Bounded Rationality and Policy Diffusion

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Why do very different countries often emulate the same policy model? Two years after Ronald Reagan's income-tax simplification of 1986, Brazil adopted a similar reform even though it threatened to exacerbate income disparity and jeopardize state revenues. And Chile's pension privatization of the early 1980s has spread throughout Latin America and beyond even though many poor countries that have privatized their social security systems, including Bolivia and El Salvador, lack some of the preconditions necessary to do so successfully. In a major step beyond conventional rational-choice accounts of policy decision-making, this book demonstrates that bounded--not full--rationality drives the spread of innovations across countries. When seeking solutions to domestic problems, decision-makers often consider foreign models, sometimes promoted by development institutions like the World Bank. But, as Kurt Weyland argues, policymakers apply inferential shortcuts at the risk of distortions and biases. Through an in-depth analysis of pension and health reform in Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Peru, Weyland demonstrates that decision-makers are captivated by neat, bold, cognitively available models. And rather than thoroughly assessing the costs and benefits of external models, they draw excessively firm conclusions from limited data and overextrapolate from spurts of success or failure. Indications of initial success can thus trigger an upsurge of policy diffusion.

IDB Projects

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Politics After Neoliberalism

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Richard Snyder's study offers an analysis of politics after neoliberalism.

Handbook of Public Administration

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Public administration as a field of study finds itself in the middle of a fluid environment. The very reach and complexity of public administration has been easy to take for granted, easy to attack, and difficult to explain, particularly in the soundbite and Twitter-snipe media environment. Not only has the context for the discipline changed, but the institutions of public administration have adapted and innovated to deliver services to the public and serve those in power while becoming increasingly complex themselves. Has public administration evolved? And what new lines of research are critical for effective policy and delivery of programs and public services while preserving foundational principles such as the rule of law and expert institutions? This Handbook of Public Administration sheds light for new researchers, doctoral students, scholars, and practitioners interested in probing modern public administration’s role in solving major challenges facing nations and the world. This fourth edition recognizes that the scholarship of public administration must reflect the diverse influence of an international orientation, embracing public administration issues and practices in governance systems around the world, and illustrating just how practice can vary across jurisdictions. Every section identifies foundational principles and issues, shows variation in practice across selected jurisdictions, and identifies promising avenues for research. Each chapter revisits enduring themes and tensions, showing how they persist, along with new challenges and opportunities presented by digital technology and contemporary political realities. The Handbook of Public Administration, Fourth Edition provides a compelling introduction to and depiction of the contemporary realities of public administration, and it will inspire new avenues of inquiry for the next generation of public administration researchers.

Administra ‹o Pœblica

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Achieving Education for All through Public–Private Partnerships?

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Concern for achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 has led to a focus on the role that non-state providers (NSPs) can offer in extending access and improving quality of basic services. While NSPs can help to fill a gap in provision to those excluded from state provision, recent growth in both for-profit and not-for-profit providers in developing countries has sometimes resulted in fragmentation of service delivery. To address this, attention is increasingly given in the education sector to developing ‘partnerships’ between governments and NSPs. Partnerships are further driven by the expectation that the state has the moral, social, and legal responsibility for overall education service delivery and so should play a role in facilitating and regulating NSPs. Even where the ultimate aim of both non-state providers and the state is to provide education of acceptable quality to all children, this book provides evidence from diverse contexts across Africa, South Asia, and Latin America to highlight the challenges in them partnering to achieve this. This book was published as a special issue of Development in Practice.

Good Jobs and Social Services

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Few countries have achieved social development, which requires simultaneously securing market and social incorporation (good jobs and access to social services). This book reviews Costa Rica's experience as one of the few successful cases of double incorporation in the periphery.