Recalibrating Regulation of Colleges and Universities

Book Description

The federal government's substantial fiscal investment in higher education recognizes that postsecondary education is a linchpin in the nation's social and economic strength. Through that support, the government helps ensure that colleges and universities continue to contribute broadly to the fabric of American society. To ensure prudent stewardship of federal support for higher education, the Department of Education is charged with developing procedures to carry out laws passed by Congress in regard to higher education and with overseeing institutional compliance. Institutions of higher learning recognize the important role regulations play in the oversight of federal investments. Over time, oversight of higher education by the Department of Education has expanded and evolved in ways that undermine the ability of colleges and universities to serve students and accomplish their missions. The compliance problem is exacerbated by the sheer volume of mandates—approximately 2,000 pages of text—and the reality that the Department of Education issues official guidance to amend or clarify its rules at a rate of more than one document per work day. As a result, colleges and universities find themselves enmeshed in a jungle of red tape, facing rules that are often confusing and difficult to comply with. They must allocate resources to compliance that would be better applied to student education, safety, and innovation in instructional delivery. Clearly, a better approach is needed. In 2013, a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators recognized that the pending reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) creates an opportunity to consider these issues in depth. They established a task force of college and university presidents and chancellors to study federal regulation of higher education broadly and identify potential improvements. Looking at the landscape of regulation of colleges and universities writ large, the Task Force on Federal Regulation of Higher Education identified a number of challenges that are particularly problematic. As described in Section II of this report, we concluded that many rules are unnecessarily voluminous and too often ambiguous, and that the cost of compliance has become unreasonable. Moreover, many regulations are unrelated to education, student safety, or stewardship of federal funds—and others can be a barrier to college access and innovation in education. Based on extensive discussions, consultations with experts, and site visits to campuses, the Task Force identified specific regulations that are of major concern to higher education institutions. Section III details those concerns, which include problematic financial responsibility standards, confusion and inconsistency in reporting requirements for campus crime, overreach in authorization of distance education programs, inefficient rules concerning verification of financial aid eligibility, counterproductive micromanagement of the accreditation process, and policies that result in consumers being inundated with information of questionable value.The Task Force also reviewed the processes by which higher education regulations are developed and implemented, and offers several specific ideas for improvement. Section IV outlines recommendations that include asking the Government Accountability Office to review the Department of Education's methodology for estimating institutional costs of compliance with regulations; the creation of clear “safe harbors” for institutional compliance; the recognition of “good faith” efforts to comply; and several proposals for better practices by the Department.

Recalibrating Regulation of Colleges and Universities

Book Description

Recalibrating regulation of colleges and universities : a report form the Task Force on Government Regulation of Higher Education : hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session ... February 24, 2015.

Higher Education Rulemaking

Book Description

The federal bureaucratic role -- The procedural process -- Policy actors' influence -- Strategies and powers of influence -- The role of policy actors' beliefs -- Higher education rulemaking in context -- The use and influence of technology

The Control of the Campus

Book Description

Governance in U.S. higher education is discussed, based on a 1982 survey of decision making in higher education with attention to its roots, the effects of current conditions on decision-making arrangements, and a possible governance framework for the future. While both private and public education are considered, the public sector is emphasized. Governance is defined as both formal decision arrangements and informal procedures by which standards are maintained. Information was obtained from a survey of decision-making in state higher education agencies, flagship universities, four-year colleges, and two-year colleges. After discussing the mission of universities, the tradition of self-regulation in American higher education is examined, including the governing board and voluntary accreditation. Also covered are outside governance connections (the state, the federal government, and the courts) that have significantly altered the mission and governance of higher education. It is concluded that, on balance, higher education's partnership with governments on both state and national levels has generated far more benefits than it has administrative burdens. However, because external influences on academic governance should not be allowed to overwhelm internal governance structures, colleges are urged to strengthen self-regulation capacity, to take leadership roles, and to revitalize their historic governance tradition. The survey questionnaire is included, together with a list of participating institutions and agencies. (SW) reprinted from ERIC.

Seeking Excellence Through Independence

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Hoping for the same success experienced by the airline and finance industries through deregulation, state officials and higher education administrators hope to achieve increased productivity, lower costs, and improved teaching and research. This book scrutinizes the concept of deregulation and discusses whether or not the change-over actually produces the expected results.

Government and Campus

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