Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications

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Michael A. Einhorn In continuing to deregulate telecommunications companies, regulators have begun to consider alternative approaches to traditional cost-based price regulation as a means of encouraging monopoly efficiency, promulgating technological innova tion, protecting consumers, and reducing administrative costs. Under cost-based regulatory procedures that had been used, prices were designed to recover the regulated company's costs plus an allowed rate of return on its rate base; this strategy was costly to administer, provided no consistent incentives to cost-ef ficiency and technological improvement, afforded many opportunities for strategic misrepresentation of reported costs, and may have encouraged both uneconomic expansion of the utility's rate base and cross-subsidization of its competitive services. A category of alternative regulatory approaches can be classified broadly as social contracts. Under the general strategy of social contract regulation, regulators first delimit a group of regulated core services that they continue to regulate and then stipulate a list of constraints that the utility must agree to meet in the future; in exchange, regulators agree to detariff or deregulate entirely other competitive or nonessential services that the utility may offer. As long as no stipulated constraints are violated, the utility may price freely any service; if it reduces costs, it may keep a share of its profits. According to the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA, 1987), social contract agreements of one form or another have been considered or implemented in a majority of American states.

Designing Incentive Regulation for the Telecommunications Industry

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This book applies new advances in economic theory regarding the asymmetry of information between firms and their regulators to the design of improved telecommunications regulation.

FCC Telephone Price Caps

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Pricing and Regulatory Innovations Under Increasing Competition

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This volume focuses on incentive regulation and competition. While much of the regulatory action is taking place in telecommunications, the impact of competition and the resultant regulatory change is being felt in other traditional public utilities including electricity. The book reviews topics including price caps, incentive regulation, market structure and new regulatory technologies.

Regulation Under Increasing Competition

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Regulation Under Increasing Competition brings together practitioners, regulators, and economists to examine the important policy and regulatory issues facing the telecommunications and electricity industries. This volume reviews such topics as competitive entry, stranded costs, pricing and market mechanisms. It provides a unique perspective on problems in a newly deregulated environment.

Access Pricing in Telecommunications

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This report addresses the regulation of access to telecommunication networks. Development of competition and the success of liberalisation often depend on the access terms and conditions chosen, and public policy interest in getting these terms and conditions right is important.

The Economics of Telecommunications Systems

Book Description

The process of formulating and implementing telecommunications policy in the United States often seems chaotic and disorganised, with overlapping responsibility and frequent conflicts among federal and state regulators, Congress, the Administration, and the Federal judiciary. There has never been a consensus on what should change and what should remain unaltered. Telecommunications policy has evolved gradually over a relatively long period of time, resulting in a cumulative major transformation. It is still tied, however, to the Communications Act of 1934. Actions have been taken that have gradually moved policy from traditional public utility regulation of a monopoly to greater reliance on market forces and encouragement of competition. The policies are an amalgam incorporating elements from a wide range of political and economic views. There is nothing endemic in this transformation process to guarantee that the resulting policies have led to greater economic efficiency or that they are better in some subjective sense than alternatives that are available. policies that have been implemented in order to evaluate their impact. An objective evaluation of the impact of a policy affords an opportunity to make adjustments to it based on the realised economic consequences. This approach to policy making can be looked upon as a learning-by-doing exercise. In this book a number of objective studies based on data from various telecommunications systems are presented. These studies discuss and evaluate policies that have been implemented. In a number of instances, the policies have been misguided. Recommendations to correct the most egregious problems are offered.