Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 1

Book Description

The church needs good theology that engages the head, heart, and hands. This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practicality—characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley explore the first two of eight central themes of theology: revelation and God.

Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 3

Book Description

"Here is catechesis at its best, instructing the student of theology, providing pastors with a sermon-enriching manual, and giving growing Christians a resource book that will both inform and nourish them, as well as provide endless theological enjoyment!" — Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor's Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries The aim of systematic theology is to engage not only the head but also the heart and hands. Only recently has the church compartmentalized these aspects of life—separating the academic discipline of theology from the spiritual disciplines of faith and obedience. This multivolume work brings together rigorous historical and theological scholarship with spiritual disciplines and practical insights—characterized by a simple, accessible, comprehensive, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley unpack the work and role of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) and salvation (soteriology). The authors examine the Holy Spirit's role in the history of salvation, the order of salvation, and the believers' experience of salvation. As readers consider the interrelationship between the Spirit and salvation, they are invited to explore the direct activity of the Lord in their lives for their salvation.

Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 2

Book Description

The aim of systematic theology is to engage not only the head but also the heart and hands. Only recently has the church compartmentalized these aspects of life—separating the academic discipline of theology from the spiritual disciplines of faith and obedience. This multivolume work brings together rigorous historical and theological scholarship with spiritual disciplines and practical insights—characterized by a simple, accessible, comprehensive, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley shift from the doctrine of God (theology proper) to the doctrine of humanity (anthropology) and the doctrine of Christ (Christology). This extensive reformed theology explores the Bible's teaching about who we are and why we were created, as well as who Jesus is and why his divinity is essential to the Christian faith.

Reformed Dogmatics

Book Description

This classic work of Reformed theology is the third of four volumes now available in English.

Systematic Theology

Book Description

This systematic theology begins from the treatise De Deo Uno and develops the dogma of the Trinity as an expression of divine unicity, on which will depend creation, Christology, and ecclesiology. The Invisible God must be seen and known in the visible. In this way, God and God's relation to creation are distinguished—but not separated—from Christology, the doctrine of perfections from redemption. In the end, the transcendent beauty who is God can be known only in worship and praise.

Systematic Theology, Volume One

Book Description

Dr. Smith’s Systematic Theology is the culmination of several decades of teaching and demonstrates his familiarity with several streams of Reformed theology represented by such theologians as John Calvin, James Henley Thornwell, Charles Hodge, B.B. Warfield, Herman Bavinck, John Murray, and Cornelius Van Til. It was his delight to expose his students to the breadth of the Reformed tradition, while celebrating its essential unity, its thorough grounding in Scripture, and its consistent focus on piety.

Lectures in Systematic Theology

Book Description

"So the Lord said to Moses, "I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name." And he said, "Please, show me Your glory."" (Exodus 33:17-18) Moses hungered to see God's glory. He pleaded: "Show me, I pray you, your glory." This should be our prayer as we study the doctrine of God. Reverent hunger to see God's glory should motivate us. We must hunger to see the glory of his existence, knowledge, nature, names, and decree. We must hunger to know God and thirst after the knowledge of God. Further, the Lord promised to give Moses the desire of his heart: "I will make all my good-ness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of Jehovah before you." God also fulfilled this promise. When we come to God with reverent hunger, he will fill our hearts with the knowledge of himself. He will not disappoint us. He will surely show us his glory, and satisfy us with the display of his Name. ...We should not approach the doctrine of God with a critical spirit, or as a philosophical quest with a hunger for speculation. If any course in systematic theology should evoke spiritual hunger, this one should. The doctrine of God should never be dull, or dry, or speculative, or philosophical. It should pulse with spiritual life and hunger. Let's approach this subject with Moses' disposition. (Excerpt from the book)

Systematic Theology (Volume 3)

Book Description

Final volume in 3-part Systematic Theology set

Systematic Theology

Book Description

A culmination of decades of study, teaching, and research. This is truly a systematic theology for the twenty-first century.