Refugee and Labour Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa

Book Description

This report is the second of a series on emergencies and disaster relief published by the Swedish International Development Authority and the Nordic Africa Institute. It contains two papers that focus on some longer term impacts of refugee and migrant worker flows which have implications for the way humanitarian relief is conceptualised and planned. The first is an overview of migrant worker and refugee flows in Sub-Saharan Africa. It suggests that the negative impact of exporting male workers from rural households has been overemphasised. While there is psychological stress from family separations and the spread of Aids is associated with labour migration, such movements can also be viewed as a capital accumulation strategy which financially benefits the sending households without necessarily leading to a drop in their agricultural production and as vital foreign exchange for the sending country through incoming remittances. It also suggests that the presence of refugees is not necessarily an economic burden for the host country. Refugees may, as a labour source and as consumers, contribute to development. The second paper reviews the literature on shelter and settlement strategies for refugees. It advocates a conceptual approach which is developmental rather than relief-oriented, an approach which integrates refugees' and hosts' needs and puts emphasis on tackling the long term consequences of mass forced migration. Current practice is critically appraised to draw out the lessons of best practice and find alternatives to encampment style shelter. The author does not believe that the integrated planning and durable housing which he advocates would dissuade refugees from repatriating.

Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Africans arriving by rickety fishing boats to the Canary Islands is an example of the dark side of migration in human trafficking, but the picture of a continent on the move also includes highly skilled professionals from Nigeria and Ghana who seek employment in universities and other professions in South Africa. On the positive side, migrant remittances are a major source of income in many sub-Saharan African countries, helping to sustain the lives of poor home communities. A major challenge now facing sub-Saharan Africa is how to attract

The Challenge of Labour Migration Flows Between West Africa and the Maghreb

Book Description

Discusses labour migration policy challenges in ECOWAS with an emphasis on recent patterns and trends in inter-regional labour migration between West Africa and the Maghreb, as well as on existing challenges related both to the vulnerable situation of regular and irregular migrant workers in North African transit and/or destination countries and to the prevention of abusive practices.

International Migration and National Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Book Description

This book focuses on achieving a better understanding of the implications of international migration for national development from the perspective of the sending countries (with an emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa). More specifically, the purpose of this volume is to explore (1) current perceptions - as seen from the perspective of the countries of origin - of the links between international migration and national development, and (2) current trends in policy making aimed at minimising the negative effects, while optimising the development impact. What are the dominant views and policy initiatives in the different countries of sub-Saharan Africa? It is concerned with the question of how a coherent international migration policy can contribute to the fight against poverty. In the book, update information is given of migration-development nexus in various countries, including Senegal and Burkina Faso, Botswana and Mozambique, Nigeria and Kenya . Attention is additionally paid to Mexico, the Philippines and the People's Republic of China.

Migration in South and Southern Africa

Book Description

Covers three broad areas: macro-level migration trends in sub-Saharan Africa; micro-level factors in South African migration; and a synthesis of current migration theory.

Mobile Africa

Book Description

This anthology deals with the complexity, variety and experience of all the forms of mobility we witness today in Sub-Saharan Africa. Three sets of issues are being discussed. First, the concept of mobility itself is considered and how it is conceived of in distinction from sedentarity. Second, which forms of mobility can be distinguished, not only from the perspective of Western social sciences, but also from the perspective of people's own experiences, ideas, notions, etc? Social science in Africa has particularly focused on rural-urban migration, but it is clear that there are many other forms as well. Third, the concept of mobility concerns not only geographical space, but there are other 'spaces' to consider as well. In addition to 'forms of mobility' there is a 'mobility of forms' in which the perception of those other spaces plays a crucial role. In short, the book intends to turn the whole notion of mobility as a supposedly rupturing phenomenon on its head, emphasizing that rather through travelling connections are established and continuity is experienced. We are challenged to delve into the traveller's mind, to think and follow their multi-spatial livelihoods and to explore what it means to people if they move in a variety of spaces.

Emigration Dynamics in Developing Countries: Sub-Saharan Africa

Book Description

This volume contains research findings on the economic, demographic, political and ecological conditions and policy implications of emigration dynamics in selected sub-regions. Diverse stages of development, colonial heritage, ethnic base, rapid population growth, ecological deterioration and war, had typically combined to become major precipitators of specific migrations. In parts of Sub-Saharan Africa many people were compelled to emigrate because political, economic and environmental conditions had fallen below a critical threshold. The research concluded that a global African migration system was needed for the region.

All at Sea

Book Description

Maritime migration : a wicked problem / Kathleen Newland -- Case study : unauthorized maritime migration in Europe and the Mediterranean region / Elizabeth Collett -- Case study : unauthorized maritime migration in the Bay of Bengal / Kathleen Newland -- Case study : unauthorized maritime migration in the Gulf of aden and the Red Sea / Kate Hooper -- Case study : the maritime approaches to Australia / Kathleen Newland -- Case study : maritime migration in the United States and the Caribbean / Kathleen Newland and Sarah Flamm

The Economic Impact of Conflicts and the Refugee Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa

Book Description

In recent decades, the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) has experienced more frequent and severe conflicts than in any other region of the world, exacting a devastating human toll. The region now faces unprecedented challenges, including the emergence of violent non-state actors, significant destruction, and a refugee crisis bigger than any since World War II. This paper raises awareness of the economic costs of conflicts on the countries directly involved and on their neighbors. It argues that appropriate macroeconomic policies can help mitigate the impact of conflicts in the short term, and that fostering higher and more inclusive growth can help address some of the root causes of conflicts over the long term. The paper also highlights the crucial role of external partners, including the IMF, in helping MENA countries tackle these challenges.