Enhanced Traffic Signal Operation Using Connected Vehicle Data

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As traffic on urban road network increases, congestion and delays are becoming more severe. At grade intersections form capacity bottlenecks in urban road networks because at these locations, capacity must be shared by competing traffic movements. Traffic signals are the most common method by which the right of way is dynamically allocated to conflicting movements. A range of traffic signal control strategies exist including fixed time control, actuated control, and adaptive traffic signal control (ATSC). ATSC relies on traffic sensors to estimate inputs such as traffic demands, queue lengths, etc. and then dynamically adjusts signal timings with the objective to minimize delays and stops at the intersection. Despite, the advantages of these ATSC systems, one of the barriers limiting greater use of these systems is the large number of traffic sensors required to provide the essential information for their signal timing optimization methodologies. A recently introduced technology called connected vehicles will make vehicles capable of providing detailed information such as their position, speed, acceleration rate, etc. in real-time using a wireless technology. The deployment of connected vehicle technology would provide the opportunity to introduce new traffic control strategies or to enhance the existing one. Some work has been done to-date to develop new ATSC systems on the basis of the data provided by connected vehicles which are mainly designed on the assumption that all vehicles on the network are equipped with the connected vehicle technology. The goals of such systems are to: 1) provide better performance at signalized intersections using enhanced algorithms based on richer data provided by the connected vehicles; and 2) reduce (or eliminate) the need for fixed point detectors/sensors in order to reduce deployment and maintenance costs. However, no work has been done to investigate how connected vehicle data can improve the performance of ATSC systems that are currently deployed and that operate using data from traditional detectors. Moreover, achieving a 100% market penetration of connected vehicles may take more than 30 years (even if the technology is mandated on new vehicles). Therefore, it is necessary to provide a solution that is capable of improving the performance of signalized intersections during this transition period using connected vehicle data even at low market penetration rates. This research examines the use of connected vehicle data as the only data source at different market penetration rates aiming to provide the required inputs for conventional adaptive signal control systems. The thesis proposes various methodologies to: 1) estimate queues at signalized intersections; 2) dynamically estimate the saturation flow rate required for optimizing the timings of traffic signals at intersections; and 3) estimate the free flow speed on arterials for the purpose of optimizing offsets between traffic signals. This thesis has resulted in the following findings: 1. Connected vehicle data can be used to estimate the queue length at signalized intersections especially for the purpose of estimating the saturation flow rate. The vehicles' length information provided by connected vehicles can be used to enhance the queue estimation when the traffic composition changes on a network. 2. The proposed methodology for estimating the saturation flow rate is able to estimate temporally varying saturation flow rates in response to changing network conditions, including lane blockages and queue spillback that limit discharge rates, and do so with an acceptable range of errors even at low level of market penetration of connected vehicles. The evaluation of the method for a range of traffic Level of Service (LOS) shows that the maximum observed mean absolute relative error (6.2%) occurs at LOS F and when only 10% of vehicles in the traffic stream are connected vehicles. 3. The proposed method for estimating the Free Flow Speed (FFS) on arterial roads can provide estimations close to the known ground truth and can respond to changes in the FFS. The results also show that the maximum absolute error of approximately 4.7 km/h in the estimated FFS was observed at 10% market penetration rate of connected vehicles. 4. The results of an evaluation of an adaptive signal control system based on connected vehicle data in a microsimulation environment show that the adaptive signal control system is able to adjust timings of signals at intersections in response to changes in the saturation flow rate and free flow speed estimated from connected vehicle data using the proposed methodologies. The comparison of the adaptive signal control system against a fixed time control at 20% and 100% CV market penetration rates shows improvements in average vehicular delay and average number of stops at both market penetration rates and though improvements are larger for 100% CV LMP, approximately 70% of these improvements are achieved at 20% CV LMP.

Performance Measures for Traffic Signal Systems

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This monograph is a synthesis of research carried out on traffic signal performance measures based on high-resolution controller event data, assembled into a methodology for performance evaluation of traffic signal systems. High-resolution data consist of a log of discrete events such as changes in detector and signal phase states. A discussion is provided on the collection and management of the signal event data and on the necessary infrastructure to collect these data. A portfolio of performance measures is then presented, focusing on several different topics under the umbrella of traffic signal systems operation. System maintenance and asset management is one focus. Another focus is signal operations, considered from the perspectives of vehicle capacity allocation and vehicle progression. Performance measures are also presented for nonvehicle modes, including pedestrians, and modes that require signal preemption and priority features. Finally, the use of travel time data is demonstrated for evaluating system operations and assessing the impact of signal retiming activities.

Real-Time Arterial Traffic Signal Performance Measures

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Increasing demand for highway system capacity compels transportation agencies to extract as much capacity as possible from existing systems. Traffic signals represent a major component of highway systems. Improvement of traffic signal operation requires accurate performance measures. Despite recent improvements in computing technology, traffic signal controllers are currently not able to capture useful performance measures on a cycle-by-cycle basis. This report presents a set of performance measures that could be collected on a cycle-by-cycle basis by a traffic signal controller given the capability to log phase indications and detector actuations. The performance measures investigated here include the volume-to-capacity ratio and arrival type defined by the Highway Capacity Manual. The effectiveness of these performance measures in evaluating operation at a traffic signal is demonstrated in two comparative case studies. The first study investigates the impact of actuating a portion of the coordinated phases at a coordinated arterial intersection. The second study investigates the results of retiming a traffic signal on a coordinated arterial.

Development of a Traffic Signal Performance Measurement System (TSPMS)

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The purpose of this research was to examine the type of performance measures that could be collected at an intersection and develop a system for automatically collecting these performance measures in the field.. We began the research by conducting an assessment ofthe needs of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) practitioners for an automated system to collect intersection and traffic signal performance measures. We then examined capabilities of some of the existing traffic signal controllers and detection systems to produce the desired performance measures. Based on the findings of the needs assessments and an evaluation of the limitation of the existing detection system, we developed a series of innovative performance measures that practitioners could use to assess traffic operations and the effectiveness of the signal timing at intersections. We then developed a prototype system for automatically collecting these data in the field. We installed the prototype system in two different locations that exhibited different operating characteristics and assessed the ability of the system to collect meaningful and appropriate performance measures.

Data-driven Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Via Deep Reinforcement Learning

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Adaptive traffic signal control (ATSC) system serves a significant role for relieving urban traffic congestion. The system is capable of adjusting signal phases and timings of all traffic lights simultaneously according to real-time traffic sensor data, resulting in a better overall traffic management and an improved traffic condition on road. In recent years, deep reinforcement learning (DRL), one powerful paradigm in artificial intelligence (AI) for sequential decision-making, has drawn great attention from transportation researchers. The following three properties of DRL make it very attractive and ideal for the next generation ATSC system: (1) model-free: DRL reasons about the optimal control strategies directly from data without making additional assumptions on the underlying traffic distributions and traffic flows. Compared with traditional traffic optimization methods, DRL avoids the cumbersome formulation of traffic dynamics and modeling; (2) self-learning: DRL self-learns the signal control knowledge from traffic data with minimal human expertise; (3) simple data requirement: by using large nonlinear neural networks as function approximators, DRL has enough representation power to map directly from simple traffic measurements, e.g. queue length and waiting time, to signal control policies. This thesis focuses on building data-driven and adaptive controllers via deep reinforcement learning for large-scale traffic signal control systems. In particular, the thesis first proposes a hierarchical decentralized-to-centralized DRL framework for large-scale ATSC to better coordinate multiple signalized intersections in the traffic system. Second, the thesis introduces efficient DRL with efficient exploration for ATSC to greatly improve sample complexity of DRL algorithms, making them more suitable for real-world control systems. Furthermore, the thesis combines multi-agent system with efficient DRL to solve large-scale ATSC problems that have multiple intersections. Finally, the thesis presents several algorithmic extensions to handle complex topology and heterogeneous intersections in real-world traffic networks. To gauge the performance of the presented DRL algorithms, various experiments have been conducted and included in the thesis both on small-scale and on large-scale simulated traffic networks. The empirical results have demonstrated that the proposed DRL algorithms outperform both rule-based control policy and commonly-used off-the-shelf DRL algorithms by a significant margin. Moreover, the proposed efficient MARL algorithms have achieved the state-of-the-art performance with improved sample-complexity for large-scale ATSC.

