Promiscuity in Western Literature

Book Description

Poet and novelist Charles Bukowski described promiscuity as "feast and feast and feast." The promiscuous person is having fun, getting away with it, and showing no signs of stopping. More often, though, promiscuity has been seen as demonic, as the sign of an uncivilised race, or as a symptom of mental disorder. Promiscuity in Western Literature capitalises on the fact that literature gives us deep and varied resources for reflecting on this controversial aspect of human behaviour. Drawing on authors from Homer to Margaret Atwood, it explores recurrent ideas and scenarios: Why does the literature of promiscuity evoke ideas of the animal? Why does it so often turn upon the image of the "excessive" woman? How and why does promiscuity feature in comic writing? How does the emergence of the modern city change representations of promiscuity? And, in the present day, what impact have ecological concerns had on the way writers depict promiscuity?

Bazaar Literature

Book Description

Charity bazaars were a key method women used to intervene in political, social, and cultural affairs. Bazaar Literature reorients our understanding of Victorian social reform fiction by reading it in light of the copious amount of literature generated for charity bazaars--which shaped the social, political, and literary movements of its time.

Battling Girlhood

Book Description

From Jo March of Little Women (1868) to Katniss Everdeen of The Hunger Games (2008), the American tomboy figure has evolved into an icon of modern girlhood and symbol of female empowerment. Battling Girlhood: Sympathy, Social Justice, and the Tomboy Figure in American Literature traces the development of the tomboy figure from its origins in nineteenth-century sentimental novels to twentieth- and twenty-first-century literature and film.

Western Women's Lives

Book Description

An anthology of essays about 20th-century women living in the western U.S., showing that the image of the pioneer woman has been replaced not with another dominant one, but with many.

Images of Turkey in Western Literature

Book Description

This text provides a study which focuses on 20th-century images of Turkey in the West, dealing with literature that is mainly in English and drawn from fiction and travel books. The author has previously written on the contemporary American novel.

Gender and Memory in the Postmillennial Novels of Almudena Grandes

Book Description

Almudena Grandes is one of Spain ́s foremost women ́s writers, having sold over 1.1 million copies of her episodios de una guerra interminable, her six-volume series that ranges from the Spanish Civil War to the democratic period; the myriad prizes awarded to her, 18 in total, confirm her pre-eminence. This book situates Grandes ́s novels within gendered, philosophical, and mnemonic theoretical concepts that illuminate hidden dimensions of her much-studied work. Lorraine Ryan considers and expands on existing critical work on Grandes ́s oeuvre, proposing new avenues of interpretation and understanding. She seeks to debunk the arguments of those who portray Grandes as the proponent of a sectarian, eminently biased Republican memory by analysing the wide variety of gender and perpetrator memories that proliferate in her work. The intersection of perpetrator memory with masculinity, ecocriticism, medical ethics and the child’s perspectives confirms Grandes’ nuanced engagement with Spanish memory culture. Departing from a philosophical basis, Ryan reconfigures the Republican victim in the novels as a vulnerable subject who attempts to flourish, thus refuting the current critical opinion of the victim as overly-empowered. The new perspectives produced in this monograph do not aim to suggest that Grandes is an advocate of perpetrator memory; rather, it suggests that Grandes is committed to a more pluralistic idea of memory culture, whereby her novels generate understanding of multiple victim, perpetrator and gender memories, an analysis that produces new and meaningful engagements with these novels. Thus, Ryan contends that Grandes ́s historical novels are infinitely more complex and nuanced than heretofore conceived.

Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Society

Book Description

"Only women and inferior men are difficult to deal with." — Confucius Two thousand years after Confucius, the contributors to this book ask if Chinese women have succeeded in changing their status as the equivalent of "inferior men." Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Society approaches the role of women in social change through analyzing literature and culture during the May Fourth and the Post-Cultural Revolution periods.

Literacy, Literature and Identity

Book Description

Modern humanities scholarship presents a scene of intriguing change. A leading figure like Professor Eagleton moves suddenly from theory to a fascination with culture, while still wrestling with literature’s meaning and function. Creative non-fiction becomes fashionable while life writings retain a very wide readership. Language professionals, meanwhile, ask themselves if teaching an alien tongue can be done without teaching its associated culture, and what this might mean for individual and group identity – itself now an area of rising academic concern. Crucially, the present volume looks at how these currents and concerns coalesce. It shows how literature, operating through language (oral and written) both shapes and reveals the identities of individuals and societies. With a truly global reach, it draws evidence from diverse contexts and environments. The struggles of women in North America, female portrayal in Middle Eastern proverbs, the response to identity challenge in West, East and Southern Africa (including the extraordinary complexity of black South African experience), and the literary assertions of New Zealand’s Maoris – they are all here in this multi-faceted contribution to modern cultural, linguistic and literary scholarship.

Recycling Virginia Woolf in Contemporary Art and Literature

Book Description

Recycling Virginia Woolf in Contemporary Art and Literature exam>ines Woolf’s life and oeuvre from the perspective of recycling and pro>vides answers to essential questions such as: Why do artists and writers recycle Woolf’s texts and introduce them into new circuits of meaning? Why do they perpetuate her iconic fgure in literature, art and popular culture? What does this practice of recycling tell us about the endurance of her oeuvre on the current literary, artistic and cultural scene and what does it tell us about our current modes of production and consumption of art and literature? This volume offers theoretical defnitions of the concept of recycling applied to a multitude of specifc case studies. The reasons why Woolf’s work and authorial fgure lend themselves so well to the notion of recy>cling are manifold: frst, Woolf was a recycler herself and had a personal theory and practice of recycling; second, her work continues to be a prolifc compost that is used in various ways by contemporary writers and artists; fnally, since Woolf has left the original literary sphere to permeate popular culture, the limits of what has been recycled have ex>panded in unexpected ways. These essays explore today’s trends of fab>ricating new, original artefacts with Woolf’s work, which thus remains completely relevant to our contemporary needs and beliefs

The Re-Enchantment of the West, Vol 2

Book Description

Challenging some assessments of religion in the West, this study argues that, although much organized religion, particularly Christianity, is in numerical decline, in actual fact we are witnessing an alternative spiritual re-enchantment of society and culture.