by formulaic answers. People are often suspicious of doctrine and are attracted to a broad but vague or pluralistic spirituality rather than the classical claims of Christianity. In this climate, preachers often see preaching on the central events of the Christian story, the crucifixion and resurrection, as more of a problem than a possibility, more of a burden than a joy. They wonder not only how to preach the "old, old story" of cross and resurrection but whether they should preach these themes at all. This book addresses these concerns and shows preachers how to preach the cross and resurrection in fresh, culturally relevant ways that deepen Christian discipleship. Each chapter shows the relevance of preaching the cross for addressing a particular congregational concern. What has ironically become a stumbling block in the pulpit, the stone that preachers often reject--preaching on the cross and resurrection of Jesus--can serve as the cornerstone for building up the congregation for discipleship in our world.

When God is Silent

Book Description

In these 1997 Lyman Beecher Lectures in Preaching delivered at Yale Divinity School, the author focuses on the task of those who preach and those who hear sermons in a world where people thirst for a word from God.