Integrating Clarus Data in Traffic Signal System Operation

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This report presents a prototype of a secure, dependable, real-time weather-responsive traffic signal system. The prototype executes two tasks: 1) accesses weather information that provides near real-time atmospheric and pavement surface condition observations and 2) adapts signal timing in response to inclement weather. The proposed system architecture employs two revolutionary software design approaches: 1) Design for Survivability and 2) software performance measurement at the task level. Furthermore, the software design incorporates self-diagnostic techniques for fault detection and recovery to maximize the survivability and the security of the system. Minimal hardware is required for full implementation of the system as it operates and achieves its potential using current traffic controller and cabinet standards and technologies. As a result, it is compatible with future applications within the FHWA's connected-vehicle framework. The weather-responsive traffic signal system presented in this report serves as a major milestone in the development of secure and dependable real-time traffic control system applications.

National Signal Timing Optimization Project

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This report summarizes the results of the National Signal Timing Organization Project initiated by the Federal Highway Administration as a fuel conservation effort. The objectives of this project are: 1) to establish credible data on the effectiveness of signal timing optimization; 2) to make signal timing optimization projects easier to do; and 3) to define the resources (cost, level of staff, computer, etc.) required to undertake a signal timing optimization project, so that traffic engineers and administrators can more effectively budget for this activity. The project consisted of the development of the TRANSYT-7F signal timing optimization program User's Manual, and training course, and application of the program in 11 cities nationwide to evaluate the effectiveness of the poptimized signal timing plans and to collect data on the needed resources.

Traffic Signal Control Enhancements Under Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Systems

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Most current traffic signal systems are operated using a very archaic traffic-detection simple binary logic (vehicle presence/non presence information). The logic was originally developed to provide input for old electro-mechanical controllers that were developed in the early 1920s. It is currently in urgent need to improve the performance of traffic control devices. With the development of automatic controls, sensors, and devices, it is now possible to design advanced intersection control systems that can fully utilize advanced technologies of detection and communication as well as the high quality data acquired by such technologies. One example of such systems is Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII). VII links vehicles, drivers, and surrounding infrastructure (which includes roadways, traffic controls, etc.) to improve the efficiency of traffic systems and promote transportation safety. It promises to "bridge the gap" between the infrastructure and individual drivers. The purpose of this research is to 1. Investigate the potential to utilize VII data to characterize system operation and estimate system-wide measure of performance, and 2. Develop advanced signal timing procedures that can capitalize on VII data and enhance the operations of traffic signal system operations. Three advanced traffic signal control systems are developed and tested in this research. The advantages of such systems were tested in terms of time savings, the environment, and system improvements.

Traffic Signal Systems

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TRB's Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2080 includes 13 papers that explore the preempt trap of the highway-railway interface, fully actuated versus nonactuated coordinated phases, effectiveness of lead-lag phasing on progression bandwidth, high-resolution gueue discharge and the effect on signal phasing, integration of real-time pedestrian performance measures into traffic signal systems, microsimulation of split-cycle offset optimization technique and coordinated actuated traffic control, and piecewise optimum delay estimation for improved signal control. This issue of the TRR also examines microsimulation of traffic operations at intersections in malfunction flash mode, variable maximum green time to improve rural traffic signal operations, stopping behavior at urban signalized intersections, traffic controller performance of coordinated actuated signal systems during time-of-day transition, unacceptable video detector performance for dilemma zone protection, and robust synchronization of arterial actuated signals.