Purana Purusha Yogiraj Sri Shamachurn Lahiree

Book Description

Life of Śyāmācaraṇa Lāhiṛī, 1828-1895, well known as Lahiri Mahasay, propounder of Kriya Yoga; translated from Bengali.

Purana Purusha

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Puran Purush

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The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami

Book Description

For anyone wondering what is spiritual enlightenment, it is essential to learn of the 24 Tirthankaras of the past, and Tirthankaras of the present. In previous eras, it was possible to achieve instant enlightenment simply from meeting a Tirthankara. At present, such sudden enlightenment is not possible here on earth. In the current era, if one is seeking spiritual awakening, one can search for spiritual teachers, with hopes of understanding the meaning of spirituality and achieving spiritual transformation. But to attain Self realization one must meet a living Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge). A living Gnani has the spiritual power both to give spiritual enlightenment, and to connect one with living Tirthankaras of the present, such as Simandhar Swami of Mahavideh Kshetra. In the book “The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami”, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers spiritual guidance about Self realization, and how best to cultivate a connection with Simandhar Swami for the sake of ultimate liberation, or moksha. Whether on a spiritual quest to attain knowledge of Self, or simply to discover the highest level of spiritual people currently alive, this book is an invaluable resource. Among the many spiritual books available today, “The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami” contains information that seekers will not find elsewhere.


Book Description

Shankara's Vivekachudamani gets a new facelift in this nectarine compilation of wisdom by Swami Akhandananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj of Vrindavan.

Kriya Yoga

Book Description

This book is a rare gem. Written and originally appearing at the end of the author's illustrious life, it is one of the few books available today in which the accurate information on Kriya Yoga is given, historical and otherwise, and written by a man who was part of that sacred tradition during its very crucial years and who had personally known several of the authorized disciples of the Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya (including of course his own beloved Master, the illustrious Swamiji Maharaj, Sriyukteshvar Giri, by whom he was initiated in year 1929 at age nineteen and with whom he remained in close association). Kriya Yoga is a system of physical and mental discipline towards attainment of Yoga as defined in the Yoga Shastras. The system taught by Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri and down through his illustrious disciples is commonly termed Kriya. The technique and discipline taught are in conformity with the basic conceptions laid down in the Gita, Patanjal, Yoga and Tantra Shastras and the Manu Smriti; and designed in the pattern of movements of heavenly bodies that cause appearance of the Yugas and their virtues. The book also discusses similarities that can be traced in the teachings of Jesus Christ contained in selected expressions in the Holy Bible and the basic conceptions of the Hindu spiritual practices and scriptures. Essentially Kriya Yoga is a universally applicable spiritual system without any inhibition with regard to faiths and nationalities, and directed towards development of the complete man-in body, mind and in the unfoldment of the inner Spirit.

The Scriptural Commentaries of Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya

Book Description

This book contains the following works of Lahiri Mahasaya translated into English by Yoga Niketan: CONTENTS 1. Manu Samhita or Manu-Rahasya 2. Krishna-Yajurvediya Tejabindu Upanishad 3. Krishna-Yajurvediya Dhyanabindu Upanishad 4. Krishna-Yajurvediya Amritabindu Upanishad 5. Niralamba Upanishad 6. Patanjali Yoga Sutras 7. Garland of Letters (Patravali) In the middle of the eyebrows, at the root of the nasal passage, is the abode of Nectar; if one abides there--the One Who resides there--it is He that is Eternal; He is Omnipresent; thus Supreme. - Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya from Commentary on Krishna-Yajurvediya Dhyanabindu Upanishad Throw vayu up into space, abide as no-self in the par avastha of Kriya, remain only in Brahman with breath sealed in Brahman and do yunjana. Via this, there will be rechak--meaning: you will be Still. - Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya from Commentary on Krishna-Yajurvediya Amritabindu Upanishad Remain steadfast in the poise of Kriya and proceed accordingly and all will be good. - Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya from the Garland of Letters 307 pages

Echoes of Ancient Indian Wisdom

Book Description

The echoes of ancient Indian wisdom can be heard from the oldest of scriptures that existed many years ago. Even thousands of years before they were written down on palm leaves, the teachings were passed on from generations to generations, from the teachers to the disciples in their oral form. These works are amongst the oldest of humanity. They laid the foundation of one of the most tolerant and diverse religions in the world, the Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism, which is marked by a wide range of ethos and philosophical approaches. Covering the vastness and immensity of the ancient Indian scriptures is akin to capturing a gigantic ocean in a small pitcher. Thus, in this book, the author has tried to catch a few 'echoes' resonating with age-old wisdom and has presented them to the readers. the book unravels the knowledge hidden inside the Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads of the Shruti that form the Vedas, and in the Smriti like Agamas, Dharma Shastras and so on. In short, it provides a glimpse, or rather a macro view of the ancient treasure of India.