Queer Turkey

Book Description

Before President Erdogan's repressive politics took hold, queer cultures were more visible than ever in Turkey. Queer Turkey offers a broad range of reflections on queer Turkish cultures within a transnational, Euro-American context. Based on his experience in Istanbul, Ralph J. Poole shares his impressions of queer desires between Muslim tradition and global pop, observes what goes on in the hamam, and wonders about Arabesk culture. The book features discussions of queer travel writers, poets, playwrights, and film directors. Their multifarious works manifest the subtle and subversive ways in which artists crisscross the cultural borders of East and West. With its many facets of Turkish-Euro-American cultural interactions, Queer Turkey outlines a kaleidoscope of transnational poetics.

Queer Turkey

Book Description

Queer Turkey offers a broad range of reflections on queer Turkish cultures within a transnational, Euro-American context. Ralph J. Poole discusses queer travel writers, poets, playwrights, and film directors whose multifarious works manifest the subtle and subversive ways in which artists crisscross cultural borders.

LGBTQ Activism in Turkey During 2010s

Book Description

During the 2010s in Turkey, LGBTQ activists, groups, and individuals persisted against social, political, and legal adversity. Erasure during the Gezi Park Protests in 2013, a Pride parade ban in Istanbul in 2016, and indefinite ban on all LGBTQ events in Ankara in 2017 directly aimed at ending the activities, visibility, and existence of LGBTQ organization in the two biggest cities in Turkey. This work examines the ways in which LGBTQ activists engaged in talkback against these restrictions that impacted the lives of LGBTQ individuals and how said individuals endured such adversity. Focusing on the elements of discourse used by LGBTQ activists, this work argues oppositional discourses need to address as well as remedy the various elements of normative discourses—constructions of space, time, and affect—in order to be deemed a talkback, instead of merely perpetuating the normativities of oppressive discourses.

Queer Politics in Contemporary Turkey

Book Description

Drawing on the words and stories of queer Turkish activists, this book aims to unravel the complexities of queer lives in Turkey. In doing so, it challenges dominant conceptualizations of the queer Turkish experience within critical security discourses. The book argues that while queer Turks are subjected to ceaseless forms of insecurity in their governance, opportunities for emancipatory resistance have emerged alongside these abuses. It identifies the ways in which the state, the family, Turkish Islam and other socially-mediated processes and agencies can expose or protect queers from violence in the Turkish community.

Queer Politics in Contemporary Turkey

Book Description

Drawing on the words and stories of queer Turkish activists, this book explores queer lives in Turkey and challenges dominant conceptualizations of queer Turkish experience within critical security discourses.

Queer in Translation

Book Description

In Queer in Translation, Evren Savcı analyzes the travel and translation of Western LGBT political terminology to Turkey in order to illuminate how sexual politics have unfolded under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's AKP government. Under the AKP's neoliberal Islamic regime, Savcı shows, there has been a stark shift from a politics of multicultural inclusion to one of securitized authoritarianism. Drawing from ethnographic work with queer activist groups to understand how discourses of sexuality travel and are taken up in political discourse, Savcı traces the intersection of queerness, Islam, and neoliberal governance within new and complex regimes of morality. Savcı turns to translation as a queer methodology to think Islam and neoliberalism together and to evade the limiting binaries of traditional/modern, authentic/colonial, global/local, and East/West—thereby opening up ways of understanding the social movements and political discourse that coalesce around sexual liberation in ways that do justice to the complexities both of what circulates under the signifier Islam and of sexual political movements in Muslim-majority countries.

LGBTI Rights in Turkey

Book Description

Turkey's hostile approach to the LGBTI community leads Muedini to document the history of LGBTI rights, rights abuses, and activist strategies to secure LGBTI rights in Turkey.

Queering Sexualities in Turkey

Book Description

Despite its some of its more liberal and democratic characteristics - when compared to many other countries in the Middle East - the more conservative elements within Turkish politics and society have made gains over the past decades. As a result, like many others in the region, Turkish society has multiple standards when naming, evaluating and reacting to men who have sex with men. Cenk Ozbay argues that overall, self-identified gay men (as well as men who practice clandestine same-sex acts) are most of the time marginalised, ostracised and rendered 'immoral' in both everyday practices and social institutions. He offers in this book an analysis of the concept of masculinity as central to redefining boundaries of class, gender and sexuality, particularly looking at the dynamics between self-identified gay men and straight-acting male prostitutes, or 'rent boys'. A result of in-depth interviews with both self-identified gay men and rent boys, Ozbay explores the changing discourses and meaning of class, gender and queer sexualities, and how these three are embedded within urban and familial narratives.

The Republic of Love

Book Description

Focusing on three entertainers who have become national icons Martin Stokes offers a portrait of Turkish identity that is very different from the official version of anthems and flags. In particular, he discusses how a Turkish concept of love has been developed through the work of the singers and the public reaction to them.

Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey

Book Description

In the first two decades after W.W.II, social scientist heralded Turkey as an exemplar of a 'modernizing' nation in the Western mold. Images of unveiled women working next to clean-shaven men, healthy children in school uniforms, and downtown Ankara's modern architecture all proclaimed the country's success. Although Turkey's modernization began in the late Ottoman era, the establishment of the secular nation-state by Kemal Ataturk in 1923 marked the crystallization of an explicit, elite-driven 'project of modernity' that took its inspiration exclusively from the West. The essays in this book are the first attempt to examine the Turkish experiment with modernity from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing the fields of history, the social sciences, the humanities, architecture, and urban planning. As they examine both the Turkish project of modernity and its critics, the contributors offer a fresh, balanced understanding of dilemmas now facing not only Turkey but also many other parts of the Middle East and the world at large.