Gone Viral

Book Description

Data and marketing consultant and statistical sage to presidential candidates, governors, businesses, and the real powers-that-be, epidemiologists, Justin Hart catalogs in a terrifying-but-sprightly manner the folly and psychosis produced by the pandemic and diagnoses the societal destruction that the massive overresponse to the COVID virus has wreaked, as well as what can be done to stop the madness and bring the world back to a modicum of rationality. WORST. DISEASE. EVER. Someone broke America. In this nightmare, neighbors have turned into agoraphobes, teachers fear their students, children are muzzled, citizens are censored, dystopian fictions have become reality, and unelected officials are creating a biometric police state. Oh wait. It’s not a nightmare. It’s our daily lives! In truth, much of this insanity didn’t start with the coronavirus pandemic (it was already latent in big government and big corporations) and it won’t end there. COVID-19’s greatest threat turned out to be . . . mental. All we had to fear was fear itself—and boy did some of us fear! The very idea of the virus weakened the immune system of America and revealed a decaying underbelly of confusion, panic, unease, and cowardice few of the strong ones suspected existed. What a horrible wake-up call! In a spate of anxious dread and gleeful power-grabbing, our health overlords threw away the pandemic response handbook and tried—beyond all reason—to protect, well, everyone. From massive over-testing to universal retail plexiglass to stay-at-home orders to stay-away-from-school orders to masking mandates to vaccine mandates to some of the worst restrictions on civil liberties in American history, this is an epic story that poses big questions about America’s future as a free society. And the odd thing is, as Justin Hart shows, the actual disease was, as pandemics go, not that threatening; most people were at minimal risk. What is really scary is the total overreaction of half the country, many governments, that lost all sense of perspective. Hart offers a hopeful prescription on how we might face the madness down and claw our way back to sanity!

My Footsteps on the Camino of the Stars

Book Description

The legend says that the Milky Way has been the path set by the Santiago Apostle since the Middle Ages, to guide pilgrims on the Camino until they reach his resting place. Indeed, the name of Compostela comes from Campus Stellae (a field of stars). In 2017, I had the opportunity to do the famous "Camino de Santiago" and, after walking over 850Km, I arrived. They were intense and moving 30 days, where I walked, laughed, and cried a lot. I met people from all over the world, but perhaps, the most important thing was that I got to know myself better. Without realising, it became an internal journey more than something external. During those days, I discovered how little I needed to be happy. Whoever had the possibility of doing the Camino and becoming a pilgrim, would surely understand. To all the rest, I hope with all my heart that this book moves you to do it. You will not regret it. "BUEN CAMINO"


Book Description

This collection explores the many ways in which the Netflix series Sense8 transcends television. As its characters transcend physical and psychological borders of gender and geography, so the series itself transcends those between television, new media platforms and new screen technologies, while dissolving those between its producers, stars, audiences and fans. Sense8 united, inspired and energized a global community of fans that realized its own power by means of online interaction and a successful campaign to secure a series finale. The series' playful but poignant exploration of globalization, empathy, transnationalism, queer and trans aesthetics, gender fluidity, imagined communities and communities of sentiment also inspired the interdisciplinary range of contributors to this volume. In this collection, leading academics illuminate Sense8 as a progressive and challenging series that points to vital, multifarious, contemporary social, political, aesthetic and philosophical concerns. Sense8: Transcending Television is much more than an academic examination of a series; it is an account and analysis of the way that we all receive, communicate and consider ourselves as participants in global communities that are social, political and cultural, and now both physical and virtual too.

The Wilkes Insurrection

Book Description

An elusive extremist hell-bent on destroying America. ​A woman of uncommon valor haunted by her tragic past. A dark web hacker confronting his conscience. A failed intelligence officer in search of redemption. The relative calm at Offutt Air Force Base is shattered when commercial Flight 209 crashes down onto its runway. From the flaming wreckage, Major Tamika Smith must try to rescue survivors and make sense of the tragedy. But this isn’t just an isolated incident. In a time of national unrest and division, a cunning shadowy mastermind is tearing down the United States from the inside out, playing law enforcement like puppets. Soon, thousands are dying and there are precious few leads. Can Tamika and an unlikely collection of committed Americans stop the destruction in time to rescue a nation descending into chaos? With heart-pounding action, compelling plot twists, and a rich tapestry of characters, The Wilkes Insurrection is a contemporary thriller of anarchic obsession and heroic ambition. Its perfect blend of callous villains, iconic heroes, and political intrigue will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

The Gift of an Ordinary Day

Book Description

The Gift of an Ordinary Day is an intimate memoir of a family in transition, with boys becoming teenagers, careers ending and new ones opening up, and an attempt to find a deeper sense of place—and a slower pace—in a small New England town. This is a story of mid-life longings and discoveries, of lessons learned in the search for home and a new sense of purpose, and the bittersweet intensity of life with teenagers—holding on, letting go. Poised on the threshold between family life as she's always known it and her older son's departure for college, Kenison is surprised to find that the times she treasures most are the ordinary, unremarkable moments of everyday life, the very moments that she once took for granted, or rushed right through without noticing at all. The relationships, hopes, and dreams that Kenison illuminates will touch women's hearts, and her words will inspire mothers everywhere as they try to make peace with the inevitable changes in store.

