Book Description

Book Description

International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education

Book Description

This handbook illuminates the most important concepts, findings and theories from EE research, critically examining its progression, current debates, what is still missing from the research agenda, and where that agenda might be headed. Published for the American Educational Research Association (AERA).

Navigating the Research-Policy Relationship

Book Description

Drawing on studies in environmental and sustainability education, this book brings together new work that has explored the research-policy interface in varied contexts and from diverse perspectives.It will be beneficial to those interested in understanding the interface between research and policy. The relationship between research and policy has become an increasing focus for theoretical inquiry, empirical investigation, and practical development across many different fields. This volume highlights new empirical insights, theoretical ideas, practical examples, and methodological approaches for understanding, navigating, and developing more productive research-policy relationships. This book will be beneficial to anyone who is interested in understanding the interface between research and policy. The chapters in this book were originally published in the journal Environmental Education Research.

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies

Book Description

This volume analyzes cases from emerging economies in relation to the global endeavor to promote the vision of sustainable development in all forms of education. It aims to discuss the significance of hearing local voices and understanding local discourse regarding strategies for action for change, and the role of educational systems as a means to communicate, promote and educate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this book, emerging economies are defined as newly industrialized countries that have not yet reached developed status, but have, in a macro-economic sense, outpaced their developing counterparts. In this context, the book highlights how education in emerging economies could extend conventional economic methods to sustainability issues, or depart from money-based calculations and business-dominated values to promotion of real-life considerations and ethical, environmental and humanistic values. With the help of this volume, readers will have a chance to look at educational response, inclusion and empowerment for SDGs in countries with emerging economies, and to grasp the synthesis of Education for Sustainable Development/Global Citizenship Education (ESD/GCE) within the overall national educational systems. This volume focuses on early childhood through upper secondary education.

Environmental Education

Book Description

In Environmental Education: Identity, Politics and Citizenship the editors endeavor to present views of environmental educators that focus on issues of identity and subjectivity, and how 'narrated lives’ relate to questions of learning, education, politics, justice, and citizenship.

Planeta Tierra Hermoso y Amado

Book Description

La escritora Rosa María Ramírez Moya viene de una familia campesina originaria de Guateque, Boyacá, Colombia; ella es la cuarta de siete hermanos y se siente orgullosa de haber nacido en la bella región del Valle de Tenza. Este es el momento para explicar la singularidad de Rosa María, poetisa, cuentista, ensayista, de inspiración objetiva, directa y escritora de varias obras. Lo primero que destaca en sus escritos ya sean poéticos o en prosa es el terreno elegido para desplegar las herramientas de su oficio "el amor a la Naturaleza". Lo segundo es el tono y el reconocimiento que hace a los seres o lugares que son dignos de elogios, características animadoras de su trabajo; el aprecio y la belleza. Entre sus Obras destacan: "Setenta Poemas a Colombia con alma, vida y corazón", "Cien Poemas con Sentimiento intenso", "Poemas a la Madre Reina de la Familia", "Amor y Paz, luz de vida" y la Coordinación y responsabilidad de Autoría de la presente obra "Planeta Tierra hermoso y amado" (Antología). Rosa María es la ganadora del Concurso Literario "La Mejor Frase" realizado por la Editorial Palibrio; con la frase "Escribir es una representación de ideas con palabras, números, notas musicales o jeroglíficos; es componer o crear alguna forma de texto el cual contiene belleza". Es muy natural el estilo de esta escritora que explora los temas ecológicos, ese tan importante territorio de la vida en nuestro Planeta Tierra. Estamos seguros que después de su lectura, las comunidades entrarán en reflexión y se irán poniendo en práctica los mensajes aquí contenidos, todos ellos orientados hacia la protección de la vida en nuestro amado Planeta Tierra. Disfruten esta lectura.

PEPP Spanish: Programa de Educacion Pediatrica Prehospitalaria

Book Description

Programa de educación pediátrica prehospitalaria (PEPP), tercera edición representa una fuente completa de información médica prehospitalaria para la atención de urgencias de los lactantes y los niños.