Radioactive Particles in the Environment

Book Description

Radioactive particles have been released to the environment from a number of sources, including nuclear weapon tests, nuclear accidents and discharges from nuclear installations. Particle characteristics influence the mobility, biological uptake and effects of radionuclides, hence information on these characteristics is essential for assessing environmental impact and risks. This publication presents a series of papers covering sources and source term characterisation, methodologies for characterizing particles, and the impact of particles on the behaviour of radioactive particles in the environment. Sources covered include the Chernobyl accident, nuclear weapons accidents at Thule and Palomares accident, the discharges from Dounreay and Krashnoyarsk, and depleted uranium in Kosovo and Kuwait. The overall aim is that an increased understanding of particle characteristics and behavior will help to reduce some of the uncertainties in environmental impact and risk assessment for particle contaminated areas.

Radioactive Releases in the Environment

Book Description

- Thema des Bandes ist die Radioaktivität in der Umwelt (Herkunft, Transport, Messung) - einziges Buch auf dem Markt, das sich derart ausführlich nur mit diesem Thema beschäftigt - wendet sich an breitgefächertes Leserspektrum (Studenten, Dozenten, Forscher, Unternehmen, Berater) - Interesse am Einfluß menschlicher Tätigkeit auf die Umwelt nimmt ständig zu

Radioactive Particles in the Environment

Book Description

Reports on the outcome of an IAEA coordinated research project in the area of measurement and characterization of radioactive particles in the environment. This publication summarizes the achievements and findings of the project participants and gives guidance for application of the techniques for evaluation of contaminated areas.

Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment I

Book Description

The 3-volume set highlights the behavior of radionuclides in the environment and focusing on the development of related fields of study, including microbiology and nanoscience. In this context, it discusses the behavior of radionuclides released in areas of Lake Karachai in Ural, and those released as a result of Chernobyl accident (1986), and in Fukushima (2011). Volume I presents the experiences gained in South Urals (“Mayak” plant, Lake Karachai), providing a scientific basis for more precise understanding of the behavior of radionuclides in complex subsurface environments. On the basis of monitoring data, it examines the pathways of radionuclide migration and the influence of the geological environment and groundwater on the migration, with a particular focus on particles from the nanoscale to microscale. It also discusses the function of microbes and microscale particles, from their direct interaction with radionuclides to their ecological role in changing the physic-chemical condition of a given environment. Lastly, the protective properties of geological media are also characterized, and mathematical modeling of contaminant migration in the area of Lake Karachai is used to provide information regarding the migration of radionuclides.

Man-Made and Natural Radioactivity in Environmental Pollution and Radiochronology

Book Description

The goal of this book is to examine the complex state of radioactivity in the environment, and to understand the interplay of its two principal sources: man-made and natural. The text examines human contributions to release of radionuclides, with an eye to future reductions, and assesses natural occurrences in an evaluation of baseline radioactivity.