Internal Combustion Engines

Book Description

This book on internal combustion engines brings out few chapters on the research activities through the wide range of current engine issues. The first section groups combustion-related papers including all research areas from fuel delivery to exhaust emission phenomena. The second one deals with various problems on engine design, modeling, manufacturing, control and testing. Such structure should improve legibility of the book and helps to integrate all singular chapters as a logical whole.

Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress

Book Description

'Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress' are selected from nearly 2,000 papers submitted to the 34th FISITA World Automotive Congress, which is held by Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China ) and the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA). This proceedings focus on solutions for sustainable mobility in all areas of passenger car, truck and bus transportation. Volume 1: Advanced Internal Combustion Engines (I) focuses on: •New Gasoline Direct Injection(GDI), Spark Ignition(SI)&Compression Ignition(CI) Engines and Components •Fuel Injection and Sprays •Fuel and Lubricants •After-Treatment and Emission Control Above all researchers, professional engineers and graduates in fields of automotive engineering, mechanical engineering and electronic engineering will benefit from this book. SAE-China is a national academic organization composed of enterprises and professionals who focus on research, design and education in the fields of automotive and related industries. FISITA is the umbrella organization for the national automotive societies in 37 countries around the world. It was founded in Paris in 1948 with the purpose of bringing engineers from around the world together in a spirit of cooperation to share ideas and advance the technological development of the automobile.

Engine Modeling and Simulation

Book Description

This book focuses on the simulation and modeling of internal combustion engines. The contents include various aspects of diesel and gasoline engine modeling and simulation such as spray, combustion, ignition, in-cylinder phenomena, emissions, exhaust heat recovery. It also explored engine models and analysis of cylinder bore piston stresses and temperature effects. This book includes recent literature and focuses on current modeling and simulation trends for internal combustion engines. Readers will gain knowledge about engine process simulation and modeling, helpful for the development of efficient and emission-free engines. A few chapters highlight the review of state-of-the-art models for spray, combustion, and emissions, focusing on the theory, models, and their applications from an engine point of view. This volume would be of interest to professionals, post-graduate students involved in alternative fuels, IC engines, engine modeling and simulation, and environmental research.

Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering

Book Description

Erstmals eine umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis und Grundlage für weiterführende Studien und Forschung im Bereich der Automobiltechnik. Die Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering ist die erste umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis dieses Fachgebiets und legt den Grundstein für weitere Studien und tiefgreifende Forschung. Weitreichende Querverweise und Suchfunktionen ermöglichen erstmals den zentralen Zugriff auf Detailinformationen zu bewährten Branchenstandards und -verfahren. Zusammenhängende Konzepte und Techniken aus Spezialbereichen lassen sich so einfacher verstehen. Neben traditionellen Themen des Fachgebiets beschäftigt sich diese Enzyklopädie auch mit "grünen" Technologien, dem Übergang von der Mechanik zur Elektronik und den Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung sicherer, effizienterer Fahrzeuge unter weltweit unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Das Referenzwerk behandelt neun Hauptbereiche: (1) Motoren: Grundlagen; (2) Motoren: Design; (3) Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe; (4) Getriebe- und Antriebssysteme; (5) Chassis-Systeme; (6) Elektrische und elektronische Systeme; (7) Karosserie-Design; (8) Materialien und Fertigung; (9) Telematik. - Zuverlässige Darstellung einer Vielzahl von Spezialthemen aus dem Bereich der Automobiltechnik. - Zugängliches Nachschlagewerk für Jungingenieure und Studenten, die die technologischen Grundlagen besser verstehen und ihre Kenntnisse erweitern möchten. - Wertvolle Verweise auf Detailinformationen und Forschungsergebnisse aus der technischen Literatur. - Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit der FISITA, der Dachorganisation nationaler Automobil-Ingenieur-Verbände aus 37 Ländern und Vertretung von über 185.000 Ingenieuren aus der Branche. - Erhältlich als stets aktuelle Online-Ressource mit umfassenden Suchfunktionen oder als Print-Ausgabe in sechs Bänden mit über 4.000 Seiten. Ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Bibliotheken und Informationszentren in der Industrie, bei Forschungs- und Schulungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, Regierungsbehörden und allen Ingenieurstudiengängen. Richtet sich an Fachingenieure und Techniker aus der Industrie, Studenten höherer Semester und Studienabsolventen, Forscher, Dozenten und Ausbilder, Branchenanalysen und Forscher.

