Annuaire Europeen 1998 / European Yearbook 1998

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook"'s subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.

Annuaire européen. 42.1994(1996)

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of European organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook"'s subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions. It is bilingual (English and French).

International Labour Documentation

Book Description


Book Description

Parallel main title: Documents de sâance. Parallel text in English and French

Documents de Séance

Book Description

Annuaire européen. 40.1992(1994)

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of European organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook"'s subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.

La dimension extérieure de l'espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice de l'Union européenne après le Traité de Lisbonne

Book Description

Le présent ouvrage est le résultat d’une recherche conjointe entre les Universités de Bologne, Rennes et Bruxelles sur le thème de la dimension extérieure de l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice de l’Union européenne (ELSJ). Cette recherche a été soutenue par la Commission européenne dans le cadre de l’ Action Jean Monnet. Il associe des professeurs et chercheurs de renom qui conjuguent leurs compétences et situent leur analyse à l’intersection des politiques en la matière et des politiques externes de l’Union européenne. Les auteurs évaluent de manière critique l’impact du traité de Lisbonne et de la pratique de l’Union concernant la dimension extérieure de l’ELSJ. Cette dimension dont l’importance ne cesse de croître oblige l’Union à concilier des impératifs parfois contradictoires entre les objectifs sécuritaires de l’ELSJ ou ceux de l’action extérieure, ou encore avec les valeurs sur lesquelles elle est fondée. Les auteurs tentent de répondre à différentes questions induites par le nouveau système de représentation extérieure de l’Union dans le domaine de l’ELSJ : Quelles sont les retombées juridiques du nouveau système ? Quel est également son impact politique ? Ne risque-t-on pas une incursion croissante de la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune (PESC) dans les aspects sécuritaires de l’ELSJ ?

European Yearbook / Annuaire Europeen 1969

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. The series offers a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date overview of the member states of each organisation. This special anniversary volume celebrates 60 years of publication of the Yearbook, and its contents differs from that of the regular volumes therefore. It offers a selection of the most important articles, dealing with European cooperation and integration, to appear in the Yearbook during its 60 years of publication. These are of particular interest not only because they provide a unique historical snapshot of the many successes (and occasional failures) in the field of European integration but also because they discuss the ideals and aims that lay behind these efforts, many of which still resonate today as Europe confronts questions about its political destiny and ideal shape. This volume contains articles in English and French."

European Yearbook / Annuaire Europeen

Book Description

The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.