
Book Description

Conference Proceedings

Book Description

Biomedical Images and Computers

Book Description

The technology of automatic pattern recognition and digital image processing, after over two decades of basic research, is now appearing in important applications in biology and medicine as weIl as industrial, military and aerospace systems. In response to a suggestion from Mr. Norman Caplan, ·the Program Director for Automation, Bioengineering and Sensing at the United States National Science Foundation, the authors of this book organized the first Uni ted States-France Seminar on Biomedical Image Processing. The seminar met at the Hotel Beau Site, St. Pierre de Chartreuse, France on May 27-31, 1980. This book contains most of the papers presented at this seminar, as weIl as two papers (by Bisconte et al. and by Ploem ~ al.) discussed at the seminar but not appearing on the program. We view the subject matter of this seminar as a confluence amon~ three broad scientific and engineering disciplines: 1) biology and medicine, 2) imaging and optics, and 3) computer science and computer engineering. The seminar had three objectives: 1) to discuss the state of the art of biomedical image processing with emphasis on four themes: microscopic image analysis, radiological image analysis, tomography, and image processing technology; 2) to place values on directions for future research so as to give guidance to agencies supporting such research; and 3) to explore and encourage various areas of cooperative research between French and Uni ted States scientists within the field of Biomedical Image Processing.

The Unnormalized Relational Data Model

Book Description

Computer Science Workbench is a monograph series which will provide you with an in-depth working knowledge of current developments in computer technology. Every volume in this series will deal with a topic of importance in computer science and elaborate on how you yourself can build systems related to the main theme. You will be able to develop a variety of systems, including computer software tools, computer graphics, computer animation, database management systems, and computer-aided design and manufacturing systems. Computer Science Workbench represents an important new contribution in the field of practical computer technology. TOSIYASU L. KUNII Preface The evolution of database systems research is itself a story. Long after the emergence of systems derived from practical applications, Codd's relational data model has gradually occupied the theoretical domain of database systems and is moving into the realms of practical use. Certainly, the theoretical foundation makes database design, validation, and testing easier. However, Cod d's model allows only fiat tables to be handled, while most business and engineering data in practice are in nested table forms. Thus, a recent major obstacle in database systems development is the large gap between the theory and the practice.

Surgical Robotics

Book Description

Robotic technology has increasingly been preferred by the medical professionals since they have been used for several clinical applications. Medical robots are preferred since they present better results compared to traditional methods such as smaller incision, higher accuracy, and lesser recovery time. Medical robots can be divided into three progressive generations. The first-generation robots were originally industrial robots that had been modified for performing medical applications in orthopedics, neurosurgery, radiology, and radiotherapy in the 1980s. The second-generation robots have been especially developed for executing surgical operations in the 1990s. After the 2000s, the third-generation medical robots have been designed for performing difficult surgical and medical operations. From the first approved surgical robot AESOP to the current da Vinci Surgical System, there have been several different kinds of surgical robots produced until now. Although the history of surgical robots is very short compared to the history of surgery, thousands of surgical robots have been installed in hospitals worldwide, and hundreds of thousands of people have been treated by these surgical robots. Nowadays, the achievements of the surgical robotics amaze both medical professionals and the patients. It is noteworthy to follow up on the evolution of surgical robotics in the future.

Intelligent Manufacturing:

Book Description

Intelligent Manufacturing is part of the Advanced Manufacturing Series edited by Professor D.T. Pham of the University of Wales, College of Cardiff. This publication exposes the major issues associated with programming environments for manufacturing and illustrates specific software systems developed for industrial application. Clear and concise statements are made on the state-of-the-art and recent trends in manufacturing languages and programming environments. The book discusses the diverse approaches that are currently under consideration in North America and Europe. It gives the reader an understanding of how manufacturing languages can be used to integrate computer controlled machines and intelligent sensors in automated manufacturing systems including machine tools, robots, inspection and material handling equipment.