Improvement Trends for Internal Combustion Engines

Book Description

Internal combustion engines have remained a challenge due to depending heavily on fossil fuels, which are already limited reserves, and a requirement for improvement in emission levels continuously. The number of advanced technologies such as hybrid systems and low-temperature combustion engines has been introduced, and a number of reports about the use of alternative fuels have been presented in recent years to overcome these challenges. The efforts have made the new concepts to be used in practical along with the new problems which are required advanced control systems. This book presents studies on internal combustion engines with alternative fuels and advanced combustion technologies to obtain efficiency and environment-friendly systems, measurement methodology of exhaust emissions and modelling of a hybrid engine system, and mechanical losses arising from ring-cylinder and ring-groove side contacts as well. The main theme here is to identify solutions for internal combustion engines in terms of fuel consumption, emissions, and performance.

Diesel Emissions and Their Control, 2nd Edition

Book Description

Engineers, applied scientists, students, and individuals working to reduceemissions and advance diesel engine technology will find the secondedition of Diesel Emissions and Their Control to be an indispensablereference. Whether readers are at the outset of their learning journey orseeking to deepen their expertise, this comprehensive reference bookcaters to a wide audience.In this substantial update to the 2006 classic, the authors have expandedthe coverage of the latest emission technologies. With the industryevolving rapidly, the book ensures that readers are well-informed aboutthe most recent advances in commercial diesel engines, providing acompetitive edge in their respective fields. The second edition has alsostreamlined the content to focus on the most promising technologies.This book is rooted in the wealth of information available on, where the “Technology Guide” papers offer in-depth insights. Eachchapter includes links to relevant online materials, granting readers accessto even more expertise and knowledge.The second edition is organized into six parts, providing a structuredjourney through every aspect of diesel engines and emissions control: Part I: A foundational exploration of the diesel engine, combustion, andessential subsystems. Part II: An in-depth look at emission characterization, health andenvironmental impacts, testing methods, and global regulations. Part III: A comprehensive overview of diesel fuels, covering petroleumdiesel, alternative fuels, and engine lubricants. Part IV: An exploration of engine efficiency and emission controltechnologies, from exhaust gas recirculation to engine control. Part V: The latest developments in diesel exhaust aftertreatment,encompassing catalyst technologies and particulate filters. Part VI: A historical journey through the evolution of dieselengine technology, with a focus on heavy-duty engines in the NorthAmerican market. (ISBN 9781468605693, ISBN 9781468605709, ISBN 9781468605716, DOI: 10.4271/9781468605709)

Proceedings of I4SDG Workshop 2021

Book Description

This volume contains the papers of the 1st Workshop IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals (I4SDG), held online on November 25-26, 2021. The main topics of the workshop include the aspects of theory, design and practice of mechanism and machine science which are instrumental in reaching a sustainable development, such as: biomechanical engineering, sustainable energy systems, robotics and mechatronics, green tribology, computational kinematics, dynamics of machinery, industrial applications of mechanism design, gearing and transmissions, multibody dynamics rotor dynamics, vibrations, humanitarian engineering, and socio-technical systems for sustainable and inclusive development. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists, demonstrating that medical and service robotics will drive the technological and societal change in the coming decades.

Reciprocating Engine Combustion Diagnostics

Book Description

This book deals with in-cylinder pressure measurement and its post-processing for combustion quality analysis of conventional and advanced reciprocating engines. It offers insight into knocking and combustion stability analysis techniques and algorithms in SI, CI, and LTC engines, and places special emphasis on the digital signal processing of in-cylinder pressure signal for online and offline applications. The text gives a detailed description on sensors for combustion measurement, data acquisition, and methods for estimation of performance and combustion parameters. The information provided in this book enhances readers’ basic knowledge of engine combustion diagnostics and serves as a comprehensive, ready reference for a broad audience including graduate students, course instructors, researchers, and practicing engineers in the automotive, oil and other industries concerned with internal combustion engines.

Diesel Engines and Biodiesel Engines Technologies

Book Description

Diesel Engines and Biodiesel Engines Technologies explores the conceptual and methodological approaches for the understanding of both diesel engines and biodiesel technologies. The book incorporates reviews of the most significant research findings in both diesel and biodiesel engine production and utilization. It presents technological interventions in biodiesel production and offers a foresight analysis of the perspectives of biodiesel as a future global commodity. It also examines the main challenges that biodiesel will have to overcome in order to play a key role in future energy systems. Furthermore, the book discusses alternative diesel fuels from oils and fats and proposes solutions to issues associated with biodiesel feedstocks, production issues, quality control, viscosity, stability, applications, emissions, and other environmental impacts.