Relectura de las cartas de San Pablo

Book Description

Las cartas de san Pablo no son de fácil lectura para los no especializados. Sin embargo, cuando comienzan a ser gustadas, dan una nueva dimensión a todo, incluso a la lectura evangélica. Este libro trata de ser un instrumento de lectura actualizada de las cartas de san Pablo, haciéndose eco de esa voz poderosa que fue y es Pablo de Tarso. La obra sigue el orden cronológico en el que se escribieron, ayudando al lector a comprender el proceso de reflexión teológica que culmina en la carta a los Romanos.

Elenchus of Biblica

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Book Description

Las cartas de san pablo

Book Description

Anteceden a esta publicación las meditaciones sobre los Evangelios. No se trata de una exégesis de las cartas de Pablo ni de un análisis teológico sobre las mismas, sino de una serie de reflexiones que constituyen una gran ayuda en la oración y permiten obtener una lectura más provechosa de estas epístolas. La obra estará precedida por una breve biografía de san Pablo tomada, principalmente, de los Hechos de los Apóstoles, para ubicar al lector en el contexto histórico. El autor se dirige, principalmente, a aquellos que ya tienen experiencia en la oración.

Paul, Women, and Wives

Book Description

Paul's letters stand at the center of the dispute over women, the church, and the home, with each side championing passages from the Apostle. Now, in a challenging new attempt to wrestle with these thorny texts, Craig Keener delves as deeply into the world of Paul and the apostles as anyone thus far. Acknowledging that we must take the biblical text seriously, and recognizing that Paul's letters arose in a specific time and place for a specific purpose, Keener mines the historical, lexical, cultural, and exegetical details behind Paul's words about women in the home and ministry to give us one of the most insightful expositions of the key Pauline passages in years.

Building a Nation

Book Description

This book is the only one of its kind on the market. It deals with one of the most brilliant yet least known Latin American authors, Esteban EcheverrÌa. EcheverrÌa was the author of La Cautiva (The Captive), El Matadero (The Slaughterhouse), and Dogma Socialista (Socialist Dogma) which formed the base of the constitution of the Republic of Argentina. In Building A Nation, Juan Carlos Mercado recovers the figure of EcheverrÌa through an analysis centralized in his work as a poet, thinker, and politician--all as one unit. The study takes into account the many sources, including European ones, that EcheverrÌa used in order to formulate a literary and political national project. Readers of this work will acquire a thorough understanding of the significance of EcheverrÌa's influence--from the introduction of European Romanticism into Argentine Literature; to the initiation of a critical and realistic narrative style never yet seen before in Argentina; to the founding of a liberal-humanist tendency which went on to acquire definitive political shape for the country.

The New Testament World

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The Guaraní and Their Missions

Book Description

The thirty Guaraní missions of the Río de la Plata were the largest and most prosperous of all the Catholic missions established throughout the frontier regions of the Americas to convert, acculturate, and incorporate indigenous peoples and their lands into the Spanish and Portuguese empires. But between 1768 and 1800, the mission population fell by almost half and the economy became insolvent. This unique socioeconomic history provides a coherent and comprehensive explanation for the missions' operation and decline, providing readers with an understanding of the material changes experienced by the Guaraní in their day-to-day lives. Although the mission economy funded operations, sustained the population, and influenced daily routines, scholars have not focused on this important aspect of Guaraní history, primarily producing studies of religious and cultural change. This book employs mission account books, letters, and other archival materials to trace the Guaraní mission work regime and to examine how the Guaraní shaped the mission economy. These materials enable the author to poke holes in longheld beliefs about Jesuit mission management and offer original arguments regarding the Bourbon reforms that ultimately made the missions unsustainable.