Precipitating Electron and Ion Detectors (SSJ/4) for the Block 5D/flights 6-10 DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) Satellites: Calibration and Data Presentation

Book Description

The satellites of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) are flown operationally to provide data for the specification of terrestrial weather and the near earth space environment. In support of space environment specification the satellites starting the F6, carry an improved set of electrostatic analyzers SSJ/4, designed to measure the flux of precipitating electrons and ions with energies between 30 eV and 30 keV. The data from these analyses are routinely processed at AFCL and are available to the scientific community. Both by itself, and in combination with other sensors on the satellite, the SSJ/4 detectors provide important data for the study of auroral processes. This report was prepared to facilitate the widespread use of the SSJ/4 data.