Cahokia and the Hinterlands

Book Description

Covering topics as diverse as economic modeling, craft specialization, settlement patterns, agricultural and subsistence systems, and the development of social ranking, Cahokia and the Hinterlands explores cultural interactions among Cahokians and the inhabitants of other population centers, including Orensdorf and the Dickson Mounds in Illinois and Aztalan in Wisconsin, as well as sites in Minnesota, Iowa, and at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Proposing sophisticated and innovative models for the growth, development, and decline of Mississippian culture at Cahokia and elsewhere, this volume also provides insight into the rise of chiefdoms and stratified societies and the development of trade throughout the world.

Archaic Societies

Book Description

Essential overview of American Indian societies during the Archaic period across central North America.

The Marge Site

Book Description

This report details Late Archaic and Terminal Late Woodland (Emergent Mississippian) occupations. This site yielded a semi-subterranean house, short-term hunting/butchering camp, lithic artifacts, and other debitage providing new information regarding the dynamics of this critical transition period in the American Bottom.