General Theory of Light Propagation and Imaging Through the Atmosphere

Book Description

This 2nd edition lays out an updated version of the general theory of light propagation and imaging through Earth’s turbulent atmosphere initially developed in the late ‘70s and ‘80s, with additional applications in the areas of laser communications and high-energy laser beam propagation. New material includes a chapter providing a comprehensive mathematical tool set for precisely characterizing image formation with the anticipated Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTS), enabling a staggering range of star image shapes and sizes; existing chapters rewritten or modified so as to supplement the mathematics with clearer physical insight through written and graphical means; a history of the development of present-day understanding of light propagation and imaging through the atmosphere as represented by the general theory described. Beginning with the rudimentary, geometrical-optics based understanding of a century ago, it describes advances made in the 1960s, including the development of the ‘Kolmogorov theory,’ the deficiencies of which undermined its credibility, but not before it had done enormous damage, such as construction of a generation of underperforming ‘light bucket’ telescopes. The general theory requires no a priori turbulence assumptions. Instead, it provides means for calculating the turbulence properties directly from readily-measurable properties of star images.

Intelligent Techniques And Soft Computing In Nuclear Science And Engineering - Proceedings Of The 4th International Flins Conference

Book Description

This book is divided into three parts. The first part, “Mathematical Tools and New Developments”, provides basic tools to treat fuzzy set theory, rough set theory, fuzzy control, fuzzy modelling, decision support systems, and related applications. The second part, “Intelligent Engineering Applications”, reports on engineering problems such as man-machine interface, risk analysis, image processing, robotics, knowledge-based engineering, expert systems, process control integration, diagnosis, measurements and interpretation by intelligent techniques and soft computing used for general engineering applications. The third part, “Nuclear Engineering Applications”, concentrates on nuclear applications and covers several topics such as nuclear energy, nuclear safety assessment, radioactive waste management, nuclear measurements, nuclear safeguards, nuclear reactor operation, reactor controller design, fuel reload pattern design, signal validation, nuclear power plants, and optimizations in nuclear applications.

Field Guide to Atmospheric Optics

Book Description

The material in this Field Guide is a condensed version of similar material found in two textbooks: Laser Beam Propagation through Random Media (SPIE Vol. PM53) and Laser Beam Scintillation with Applications (SPIE Vol. PM99). Topics chosen for this concise presentation include a review of classical Kolmogorov turbulence theory, Gaussian-beam waves in free space, and atmospheric effects on a propagating optical wave. These atmospheric effects have great importance in a variety of applications like imaging, free space optical communications, laser radar, and remote sensing. This Guide presents tractable mathematical models from which the practitioner can readily determine beam spreading, beam wander, spatial coherence radius (Fried's parameter), angle of arrival fluctuations, scintillation, aperture averaging effects, fade probabilities, bit error-rates, and enhanced backscatter effects, among others.

Adaptive Beaming and Imaging in the Turbulent Atmosphere

Book Description

Due to the wide application of adaptive optical systems, an understanding of optical wave propagation in randomly inhomogeneous media has become essential, and several numerical models of individual AOS components and of efficient correction algorithms have been developed. This monograph contains detailed descriptions of the mathematical experiments that were designed and carried out during more than a decade's worth of research.

Optical Waves and Laser Beams in the Irregular Atmosphere

Book Description

The book introduces optical wave propagation in the irregular turbulent atmosphere and the relations to laser beam and LIDAR applications for both optical communication and imaging. It examines atmosphere fundamentals, structure, and content. It explains specific situations occurring in the irregular atmosphere and for specific natural phenomena that affect optical ray and laser beam propagation. It emphasizes how to use LIDAR to investigate atmospheric phenomena and predict primary parameters of the irregular turbulent atmosphere and suggests what kinds of optical devices to operate in different atmospheric situations to minimize the deleterious effects of natural atmospheric phenomena.