Preparing for the Latter Rain

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Preparation for the Latter Rain

Book Description

CHRIST'S MESSAGE TO THE REMNANT Laodicea's Great Need A Grove Crisis Awaits us The Laodicean Message Satan's Deceptions Arousing God's People Those Who Heed the MessageTHE EARLY RAIN NEEDED NOW The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit The Indispenable Early Rain Preparing Now for the Latter RainTHE MIND OF CHRIST Christ recieved a Daily Baptism of the Holy Spirit What will the Holy Spirit Do For Us? The Love of GodENOCH AND JOHN THE BAPTIIST Knowing God. Enoch John the Baptist The Holy Spirit Given Without MeasureTHE LATTER RAIN. The Mark of the Beast The Great Test The Latter Rain and the Loud Cry The Close of Probation. DANGER AHEAD A Snare of SatanADDITIONAL QUOTATIONS FOR MEDITATION Unlimited Possibilities

The Upward Look

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40 Days

Book Description

Do you desire a more meaningful study and prayer life?Do you feel the need to reach out to others for Christ?If so, youve come to the right place.This book contains 40 days of devotional studies designed to strengthen your relationship with Christ and enable you to lead others to Him. God wants to do something significant in your life, too. Not only does He long to draw you into closer fellowship with HimHe also wants to minister to others through you. And as you spend 40 amazing days with God, He will prepare you for earths final crisis and Christs long-anticipated second coming.

Special Preparation for the Latter Rain

Book Description

Special Preparation for the Latter Rain- Genuine Revival and Reformation compiled by Sulad Jhun Cardeinte is an excellent Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy sermon-type compilation specially compiled for new believers in Jesus. The topic how to experience new birth, solution to our Laodicean condition and how be an overcomer are highlighted in this work. What you will like about this compilation is the very easy to understand approach consists of hundreds of Spirit of Prophecy quotations and Bible References. Indeed, this is a must-read for spiritual revival and reformation in a church plague with serious lukewarm condition.

The Early and Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit

Book Description

Why this, another compilation from the Spirit of Prophecy? Why not be content to let the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy speak for themselves? If we would do this we wouldn't publish anything about any subject. Because most Seventh-day Adventists are woefully lacking in understanding on this vital subject, it needs to be pin-pointed for them in clear, easy-to-understand language! Because most Seventh-day Adventists grossly misunderstand the subject, the time has come when we must tell them plainly what the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy clearly say. It is true that if God's people would study the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy for themselves they would discover it there, but it is apparent that most of our people are not studying as they ought. The advantage of this type of presentation is that it gathers many of the most important statements together where a person can read them in a very little time. Sister White says that we ought to gather up the gems in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on the subject of righteousness by faith and put them together. This is what the author has attempted to do in this book. - Foward, First Edition, Second Edition, Third Edition, 1. Historical Background, 2. Time of the Early Rain, 3. Time of the, Latter Rain, 4. Necessity of the Early Rain, 5. Necessity of the Latter Rain, 6. Purpose of the Early Rain ,7. Purpose of the Latter Rain , 8. Preparation for the Early Rain, 9. Preparation for the Latter Rain, 10. Complete Victory, 11. Seven Conditions, 12. Now is the Time, 13. Seek & Pray, 14. The Most Thrilling Truth, 15. Perfection, 16. The Purpose of the Gospel, 17. The Great Issue, 18. What Is Perfection?, 19. Encouragement, 20. The Importance of This Subject, 21. Wake Up, 22. The Height of Perfection, 23. The Wonders of Perfection, 24. Man's Limitations, 25. Legalism, 26. The Church Triumphant, 27. New Light, 28. Victorious Living

Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White

Book Description

Ellen Gould White (née Ellen Gould Harmon; November 26, 1827 - July 16, 1915) was an author and an American Christian pioneer. Along with other Sabbatarian Adventist leaders such as Joseph Bates and her husband James White, she formed what became known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Smithsonian magazine named Ellen G. White among the "100 Most Significant Americans of All Time.