Process Technologies for Phosphate Fertilizers

Book Description

The purpose of this compendium of the most important processes used for making phosphate fertilizer materials is to provide a guide to the selection of process technologies for developing countries interested in initiating efforts in this sector. All of the processes described here are based on the use of naturally occurring phosphate rock as the prime raw material.

Process Technologies for Nitrogen Fertilizers

Book Description

This volume and its companion in the Development and transfer of technoloy serie, Proces Technologies for Phosphate Fertilizers, are the two documents to emanate from lhe Industrial an Technological Information Bank (INTIB) of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), which is a com ponent of the UNIDO programme on the development of technology.

New Developments in Phosphate Fertilizer Technology

Book Description

New Developments in Phosphate Fertilizer Technology compiles all the papers presented at the 1976 Technical Conference of ISMA Ltd. Topics covered by this book include process for recycling H2 SiF6 solutions recovered by gas washing; safety in rotary dryer operation; valorization of phospho-gypsum; investigation of an aerosol with pilot units installed on site; windmill Holland and its environment; and agglomerate granulation as an equilibrium process. This book also provides discussions on hygroscopicity of fertilizer materials; handling and distribution of compound fertilizers; slurry ammoniation in complex fertilizers production; full-scale operating experience of the Fisons HDC phosphoric acid process; innovations in slurry process granulation plants; and production of synthetic fluor-spar from waste fluosilicilic acid. Included in each chapter are summaries, analysis of the performance data, suggestions for further research, list of symbols, references, and conclusions. This text is beneficial to students or scientists conducting research on the field of agricultural, consumer, and environmental sciences.

New Developments in Fertilizer Technology, 12th Demonstration, October 18-19, 1978

Book Description

The objective of TVA's fertilizer technology demonstrations is to make results from research, development, and demonstration production programs available to industry to facilitate their adoption. Ultimately the implementation of new and improved technology will improve farm productivity and help minimize production costs for food and fiber.

Phosphoric Acid and Phosphate Fertilizers

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the phosphate industry from the mine to the user, with nearly all aspects of the industry discussed and case histories throughout. The author details chemistry behind phosphates, process plant and major equipment design, and the latest processing technologies. He also covers phosphogypsum, mixed fertilizer, defluorination, animal feed, and energy aspects involved in production. Finally, the book discusses applicable laws, codes, standards and regulations, as well as continuing R&D and economic and market analysis.

The Role of Phosphorus in Agriculture

Book Description

World phosphate reserves and resources; The phosphate industry of the United States; Evaluation of phosphatic raw materials; Phosphate raw materials and fertilizers: part I - a look ahead; Phosphate raw materials and fertilizers: part II - a case history of marginal raw materials; Sulfur requirements of the phosphate fertilizer industry; Phosphoric acid technology; Phosphate fertilizers and process technology; World phosphate fertilizer supply-demand outlook; Energy requirements for the production of phosphate fertilizers; Energy of phosphate fertilizer applications and food energy returns; Reactions of phosphate fertilizers in soils; Agronomic effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers; Evaluation and utilization of residual phosphorus in soils; Use and limitations of physical-chemical criteria for assessing the status of phosphorus in soils; Assessing organic phosphorus in soils; Conventional soil and tissue tests for assessing the phosphorus status of soils; Management considerations for acid; Use of waste materials as sources of phosphorus; Agricultural phosphorus in the environment; Phosphate nutrition of plants - a general treatise; Soil-plant interactions in the phosphorus nutrition of plants; Role of rhizosphere microorganisms in phosphorus uptake by plants; Interactions of phosphorus with other elements in soils and in plants; Phosphate nutrition of corn, sorghum, soybeans, and small grains; Phosphorus nutrition of cotton, peanuts, rice, sugarcane, and tobacco; Phosphorus nutrition of vegetable crops and sugar beets; Phosphorus nutrition and fertilization of forest trees; Phosphorus nutrition of forages; Relationship between phosphorus nutrition of plants and the phosphorus nutrition of animals and man.