Patents, Trademarks, and Related Rights

Book Description

History of Design and Design Law

Book Description

For the first time, this book provides an up-to-date history of product design and product design law covering 17 countries — Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), Russia, the United States, Brazil and Australia — selected for their innovative or influential approach to design or design protection. Each country is the subject of two chapters — one on the history of design and the other on the history of design law — authored by experts in design and intellectual property (IP) law. This unique interdisciplinary approach explains why and how various national design protection systems (that can include design, copyright, trade mark, competition and civil laws) developed, making it an ideal book for students, researchers and lawyers. The book also serves as an international survey of different national policy and legal responses to historical developments and specific design and legal issues allowing readers to consider their advantages and disadvantages — and so is also recommended for policy and law makers, as well as organizations that administer IP rights. Topics include the subject matter of design protection; procedural and substantive requirements; design registration; infringement; and the overlap of design rights and other IP rights. The chapters on design history provide further context to the historical development of these legal concepts by considering major design movements, key designers and iconic designs and the current state of design. The chapters highlight the connected and often complementary relationship between the two histories, not only for each country, but at the regional and international level, often as a result of government policies, trade, colonialism, immigration and globalisation. Design and design practice continue to become more global and evolve with developments in technology. At the same time, design laws are not internationally harmonized and continue to develop at the national level, with a number of significant changes occurring in recent years. This timely book shows how the lessons of the past continue to inform the future direction of design and the legal systems developed to protect it.

Injunctions in Patent Law

Book Description

Patents are important tools for innovation policy. They incentivize the creation and dissemination of new technical solutions and help to disclose their working to the public in exchange for limited exclusivity. Injunctions are important tools of their enforcement. Much has been written about different aspects of the patent system, but the issue of injunctions is largely neglected in the comparative legal literature. This book explains how the drafting, tailoring and enforcement of injunctions in patent law works in several leading jurisdictions: Europe, the United States, Canada, and Israel. The chapters provide in-depth explanation of how and why national judges provide for or reject flexibility and tailoring of injunctive relief. With its transatlantic and intra- European comparisons, as well as a policy and theoretical synthesis, this is the most comprehensive overview available for practicing attorneys and scholars in patent law. This book is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

I contratti di compravendita nazionali ed internazionali

Book Description

I contratti di compravendita mirano a definire le più importanti decisioni di gestione delle imprese commerciali. Assumono particolare importanza non solo sotto il profilo della corretta e completa stesura, ma anche per tutti gli adempimenti successivi che possono riguardare i settori della logistica aziendale, attraverso il ricevimento o l’invio del materiale oggetto del contratto, la contabilità e l’amministrazione, nella fase dell’emissione e/o ricevimento della documentazione contabile e del controllo dei documenti ricevuti e/o emessi, e per il settore finanziario, con il controllo delle relative movimentazioni finanziarie. Nel commercio internazionale, sia comunitario che con Paesi terzi, tali contratti mirano anche a regolamentare le operazioni e la documentazione internazionale, con particolare riferimento a quella doganale, di conformità, di origine dei beni oggetto di compravendita. Il testo tratta in forma distinta e completa i seguenti argomenti: Contratti di compravendita nazionali, Contratti di compravendita internazionali, Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite in materia di compravendita dei beni fungibili Vengono inoltre analizzati gli aspetti giuridici in materia di contratti e sono riportati i fac-simili dei contratti di compravendita. Nelle parti concernenti i contratti sono stati esaminati gli aspetti giuridici commerciali, fiscali e doganali, nonché tutta la documentazione aziendale e contabile necessaria per la conclusione di ogni singolo affare, al fine di offrire al lettore una valutazione completa sull’argomento. È stata inserita una parte con la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite in materia di contratti di compravendita internazionale con la traduzione, non ufficiale, in italiano dei vari articoli, e con l’esposizione sintetica delle principali sentenze. Il formulario è stato redatto per fornire agli Operatori una base di partenza per la redazione dei contratti, nelle loro varie tipologie giuridiche e commerciali. STRUTTURA Parte Prima- Aspetti giuridici in materia di contratti 1. Nozioni giuridiche generali in materia di contratti commerciali 2. I contratti internazionali 3. I principi UNIDROIT in materia di contratti commerciali inter-nazionali 4. Profili fiscali in materia di contratti 5. I contratti nel diritto e nella pratica contabile Parte Seconda- I contratti di compravendita nazionali 6. I contratti di compravendita nazionali: aspetti giuridici 7. I contratti di vendita di beni mobili 8. Vendita a termine di titoli di credito 9. Vendita di beni immobili 10. I contratti affini alla vendita 11. Aspetti fiscali dei contratti di compravendita nazionali 12. Aspetti contabili sui contratti di vendita Parte terza -I contratti di compravendita internazionali 13. Caratteri generali in materia di contratti internazionali di vendita 14. I contratti relativi agli scambi in compensazione 15. Il contratto di consignement stock 16. Contratti internazionali di investimento Parte quarta - la convenzione Onu in materia di contratti di com-pravendita di beni fungibili e Incoterms 2000 17. La convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internaziona-le dei beni mobili 18. La convenzione delle nazioni unite sulla vendita internaziona-le di beni mobili 19. I termini di resa internazionali Incoterms 2000 Appendice – Fac-simile contratti

Intellectual Property and Private International Law

Book Description

'Intellectual property and private international law' was one of the subjects discussed at the 18th International Congress of Comparative Law held in Washington (July 2010). This volume contains the General Report and 20 National Reports covering Canada, US, Japan, Korea, India and a number of European countries (Austria, France, Germany, UK, Spain etc). The General Report was prepared on the basis of National Reports. The national reporters not only describe the existing legal framework, but also provide answers for up to 12 hypothetical cases concerning international jurisdiction, choice-of-law and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in multi-state IP disputes. Based on their answers the main differences between legal systems as well as the shortcomings of the cross-border enforcement of IP rights are outlined in the General Report. The Reports in this volume analyse relevant court decisions as well as recent legislative proposals (such as the ALI, CLIP, Transparency, Waseda and Korean Principles). This book is therefore a significant contribution to the existing debate in the field and will be a valuable source of reference in shaping future developments in the cross-border enforcement of IP rights in a global context.