Psi Spies

Book Description

Takes readers behind the scenes of the U.S. Army's formerly top-secret remote viewing unit, discussing how the military has used this psychic ability to its advantage since the unit's creation in the 1970's.

PSI Spies

Book Description

"In PSI Spies, Jim Marrs has provided the original report on the U.S. Army's use of psychic remote viewing as an intelligence tool." —Whitley Strieber Learn the Truth About Our Military's Psychic SoldiersPSI Spiestakes you behind the scenes of the U.S. Army's formerly top-secret remote viewing unit to see how the military has used this psychic ability as a tool and a weapon. Even though remote viewing was developed by various tax-supported government agencies, including the CIA, most Americans have never heard of this faculty. In the 1970s, with the support of Congress, the Army formed a small unit of remote viewers to spy for America. These soldiers/psychic spies gained penetrating knowledge about a wide variety of subjects. They were consulted to stop a Soviet plot to kill President Ronald Reagan. They mentally prowled the halls of the Kremlin. They probed Iraq's hidden weapons sites in preparation for the 1991 Gulf War. From insights into our future to the continuing mysteries of UFOs and crop circles, no subject has been immune to the military remote viewers—America's Psi Spies. And now, in this book, you can also find tips on how to remote view on your own.

Psi Spies

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Psi Spies

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Psi Spies

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Psi Spies

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Psi Spies

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Book Description

On November 12, 1995 the CIA issued a report admitting that military and intelligence services had used psychics for spying or "remote viewing". Project Stargate, as it was called, is the premise of this nerve-jangling thriller. Former Air Force Major Trent Calloway just wants to forget about his past, especially the tragedy that changed his life when he was involved in a government remote viewing project. With his marriage ruined in the aftermath of his psychic spying, he wanders the Southwest, occasionally guiding river rafting tours. And then suddenly his painful past returns and threatens to damage him again. He finds out that he had been drugged during his remote viewing sessions and that the drug, now years later, is causing ever increasing side-effects in himself and the other government psychic spies he worked with - and that their psychic abilities are still expanding at frightening rates. He realizes that the unknown drug he and the other psychic spies unwillingly took has bound them all together in a deadly psychic nexus, a "PSI net", that has trapped Callaway, who must now fight for his life and his sanity as he struggles for the security of the United States and its people.

Rockets and Ray Guns: The Sci-Fi Science of the Cold War

Book Description

The Cold War saw scientists in East and West racing to create amazing new technologies, the like of which the world had never seen. Yet not everyone was taken by surprise. From super-powerful atomic weapons to rockets and space travel, readers of science fiction (SF) had seen it all before. Sometimes reality lived up to the SF vision, at other times it didn’t. The hydrogen bomb was as terrifyingly destructive as anything in fiction, while real-world lasers didn't come close to the promise of the classic SF ray gun. Nevertheless, when the scientific Cold War culminated in the Strategic Defence Initiative of the 1980s, it was so science-fictional in its aspirations that the media dubbed it “Star Wars”. This entertaining account, offering a plethora of little known facts and insights from previously classified military projects, shows how the real-world science of the Cold War followed in the footsteps of SF – and how the two together changed our perception of both science and scientists, and paved the way to the world we live in today.