Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry

Book Description

This was one of the first books on the market to illustrate the various clinical techniques for restoration, which is increasingly favored over extraction for primary teeth. A revised and updated edition of this successful text offers, in addition, new material on plastic restorations. Restorative Techniques addresses the specific needs of the pediatric patient, and it helps the clinician manage the restoration with those needs in mind. As a classic volume, it is essential for every dentist, particularly those who work with children and adolescents and particularly those who perform restorative dentistry.

Radiation Protection in Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Book Description

Radiation Protection in Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology focuses on the professional, operational, and regulatory aspects of radiation protection. Advances in radiation medicine have resulted in new modalities and procedures, some of which have significant potential to cause serious harm. Examples include radiologic procedures that require ve

Radiation Carcinogenesis

Book Description

This book provides the first comprehensive and systematic survey of present knowledge about radiation carcinogenesis. World experts review in detail current information on such topics as the incidence of various forms of cancer in irradiated populations, the carcinogenic effects of ionizing radiation in laboratory animals, theoretical mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis, and the implications of the data for assessing the risks of human cancer. In view of recent controversy about the carcinogenic hazards of low-level exposure to radiation and other carcinogens, this book is a timely contribution toward our understanding of the carcinogenic risks of low-level radiation.

Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources

Book Description

This publication summarizes the reviewed information distributed in previous IAEA publications and provides an up to date, overall picture of the management of disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRS) based upon the current status and trends in this field. It incorporates the most recent experience in source management, including newly developed techniques used for DSRS conditioning and storage. Problems encountered and lessons learned are also highlighted in the publication in order to help avoid the mistakes commonly made in the past in managing disused sources.

Effusion Cytology

Book Description

Effusion Cytology is a practical manual in diagnosis and interpretation of body cavity fluid (BCF) specimens. This highly illustrated volume will provide handy information for residents, fellows, and general pathologists with a step-by-step guide to evaluation of BCF specimens with the specific goal of identification of malignancies. Use of ancillary techniques such as immunocytochemistry is discussed where appropriate. Special attention is given to the formulation of final cytologic reports of the diagnosis of difficult cases. --Book Jacket.

Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Book Description

This publication is a revision by amendment of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-15 and provides recommendations and guidance on the storage of spent nuclear fuel. It covers all types of storage facility and all types of spent fuel from nuclear power plants and research reactors. It takes into consideration the longer storage periods beyond the original design lifetime of the storage facility that have become necessary owing to delays in the development of disposal facilities and the reduction in reprocessing activities. It also considers developments associated with nuclear fuel, such as higher enrichment, mixed oxide fuels and higher burnup. Guidance is provided on all stages in the lifetime of a spent fuel storage facility, from planning through siting and design to operation and decommissioning. The revision was undertaken by amending, adding and/or deleting specific paragraphs addressing recommendations and findings from studying the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.

Periodontal Regeneration

Book Description

They assert that regeneration can be achieved only by proper understanding of all cellular, tissue, and clinical components, and they provide the foundation necessary for this understanding.

Radiation Protection in Mammography

Book Description

This safety code is concerned with the protection of all individuals who may be exposed to ionizing radiation emitted by X-ray equipment used in the practice of mammography. Sections of the code cover the following: responsibilities of equipment owners, radiologists, medical physicists, and technologists; facility, equipment, & installation requirements; equipment specifications; image processing & handling; quality assurance & quality control procedures; and minimizing radiation doses to personnel & patients. Appendices include recommended dose limits, shielding guides for film storage, a directory of provincial/territorial safety agencies, a glossary, and a copy of the section of the Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations that pertains to diagnostic x-ray equipment.