Puppet Scripts

Book Description

According to surveys carried out, ninety four percent (94%) of all fundamental Christians accepted Jesus as their Savior while they were very young; and sixty five percent (65%) of all Christians were led to the Lord by their parents or teachers. It is therefore most vital and valuable for those of us who are teachers especially those who are in Vocation Bible School, Sunday School Teachers, Children Ministry Pastors and Leaders to get our children starting from a very young age engrossed and rooted with simple Bible stories, and then progressing through the more age-appropriate children’s Bibles and studies as they get older. Now, while there are numerous Bible Story books available, this book however focuses on 37 miracles of JESUS, using the power of puppets and is on Jesus alone- Who is the centre of the whole Bible, enabling the child to see the power of Jesus’ and His divine authority, thus building a strong foundation.'PUPPET SCRIPTS will hopefully help anyone in Children’s Ministries make a start of building a legacy by passing on through these precious kids to help build a faith line of future generations. Puppets help… -Teach kids about Jesus- what He did and what He continues to do for them -Build a foundation on the Word of God, the Bible, its characters and its key Messages -Establish in the faith, the joy of serving Christ -Win children and teens to Christ and the Kingdom -Teach teens to be great puppeteers (Start a kid as a hearer, then as they move into teens they graduate as doers-puppeteers) -Build skills of teamwork and commitment to each other and the ministry This little book will be a blessing to the many VBS and Sunday School Teachers, Pastors and Leaders who have this tremendous opportunity to reach children, teach them and sow in them- God’s Word- the seed that will take root and germinate to bear fruit! This is the greatest Joy that anyone can aspire to see…And I pray that this book helps meet this purpose!

Amazingly Easy Puppet Plays

Book Description

What better way to hold children's attention during storytime than with puppets? Even in an age of technical wizardry, clever dialogue and home-made puppets are all it takes to entertain children. Author Dee Anderson has presented puppet skits for sixteen years in libraries, schools, parks, day-care centers, a mall, and other community locations. Each of these forty-two scripts has been audience tested, some more than one hundred times. You'll find programming material for ages 18 months to 12 years. A former children's librarian herself, Anderson has created scripts that are accessible and practical for busy librarians and others who work with children.

One-Person Puppet Plays

Book Description

Discusses puppets, puppet stages, props, scenery, and performance techniques, and shares plays with folklore, holiday, and library themes.

One-Person Puppetry Streamlined and Simplified

Book Description

Presents a comprehensive guide to puppetry designed to enhance story times and other library events and provides techniques to creating inexpensive props along with thirty-eight folktale scripts.

Puppet Scripts by the Situation

Book Description

One of the hardest things to teach children is how to act and react in certain situations. Why not make that learning fun for them? Children enjoy puppet shows and can easily absorb Christian moral and social values through the lively situations described in this book. Each of the fifteen scripts has a theme, an appropriate Scripture text, and instructions for setting the stage.

Real Puppets, Real Issues

Book Description

It is no secret that some people are feeling alienated from the church, for various reasons; social status, sexual orientation, or how they dress, among others. For these reasons, as well as others, some have felt compelled to leave the church. The purpose of this book is to minister to those very people; to show them that although the church is not perfect, Jesus Christ is real and alive and will never mistreat them or abuse them; that in His heart there is a place for them too. Perhaps the most important part of ministering to those feeling like there is no spiritual home for them in the church, is to demonstrate that, while the church struggles to exemplify the love of Christ, Christ Himself is still real and is still alive and loves each and every one with a deep and abiding love. It is my hope that those who either read these scripts or see them performed will come to realize that Christ is calling us all and we have only to say Yes!

Puppet Scripts for Sunday Mornings

Book Description

52 seasonally-based scripts, plus hints on developing the puppet's character, using your voice, creating stages, memorization, and more. Scripts include Bible and modern-day stories.

Playwriting for Puppet Theatre

Book Description

Playwriting for Puppet Theatre provides a foundation for those puppeteers, teachers and librarians who want to develop suitable scripts for puppet theatre. Mattson explores the difference between traditional theatre and puppet theatre and notes the special characteristics of the various puppets. The important aspects of script writing are then addressed. She considers the many general questions which must be answered by the playwright: the type of puppet to be used, the audience, and availability of resources and facilities. Suggestions are then given for dramatizing original ideas and for adapting well-known stories. The chapter on plot development emphasizes the importance of perspective, transitional material and the need for action. One chapter proposes various ways to develop a character through dialogue, names, and behavior. Another chapter demonstrates how the use of rhyme can add interest and humor to a puppet play. Teachers will find suggestions on how to develop a play on a specific theme or about a specific character. Some attention is also given to the mechanics of writing a play. Includes a group of puppet plays which have been successfully performed by Seattle Puppetory Theatre. Among them are Rumplestiltskin, The Princess and the Pea, The Bad-Tempered Wife, The Golden Axe, The Swineherd, and The Fisherman and His Wife. Production notes follow each script. Several samples of manipulation charts are included which may be used as an aid in blocking the puppets and the puppeteers for the various hand puppet productions.

Instant Puppet Skits

Book Description

Use 20 Stories From People Who Met Jesus to enliven favorite Bible stories and to introduce children to puppeteering! Lead kids to discover more about Jesus from the people who knew him best--those he met...like one of the shepherds, Zacchaeus, a Roman soldier, and more! You will get: 2 compact discs with audio for each script. You and your puppeteer friends don't have to worry about digging up sound effects or reading the lines as you perform. It's already done for you! Scripture reference in Table of Contents, Directions for creating a stage, Simple Bible costumes for puppets, Reproducible patterns for props, Reproducible scripts with staging instructions, And a Puppet Primer with tips for powerful and imaginative productions. The twenty scripts you'll find in Instant Puppet Skits have something in common: each features a Bible character who met Jesus and shares a personal insight. John the Baptist tells his would-be, disgusted director that he is not the star attraction, that his purpose was to prepare people to follow Jesus, and while Lazarus tries to collect a refund on his burial, he explains eternal life for those who believe. And you'll find that the scripts have other things in common too: Scripts have no more than four puppets on stage at any one time, and you can re-use the same four "actors" with different costumes to limit the costs of the puppets! Four or less puppets per script makes it easy for you to recruit enough puppeteers! Yet the audience is involved. In "Fish and Loaves", the audience acts the part of the crowd, each of them stuffed with food. After each script you'll find group discussion points in the "For Deeper Learning" section.

Puppet Scripts for Children's Church

Book Description

Puppets Mortimer and Mathilda teach Bible verses.