Book Description

Este libro ha sido diseñado y construido con el método lógico, analítico y reflexivo, dispuesto con tácticas en el aprendizaje significativo en diversas formas y antecedentes de contenido prospectivo, aplicado al sistema empresarial, con una visión desde el punto de vista de la gestión empresarial. Su estructuración tiende a fundamentar lineamientos básicos, para aplicar los requisitos mínimos y necesarios, de la teoría prospectiva en el estudio de las ideas en cualquier área del conocimiento, a través de la investigación académica y la extensión en la praxis empresarial. Gestiona contenidos en aplicaciones al sistema empresarial, buscando anticiparse proactivamente al éxito, lo que garantiza la apropiación de las acciones gerenciales, el liderazgo y el poder, requeridos en la nueva reorganización global. Reordenamiento que incorpore el humanismo y la tecnología al anhelado desarrollo digno y feliz de la humanidad. Esta obra está dirigida a estudiantes universitarios en programas académicos presenciales o de educación a distancia en ciencias económicas, administrativas, sociales y humanísticas.

Towards a Cleaner Planet

Book Description

This book reviews the main energy sources, production problems and energy perspectives in Germany and Mexico. It surveys the status of traditional and alternative energy sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear, hydraulic, eolic, solar, and hydrogen cells. The book emphasizes the search for answers to such questions as What are the main problems of industries based on fossil fuels, and What is the present status of hydraulic and nuclear energy?

Book Description

Las Cualidades que debe poseer un ciudadano, de acuerdo a la conceptualizaci—n Ontol—gica del Ser Humano y la Filosof’a del Derecho

Book Description

El presente trabajo, es un tema que se ubica, dentro de uno mayor llamado Inteligencias múltiples. Mi propuesta es desarrollar siete inteligencias prioritarias, acordes con el ideal constitucional (...desarrollar armónicamente, todas las facultades del ser humano. Art. 3). Al desarrollar estas siete capacidades (meta-normas), desarrollaríamos una cultura jurídica tal, que estimularía una conducta acorde con la legalidad y esto evitaría un sinnúmero de acciones, fuera del orden.


Book Description

Este libro de texto SISTEMA EMPRESARIAL PROSPECTIVO involucra la gestión estratégica prospectiva, el plan estratégico y el proceso prospectivo con herramientas de gestión, control y auditoría del sistema empresarial. Este enfoque sistémico concibe a la empresa como un sistema prospectivo que requiere de una gestión prospectiva en las acciones de un plan estratégico dinámico que fortalezca a la empresa en el desarrollo tecnológico del cambio. Esta dirección propone el trabajo efectivo de los subsistemas empresariales, a través de un proceso de pensamiento sistémico controlado y auditado, basado en el cumplimiento de las metas, objetivos y por supuesto la misión y visión empresarial de la empresa a futuro. Visión en la prospectiva de la dirección estratégica hacia aplicaciones gerenciales a la medida de cada empresa, teniendo en cuenta el horizonte de corto, mediano y largo plazo. El objetivo principal es alinear una aplicación gerencial con la visión prospectiva de la empresa como sistema, a través de la aplicación del proceso de dirección estratégica a los recursos estratégicos del negocio generadores de productos y servicios, en el contexto de un modelo sistémico que es retroalimentado continuamente, para orientar y prospectar a la empresa hacia un futuro exitoso.

Beyond IPM: Introduction to the Theory of Holistic Pest Management

Book Description

About 15 years ago, we asked ourselves why the methods developed by the research institutions for the management of pests were almost not used by small landholder farmers. It seemed obvious to us that conventional pest control –called “Integrated Pest Management”– was based on a reductionist approach. In reviewing the literature on the subject, we found that our concern was not new or unique. The agreement of some authors with our ideas reinforced our efforts to find a holistic approach to pest management. We took two central ideas to develop the holistic approach: First, pest management actions must put the farmer at the center of the system. Second, pest management must consider not only both pests but the other important components of the system in question. This approach based on the farmers and the systems in which they are immersed, is called “Holistic Pest Management” or HPM. In this book, I present the philosophy and practice of HPM, a new paradigm of pest management.

Impact Evaluation in Practice;La Evaluación de Impacto en la Práctica

Book Description

This book offers an accessible introduction to the topic of impact evaluation and its practice in development. While the book is geared principally towards development practitioners and policymakers designing prospective impact evaluations, we trust that it will be a valuable resource for students and others interested in using impact evaluation. Prospective impact evaluations should be used selectively to assess whether or not a program has achieved its intended results, or to test alternatives for achieving those results. We consider that more and better impact evaluation will help strengthen the evidence base for development policies and programs around the world. If governments and development practitioners can make policy decisions based on evidence - including evidence generated through impact evaluation - our hope is that development resources will be spent more effectively, and ultimately have a greater impact on reducing poverty and improving people's lives. The three chapters in this handbook provide a non-technical introduction to impact evaluations, including “Why Evaluate” in Chapter 1, “How to Evaluate” in Chapter 2 and “How to Implement Impact Evaluations” in Chapter 3. These elements are the basic ‘tools' needed in order to successfully carry out an impact evaluation. From a methodological standpoint our approach to impact evaluation is largely pragmatic: we think that the most appropriate methods should be identified to fit the operational context, and not the other way around. This is best achieved at the outset of the program, through the design of prospective impact evaluation that can be built into the project's implementation. We argue that gaining consensus between key stakeholders and identifying an evaluation design that fits the political and operational context is as important as the method itself. We also believe strongly that impact evaluations should be upfront about their limitations and caveats. Finally, we strongly encourage policymakers and program managers to consider impact evaluations in a logical framework that clearly sets out the causal pathways by which the program works to produce outputs and influence final outcomes, and to combine impact evaluations with monitoring and selected complementary evaluation approach to gain a full picture of performance. This book builds on a core set of teaching materials developed for the “Turning Promises to Evidence” workshops organized by the office of the Chief Economist for Human Development (HDNCE) in partnership with regional units and the Development Economics Research Group (DECRG) at the World Bank.

Biotechnology in Latin America

Book Description

The different challenges posed by the growth of biotechnology have been keenly felt in Latin America. This work examines how biotechnology can be made to serve developing nations rather than provide another route for exploitation by First-World industry.