Frozen Foods

Book Description

History of food preservation. History and development of the locker plant industry. Fundamentals of refrigeration. Insulation. Designing the locker plant. Frozen food locker plant laytout and refrigeration. Water and sewage. Locker plant construction. Hints on the operation of refrigeranted systems. Food microbiology. Locker plant sanitation. Legislation. Chemical changes in stored foods enzymes. Packaging frozen foods for the locker plant. Frozen food inspection. Meat processing. Meat curing and smoking. Poultry products for locker plant storage. Fruits and vegetables. Handling and preparation of fish and sea. Foods by the frozen food locker operator. Handling dairy products in locker plants. Frozen foods and health. Using frozen foods. Pre-cooked frozen foods. Frozen foods locker industry in the farm community. Letter writing. Personnel problems. Merchandising as it applies to food-locker service. National frozen food locker association.