Quality Measures for Economic Indicators

Book Description

Eurostat compiles on a regular basis EU and Euro-zone infra-annual economic statistics relevant for short-term economic analyses. Among these, a list of 19 indicators, called Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEIs), has been identified by key users as of prime importance for the conduct of economic and monetary policies for the Euro-zone. Eurostat has always put much effort on making these statistics promptly available, reliable, and harmonised for a sufficiently long time period. However, progresses achieved need to be closely monitored. To this end, the paper proposes a limited list of quality indicators to be used on a regular basis, easy to be implemented and giving users a clear and up-to-date overview of the state of quality of PEEIs, changes with respect to the recent past and future prospects. Examples of application of the proposed quality framework are provided in the paper.

Advances in Econometric Tools to Complement Official Statistics in the Field of Principal European Economic Indicators

Book Description

The paper presents ongoing activity carried out at Eurostat in the field of Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEIs) on econometric tools for increasing their relevance of short term statistics. Three lines of methodologies are here presented: the first is aimed to increase data timeliness and concerns the framework for nowcasting and density forecast as well as that on coincident indicators. Nowcasting implies a general linear regression as reference model, whereas coincident indicators are based on bridge- and factor-models complemented by intensive application of the LARS algorithm. The second line of research concerns the construction of high frequency indicators of economic activity mainly based on state space models applied to data available at mixed frequency. We present Euro-MIND, the monthly coincident indicator for the euro area, and all its most recent extensions. The last part provides the recent efforts towards the system of coincident turning point indicators for the business cycle, growth cycle and acceleration cycle, through univariate and multivariate Markov-Switching models. We discuss methods and applications to data concerning the euro area. We conclude that all these instruments efficiently complement traditional official statistics in the desired direction, providing a powerful framework for data analysis and diagnosis.

European Economic Statistics

Book Description

This flagship publication on European economic statistics gives a wide-ranging overview of economic developments over recent years in the European Union, its Member States and selected partner countries. The publication covers key economic indicators available at Eurostat, including national accounts, government finances, balance of payments, foreign trade, prices, monetary and financial accounts, and the labour market. In addition, editorial and methodological sections provide commentary on topical issues and on the data presented. The statistical annex includes data covering the above mentioned areas.

European Economic Statistics

Book Description

This flagship publication on European economic statistics gives a wide-ranging overview of economic developments over recent years in the European Union, its Member States and selected partner countries. The publication covers key economic indicators available at Eurostat, including national accounts, government finances, balance of payments, foreign trade, prices, monetary and financial accounts, and the labour market. In addition, editorial and methodological sections provide commentary on topical issues and on the data presented. The statistical annex includes data covering the above mentioned areas.

Golden Growth

Book Description

The report documents the impressive achievements of the European growth model over the last 50 years. Accounting for the stresses it is experiencing and assessing the longer-term challenges that Europe will face, the report then evaluates the six principal components of the model: Trade, Finance, Enterprise, Innovation, Labor, and Government. It finds that the European growth model has been a powerful engine for economic convergence, helping developing countries in Europe catch up to their richer neighbors and become high-income economies. But recent changes in and outside Europe necessitate change. The report proposes the adjustments needed to make trade and finance work even better, to encourage enterprise and innovation in parts of Europe which have begun to lag, and address shortcomings in the functioning of labor markets and governments. The changes proposed would restart the European convergence machine, make Europe's enterprises competitive, and help Europeans afford the highest standards of living in the world.

The Trader's Guide to the Euro Area

Book Description

The euro area remains in a state of flux and appears to be unsustainable in its present form. The outcome of the crisis may be unknown for years and a judgement on the project’s success or failure may be out of reach for decades. In the meantime, analysts, portfolio managers and traders will still have daily, weekly, quarterly and annual benchmarks. They will have to analyze economic developments in the euro area and their impacts on financial assets. The objective of this book is to provide a framework for that analysis that is comprehensible to most financial market participants. The book begins with a focus on coincident and leading economic indicators for the euro area. The following section looks at euro-area institutions. The next chapter focuses on the euro crisis. It attempts to provide an explanation of its origins and a glimpse of the potential outcomes. In addition, the tools needed to analyze the crisis as it evolves are presented. The last sections provide information unique to the economies of Germany, France, the U.K., Switzerland, Sweden and Norway.

PEEIs in Focus

Book Description

The reports "PEEIs in focus" provide, for each Member State, detailed information on definitions, coverage and sampling issues, response rates, index compilation, error identification, seasonal adjustment and other quality aspects of the indicators from short-term business statistics which have been selected as "Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEIs)". PEEIs are key macro economic indicators which describe the economic and labour market situation and price developments in the euro area and the European Union. They are of particular importance for economic and monetary policy.

Towards Environmental Pressure Indicators for the EU

Book Description

Sixty indicators giving the first overview of the pressure of human activities on the environment in the EU. Ten policy fields are covered: air pollution, climate change, loss of bio-diversity, marine environment and coastal zones, ozone layer depletion, resource depletion, dispersion of toxic substances, urban environmental problems, waste, and water pollution.