Reminiscences ... a series of tapes in the Muruwari language recorded... during 1968-9

Book Description

Reminiscences of traditional beliefs - telepathy, bone pointing, fish poison, life in Brewarrina, moon myth; spiritual beliefs, eagle myth; possum skin water bags, star myths, methods of obtaining water; fire making, weapons & utensils; marriage groups; music - skin rugs beaten; status of women, marriage; beliefs about spirits & the dead; fighting challenge, weapons, night raids; use of pipe as emu decoy; insects - names, species eaten; recognition of seasons; game with mud balls; tribal boundaries, place names; astronomy, comments on Juwalarai belief in gods & their wives, Brewarrina fish trap; burial customs; hunting & food sharing; fur boots; belief in little hairy men; hunting methods for emus, ducks; collection of honey & beeswax, toothache cure, tree climbing, massacre near Brewarrina; weapons described (wood, stone); smoke signals, message sticks & stones, fire & fire making, dreams, prevention of storm; comments on Jimmy Governor & his family; hunting for emu, turtle eggs, quails.

Talking with Aborigines

Book Description

Recirculating Songs

Book Description

Print edition of multi-author work on Indigenous song. This is the first volume devoted specifically to the revitalisation of ancestral Indigenous singing practices in Australia. These traditions are at severe risk in many parts of the country, and this book investigates the strategies currently being implemented to reverse the damage. In some areas the ancestral musical culture is still transmitted across the generations; in others it is partially remembered, and being revitalised with the assistance of heritage recording and written documentation; but in many parts of Australia, the transmission of songs has been interrupted, and in those places revitalisation relies on research and restoration. The authors, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, consider these issues across a broad range of geographical locations, and from a number of different theoretical and methodological angles. The chapters provide helpful insights for Indigenous people and communities, researchers and educators, and anyone interested in the song traditions of Indigenous Australia.

A Grammar of Yuwaalaraay

Book Description

Yuwaalaraay and Yuwaaliyaay background information; phonology, grammar, texts and two-way lexicon; salvage study from earlier sources and tapes and two informants.

Passionate Histories

Book Description

This book examines the emotional engagements of both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people with Indigenous history. The contributors are a mix of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous scholars, who in different ways examine how the past lives on in the present, as myth, memory, and history. Each chapter throws fresh light on an aspect of history-making by or about Indigenous people, such as the extent of massacres on the frontier, the myth of Aboriginal male idleness, the controversy over Flynn of the Inland, the meaning of the Referendum of 1967, and the policyand practice of Indigenous child removal.

Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines

Book Description

This classic resource is organized as follows: Chapter I: Origins The Customs and Traditions of Aboriginals The Story of the Creation The Coming of Mankind The Peewee’s Story The Eagle-hawk and the Crow The Birth of the Butterflies The Confusion of Tongues The Discovery and the Loss of the Secret of Fire The Moon The Wonderful Lizard The Lazy Goannas and what happened to them How the Selfish Goannas lost their Wives What some Aboriginal Carvings mean Chapter II: Animal Myths The Selfish Owl Why Frogs jump into the Water This is the legend of the frogs. Kinie Ger, the Native Cat The Porcupine and the Mountain Devil The Green Frog How the Tortoise got his Shell The Mischievous Crow and the Good he did Whowie The Flood and its Results How Spencer’s Gulf came into Existence Chapter III: Religion The Belief in a Great Spirit The Land of Perfection The Voice of the Great Spirit Witchcraft Chapter IV: Social Marriage Customs The Spirit of Help among the Aboriginals Ngia Ngiampe Hunting Fishing Sport Chapter V: Personal Myths Kirkin and Wyju The Love-story of the Two Sisters Cheeroonear The Keen Keeng Mr and Mrs Newal and their Dog Thardid Jimbo Palpinkalare Perindi and Harrimiah Bulpallungga Nurunderi's Wives Chirr-bookie, the Blue Crane Buthera and the Bat Yara-ma-yha-who The Origin of the Pleiades

The Female Gaze in Documentary Film

Book Description

The Female Gaze in Documentary Film – an International Perspective makes a timely contribution to the recent rise in interest in the status, presence, achievements and issues for women in contemporary screen industries. It examines the works, contributions and participation of female documentary directors globally. The central preoccupation of the book is to consider what might constitute a ‘female gaze’, an inquiry that has had a long history in filmmaking, film theory and women’s art. It fills a gap in the literature which to date has not substantially examined the work of female documentary directors. Moreover, research on sex, gender and the gaze has infrequently been the subject of scholarship on documentary film, particularly in comparison to narrative film or television drama. A distinctive feature of the book is that it is based on interviews with significant female documentarians from Europe, Asia and North America.

Architecture for Aboriginal Children and Families

Book Description

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are proud, living cultures. The survival and revival of cultures relies on cultural identity being an integral part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children's educational environment and providing environments that respect the ancestral ways, family, cultural and community traditions. Family is at the core of Aboriginal society and well-being. Complex kinship systems are central to how the culture is passed on and society is organised with families having the primary responsibility for the upbringing, protection and development of their children. Providing a safe communal setting of loving and caring with opportunities for a child's growth, development and self-empowerment has dramatic impacts on the overall welfare of the child and is pivotal in addressing the disadvantages experienced by the Aboriginal children. This report reviews the development, outcomes and responses of users to three Children and Family Centres constructed in South Australia. The projects are recognised as Australian exemplars in the design of facilities for Aboriginal children and families. Critical to the success of the projects were the concepts of placemaking and the creation of Aboriginal 'places'. To achieve this, the design process included developing understandings of the behavioural and cultural norms and health requirements of potential users so that spaces were designed that were easy and pleasurable to use. In collaboration with communities, the centres were layered Indigenous meanings through the use of signs, symbols and representations. The Taikurrendi, Gabmididi Manoo and Ngura Yadurirn Children and Family Centres are precedents for the future, where facilities will be designed for Aboriginal children and families that reflect preferred Indigenous lifestyles and child rearing practices and respond to the cultural identity and spirituality of Aboriginal people with respect.

Four Circles

Book Description

Justice,Mercy and Survival in Bill Harney's Imulun Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law;a Northern Australian People with their Intelectual Worldof Law in the Four Circles Tradition

The Sydney Language

Book Description

English to Sydney language wordlist in semantic domains; notes on Sydney contact history, documentation of Sydney language, orthography, phonotactics and grammatical notes.