Prepared to be God's Vessel

Book Description

Henry Blackaby and his daughter Carrie Blackaby Webb show through the life of Mary how God can use any woman-regardless of stature or abilities-if her heart is fully committed to Him. Mary's example of faithfulness and commitment will encourage and strengthen Christian women, knowing that God is continuing to look for a pure heart that He can use today.

Becoming a Vessel God Can Use

Book Description

When you think about the kind of "vessel" you are, do words like chipped, cracked, broken, and dirty come to mind? Yet God accomplishes extraordinary things through ordinary people who believe God can and will use them -- imperfections and all. Becoming a Vessel God Can Use is a ten-week journey for small groups or individuals that offers hope, laughter, and transformation to women who long to discover new confidence and significance. Now with expanded Leader's Guide included. Book jacket.

Preparing the Heart for Ministry Vessel Preparation

Book Description

Prepare to Live in Power! Prepare to Walk in Obedience! Prepare to Impact the Lives of others! Prepare to please God! Prepare Your HEART for Ministry! There are many plans for prosperity and many strategies to be blessed. But this book is God's plan for your ministry Preparation! God wants to use you and it is time for you to get ready! Prepare your mind. Prepare your spirit! Prepare your HEART for Ministry!

Becoming a Vessel God Can Use

Book Description

Donna Partow's bestselling ten-week journey, Becoming a Vessel God Can Use, has sold nearly 200,000 copies. To help readers more fully interact with this study, Partow has prepared a prayer journal, perfect as a follow-up to the book or used in partnership with it. (July)

Chosen Vessel

Book Description

Let us imagine that Jesus walked among us today, really could you imagine! What lifestyle would He choose to live? Would He choose to live in splendor? Or Would Jesus exhibit simple, humble, loving servant like qualities (the Carpenter), as we know Him in our bible readings? Jesus fed the hungry, clothes the needy and was the vessel of truth. Jesus came as a vessel, chosen to set an example, to bring love, grace and redemption. Yet, Jesus has ascended and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus came to introduce Gods provision; Gods plan, not to forsaken anyone, all should receive the things that are needed for daily living. God made a plan to supply all of our needs. There is a provision to take care of all humankind on the earth. Through the servant-ship of chosen vessels, a plan of survival for humankinds has been put into place. God loves, shows compassion, and gives freely, as it is Gods plan that we honor the commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself. This is only one of the two most important commandments; the first commandment is to Love God with your whole heart (to have no god before Him), and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. How does God desire that we give and share with our fellow man (neighbor)? God chose or gifted individuals with the abilities to manage substantial sums of money, and to discern the needs of others. To always give, lovingly and unconditionally, as God gives freely; desiring that as we will give freely. As we transform our lives to become more like Jesus, to give our time, talent, and resources as a part of the commitment to living in Christ. As we enter into the last days, the gift of giving will manifest, as we reach out to help families of believers and unbelievers. The last days will be a time where many will need God; spiritually, materially, physically and emotionally, and all needs should be met. As we give freely to unbelievers and believers; it will reveal Gods grace and love for all people. Humbly, all should aspire to be like Jesus, to reflect on Gods love for our fellow man and give, unconditionally? As the reference scripture reveals in Gods Word --- in Matthew 25: 45 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. 44 They also will answer, Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you? 45 He will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these; you did not do for me.

The Broken Vessel

Book Description

The Broken Vessel is a Story of Greatness. In the book, Augustine clearly shows in no uncertain terms that anybody can attain greatness no matter their present status. All it takes is simple yieldedness to God. He maintained that greatness is a part of our divine design and that only in the hands of God, we are refined, defined and thoroughly processed and prepared as vessels of honor to impact our world more positively.Do you desire a life of purpose and productivity? Do you want your life to touch humanity all over the world? Do you want God to make something beautiful out of your life? If your answer to these questions are "yes" then, The Broken Vessel is for you. In this book, you will discover:how valuable you are to God and humanity,the making of God's vessel,how to go through what you are going through and come through a better person,your God-ordained purpose.

The Making of a Leader

Book Description

In his insightful book, Damazio lays out for the serious student a broad discussion of what it means to be responsible for a group of "followers.

Technology of the Gods

Book Description

Technology of the Gods lays out the mind-bending evidence that long-lost civilizations had attained and even exceeded our "modern" level of advancement. Westerners have been taught that humankind has progressed along a straight-line path from the primitive past to the proficient present, but the hard, fast evidence (literally written in stone!) proves that the ancients had technologies we cannot even replicate today.


Book Description

CONTENTS 1. We Do Not Belong to This World, but to Heaven (Revelation 4) 2. The Word of God Spoken to His People in This Age When the End Is Near (Isaiah 42:10-17) 3. God Reveals His Glory through Us (Isaiah 44:21-23) 4. The Gospel of the Water and the Spirit That the Apostles the Early Church Era Believed in and Preached (Galatians 2:1-6) 5. I Will Not Give My Praise to Carved Images (Isaiah 42:8) 6. Your Faith Is What Can Launch the Reformation of This Era (Galatians 1:1-12) 7. Jesus Christ Has Clothed Us in Glory (Mark 2:1-12) 8. Let Us Live out Our Faith by Standing against God’s Opponents (Ezekiel 28:11-19) 9. The Blessed Life That Abides in God (Ezekiel 47:1-12) What Should We the Believers in the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit Do in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic? Sinners do not know that Jesus Christ will return to this earth. But we the righteous know this very well from the signs of the present age. The world is going through tremendous changes at a dizzying speed. It is, however, still far away from when the enemies will attain complete control over the world. For this to come about, practically every law in this world would have to be turned over. Living in such unusual times, how should the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit deal with the pandemic? The New Life Mission