Book Description

We have four other Unseen Bodies that align themselves with the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Etheric Realms, that are invisible to this one-dimensional realm. LifeIS So Much Bigger than what our eyes and mind can comprehend. It is not a matter of 'Belief' with what Duane The Great Writer is presenting, it is all about Becoming MoreAware. As YU learn to have The Real Connection to The SoundLight Reality of THE ALLIS, YU will begin to have RealExperiences from The RealSide LifeIS. When YU are in Your DreamVisions while the physical body sleeps, YU are exploring Your Other Worlds. YU simply Become Aware of another position with your life with one of your other bodies. We are each going through a process to gain experience in the Creative Realms, and then at some point we Recognize The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. This is a Huge Process we are going through, so it is best to pay attention to The RealGuidance YU can have from Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides.


Book Description

There has been a Huge Deception taking place for decades and it is right in front of Everyone... JoanKrone is The Alien Reptilian that TapLines the Krone Korporation MemberShrimps while they are in their DreamWorlds. The TapLines are placed at the back of the person in their Astral Body to where they cannot see what is happening, and then their energy is taken from them and they become weaken and diseased and even die in the physical body. This is Very Real and has taken place for decades with the TapLine Master HarOld and JoanKrone. This is also been occurring for the longest time with so many of the Korporations on this planet. Today, there is so much Psychic Influence that is crippling people. Duane The Great Writer is Now providing The WorldWide WakeUp Call with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides. By doing The NU-U Sessions and Watching Your DreamVisions, YU will be shown What IS Real Now with THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN. It is Your Life and YU decide!

REBAZAR TARZS Presents YU are The NUSound

Book Description

Sing The NUSound "NU U U U" As YU Sing The NU U before going to sleep, YU will Become The Experience and Your DreamVisions will open up and YU will be shown What IS Real Now. We are ALL in the same Life, and what Life has Now decided IS The NU U NUSound for ALL of US. The NUSound will enable YU to have RealFreedom in The Real UNUverses beyond the Kontrolling & Restricting Gods of Man and their Kontrolling Earthly Korporations (KEK). As YU Read The NUBooks, YU will begin to Recognize there is so much more to YourSelf and to Becoming More Aware than YU ever have before. It does not matter what Restricting Religion or Kontrolling Reptilian Spiritualized Path that YU were in or associated with, YU will Now experience a NULife that IS Better than ever! NO MORE KARMA for YU!! The RealGuides are Here for YU!

Rebazar Tarzs Presents YOU 'THINK' YOU KNOW BEST

Book Description

YU, The RealU, A Free Being of Light, created You, the PersonalSelf. Your Personal Creation is the person your parents named You. You have been told and Konditioned to 'Think' that a 'god' created You, and that this 'god' Kontrols You and everything in Your Life, but this is not so... not even close! But! If You want to 'Believe' and 'Agree' to this Konditioned idea that also Kontrols most of this world and is doing all the destruction to The Natural Environment, You have the right to do so. But! Keep in mind that when You do 'Agree' with the 'god & belief' idea and the Restricting Konditioning You have been Kontrolled by, You will be coming back into more lifetimes unconsciously, just as You have this lifetime. You are always deciding what Your Life will be wherever You are at in Life. You will always exist somewhere in Life and wherever You do exist, that will be Your Life and Your LifeStyle. /


Book Description

LifeIS Now, never old and outdated like the so-called 'Sacred Scriptures' that were created to Kontrol people into the silly notions of worship and prayer. ALLife IS an ISNISS. This IS Real! When YU listen to Life ITSelf with Your RealAwareniss and Your DreamVisions, Life will Show YU What IS Real Now. This is a big step for most people and YU have to Be a Real RiskTaker, or YU stay a slave to the Korporations of this world and once again grow very old and die lonely without any direction and RealGuidance as to where YU are going after this life. The Old Belief Systems do sound good with all their 'Marketing Ideas' silliness and everyone has the Free Will to go along with them. We are not here to pull people from what they want their life to be, We are 'Simply Reporting The News' with what LifeIS Now. LifeIS So Much Bigger than anything 'Created' on the earth, and it will be that only a very few will SEE this with Themselves. YU might be one of The Lucky Ones!


Book Description

In 2001, Rebazar & Paul gave me The Rod of Power. I had numerous RealSide Experiences show the way to My FuturVU, which at the time was still a mystery to me. I was very young with The Rod of Power, and it took many years for me to become adjusted to IT. I stepped back several years, then I reentered The RealPosition in 2007, which I Now have called THE NUWAVIS. There are so many people who claim to have The Rod of Power, as it has become a humorous trick from the Kalaum God to give numerous people this 'idea' in their minds, as they go about the world 'thinking' they have been chosen by Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides to lead mankind somewhere. Once YU test The NU-U Sessions, YU will be shown in Your DreamVisions who IS THE NUMAN with The RealGuides & The TruReality, THE ALLIS. I had a RealSide Experience outside of a highrise building. I was Seeing a blond haired man sitting behind an Architects Desk. He would become The World's Greatest Architect Ever.


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

OUT OF THE BODY EXPERIENCES are a step into what lies beyond the mind and senses. Most Out of Body Experiences are Astral Projection or Remote Viewing, which is along the lines of the First Heaven of Man, and the light contained within that level. But, there are so many more levels to Become MoreAware of. Reincarnation and Karma are a reality here and in the five psychic levels, and so it benefits a person to discover The Real Universes beyond all time and space and the appointed deities who reside over the realms of the mind and senses. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret Worlds and Universes, beyond the knowledge that is found upon the earth. Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides, are the main focus in this NUBook. When a person tests The NU-U Sessions, they will begin to have RealExperiences in their DreamVisions, while their physical body sleeps. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS is the leading Universal Guide who is well known in Human History, and to this present day. Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides, over lifetimes, have trained The Radiant Boy to be THE NUWAVIS NOW. The Earth World is one of the many Dimensional Traps that has been setup to keep unaware souls here and in a deep sleep. Even the Religious and Political Systems have no idea as to The TruReality, THE ALLIS, as they pray and worship the GodLords of the Astral and Mental Heavens of Man. The Authoritarians on Earth control the minds of the masses through extreme Marketing Ploy, which are 'fronts' to make people interested in being slaves to a Distorted System of Deception. Rebazar Tarzs and THE NUWAVIS NOW, are here to rescue those who want to get to The Real Universes during this lifetime and into RealTruth and RealFreedom...www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


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