The Cosmopolitan Theory

Book Description

‘The Cosmopolitan Theory’ is a collection of poems, short stories and micro tales complied by Rishav Banerjee from (Kolkata) India, and Deepika Sati from (Uttarakhand) India. This project was possible with the valuable efforts of many national and international writers. The Cosmopolitan Theory, contains write-ups narrating the situation of the pandemic globally and how the well-oiled gears of our elaborated world machine are grinding to a shuddering halt. It also tells us how enforced isolation is teaching us how much we need each other. This book is an emotion about the feelings and thoughts different people carry about this situation and what are the effects of it on the physical and mental health of the people around the globe.

#ICP Concerned

Book Description

On March 13, 2020 when the global coronavirus pandemic brought life as we know it to an abrupt halt, the International Center of Photography, just weeks after opening in a brand-new building on Manhattan'ss Lower East Side that was buzzing with visitors, was forced to close its doors. Wanting to do more than virtual exhibition tours, ICP announced the #ICPConcerned open call on March 20th, an invitation for people to make, upload, and tag images on Instagram of whatever was going on in their lives wherever they were. What resulted was more than sixty thousand submissions from countries as far flung as France, Singapore, Argentina, Nigeria, Canada, and Iran. From the halls of medical facilities to eerily empty streets and domestic settings converted into home offices and classrooms, the more than 800 photographs collected here are organized chronologically and accompanied by headlines gathered from various global news entities. Taken together, these words and pictures represent the pain, heartbreak, hope, and occasional humor we've all experienced this past year against the backdrop of COVID-19, unrelenting racial injustice, and a divisive political climate. Exhibition: ICP International Center for Photography, New York, USA (01.10.2020 - 03.01.2021).

After 60: The secrets to achieving happiness, health, and fulfillment in later life - Part II

Book Description

“I wish I could have given this book to each one of our residents when they were 65.” - PAUL NIMEY, Executive Director, Southampton Estates (an ACTS retirement community) IF YOU WERE EXCITED BY THE TECHNIQUES you found in After 60—Part I but are still unsure about how to get the most out of them – perhaps even wishing for some real-life examples to reference as a starting point – then this book is for you. Welcome to After 60—Part II: a book written to provide you with those real-life examples; ones that will jumpstart your thinking and help you to utilize the techniques found in After 60—Part I in the most effective ways possible. In this book you will find: * Practical examples that show you how to use each of the 8 SPIRIT TECHNIQUES to gain a brighter outlook and get the most out of each day * Concrete advice on how to use each of the 9 MIND TECHNIQUES to strengthen your mental abilities and improve your mental attitude * Real World illustrations of how each of the 8 BODY TECHNIQUES can be used to keep you healthy and independent for years to come * Insight into how to avoid falling into the negativity trap that dooms your efforts and prevents the techniques from working This book also shows you how you can use these techniques to achieve your goals even if you do not have a lot of money. There is a saying that the best things in life are free, and the examples in this book demonstrate how true that is. Don't stay stuck in uncertainty and doubt. Take control of your journey and confidently make the most of these MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT TECHNIQUES starting today.

The Fatal Breath

Book Description

The Fatal Breath is the first full-scale history of the Covid-19 pandemic in Britain. Deploying a rich archive of personal testimonies together with a wide range of research reports and official data, it presents a moving and challenging account of the crisis that enveloped Britain (and the world) in the spring of 2020. With sensitivity, care, and an historian’s critical eye, David Vincent places the pandemic in context. While much contemporary commentary has assumed people were forced to develop entirely new ways of living and working during lockdown, Vincent reveals how the population was able to draw upon a wealth of resources and coping strategies already seen over the centuries, often reacting far more quickly and effectively than slow-moving authorities. He tells the stories of doctors’ and nurses’ time on the frontlines, reveals the true extent of supply shortages, conspiracy theories, and vaccine resistance, and explores individuals’ newfound appreciation of nature and community in lockdown. The Fatal Breath will appeal to anyone seeking to reflect on the past few years and how the pandemic has changed Britain – for better and for worse.