Book Description


Book Description

Hello, this is 'YOUR DREAMVISIONS NUBOOK 6' For more information go to:


Book Description

DR. DUANE and DR. EVA, are Direct Representatives with The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. When YU Test The NU U Sessions, YU can have The RealSide Experience of having DR. Duane & DR. Eva show YU The RealCure for ALL and What IS Real Now. In Your Dreams Your God or Master could show you 'What IS Real Now' but only if Your God or Master has The RealCourage to do so, as most people already belong to some form of Restricting Religious Regime or Subservient Spiritual System. To many, this would sound so funny, but there is so much more to the Gods of Man and the Master Role that so many play to Kontrol others than is Seen on the surface of this world. The Kult Kontrolling Authoritarians have Konditioned the Old Masses into a 'Huge Mass Hypnotizm' and have Marketed the masses into 'Believing' in something that is altogether unbelievable, because the Invented Gods of Man are actually Make-Believe and so are the OnStage Masters of today who like to perform with their Pretty Words.


Book Description

LifeIS an ISNIS NOW. At first this seems so odd to your mind. YU, The RealU will begin to SeeMore than just what you have come to know and decided as a life here. The Whole of LifeIS invisible and not visible. The TruReality LifeIS cannot be determined with a Literal or Logical Approach. ALL Life IS an ISNIS. This IS The RealTruth LifeIS. Until YU take the time to learn to See Beyond what YU have come to know here, then YU will continue to reenter more body forms and be at the mercy of those who Kontrol this Prison Planet. YU must learn to 'earn your way' out of here, and the existing KEK Systems cannot do this, because they do not want YU to BE Free, even though they 'imply' they do, they really do not! Being Now is part of this adventure and journey, but YU must also Recognize THE ALLIS LifeIS, or no matter what you 'Think' or do here will not amount to anything, even though it may seem to. Have Fun Deciding!


Book Description

The Planet Earth has become a Huge Dumping Ground for Purposely Planned Pollution. If you have the courage to look up in Your Skies and See the ChemTrails, you will come to realize their real purpose. You can 'believe' what the KEK Systems have been telling you with their Deceptive Marketing Ploy of GeoEngineering or you can Test The NU~U Sessions we are sharing and then Watch Your DreamVisions and Life will show you what is really taking place. Just like Noah that was shown to build the Arc from his dreams, you have the same advantage to WakeUp and Pay Attention to what is really happening on Your World Now. If you have Children, they will soon be the future and having to deal with what is taking place Right Now. You can pretend all you want and 'believe' what the political, religious, spiritual and educational KONtrollers are telling you, or you can take the time to investigate and See what is really taking place with The Natural Environment that supports You.

LIFE IS Bigger than the Gods

Book Description

The Gods of Man are Real, but they are not bigger than Life ITSelf. The Gods of Man do Kontrol Creation, but Creation IS Not The TruReality LifeIS. Most people are usually the Effect of the Causes in Creation, because they are unaware that Creation and Consciousness is not The Wholeniss LifeIS. YU, The RealU has come thru millions of lifetimes that pass like wisps in the wind to this very moment. YU are Now in The NUNowniss of The TruReality, THE ALLIS... LUCKY YU!!! DR. NUMAN IS The Direct Representative with ALLIS The Natural Environment that Supports ALL of US. Along with DR. EVA, we are here creating and providing 'An Adventure Like No Other!' Very Real! / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

The RealU IS Always The SUN Shining. You do not need Doctrines of Restrictions with presidents, masters, kings or any ruler to have The Full & Wonderful Experience of Life ITSelf. You are The Answer for everything in Your Life and We will show You how to BE Wonderful with RealGuidance and a Real Education. Test The NU~U Sessions and Watch Your DreamVisions and Life will show You Right Now, 'You Are The Answer!' We Are Real & We Are Fun! Join our WorldWide WakeUp for Everyone and Become Free! You really can do this! To discover The Whole of Life beyond what you have come to know as Creation, YU must BE The Real RiskTaker! The SUN Shining Demonstrates the Purity, Sincerity and Honor that LifeIS. There is also Humility, Gratitude and the Privilege of Risking My Life in providing The NUPresentation, and is not political, religious, spiritual, rebellious or with any of the Kontrolling Earthly Korporations (KEK) that manipulate, dumb down and sedate the unaware masses.


Book Description

You are being shown that 'You Are The Answer' in Your Dreams, but are YU, The RealU paying attention? Most people are not, even though they 'Think' they are aware. Unless YU are doing The NU~U Sessions and have The RealConnection to The SoundLight Reality LifeIS, then you are being Kontrolled and TapLined while you sleep. It is not about what you 'believe' as you have been taught to 'believe' in something, it is all about what is actually taking place Here and Now. The KEK Invented Systems have marketed you and fooled you into 'Thinking' they have the answer for you as they continue to destroy The ALLNatural Environment that Supports You. If this makes sense to you, then keep Agreeing to what they are doing and telling you with their 'pretty speeches' and watch where you finally end up with what you are Agreeing to. Are the ChemTrails in the sky an illusion? Watch Your DreamVisions and you will be shown!


Book Description

As I, Duane The Great Writer & Journalis, Report The RealNews, I will show you how to Recognize and make Better Choices for YourSelf. But... You Must Learn to Pay Attention and Do Your HomeWork, just like your teacher would tell you in school. If you want to stay as a Dumbed Down Donkey and Unaware, then continue to do what you always have and you will soon be old and feeble and still wondering what Life is all about. YU, The RealU has a Wonderful Opportunity like never before to WakeUp and See what is happening on this world and into many other worlds and Real UNUverses. YU have been here many lifetimes going thru the same routines of being Poisoned and Kontrolled by the KEK Systems who rule this world. The future here is going to be a lot worse and will be something like in the movie 'The Lord of The Rings!' It is Your Choice as to what Your Life will be, and you only have a very short time to WakeUp before the Big Change! / ASK EVA NOW & ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook