Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Libya

Book Description

This book addresses the environmental challenges that Libya and similar countries in the regions are currently facing. Each chapter of this book provides a methodology using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information systems (GIS) dealing with one of these environmental challenges such as monitoring and mapping soil salinity and prediction of soil properties, monitoring and mapping of land degradation, spatiotemporal land use/cover, agricultural drought monitoring, hydrological applications such as spatial rainfall distribution, surface runoff, geo-morphometric analysis, flood hazard assessment and mapping, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, pollution hazard assessment, and climate-related geophysical processes. This book also assesses the impacts of climate change on natural resources using both RS and GIS, as well as other applications, covering different parts of Libya. This book is beneficial for graduate students, researchers, policy planners, and stakeholders in Libya as well as other countries that share similar environmental issues. Also, the methodologies followed in the book's chapters can be applied to any other regions around the world with similar landscapes and climatic conditions.

The Soils of Libya

Book Description

This book presents the soil pedodiversity in Libya. Soils are the source of all life; there can be no life without them. Further, each soil has its own history and its present conditions, which have been shaped by many different factors (e.g. climate, biota, parent material, and relief or topography). The book, divided into eight chapters, provides extensive information on Libyan soils. Chapter one provides an introduction and a broad perspective of the subject, while Chapter two covers the history of soil mapping and research in Libya. Chapter three focuses on local factors of soil formation and describes the geology and climate of the region to explain the diversity of its soils. Chapter four discusses soil classification systems and those most commonly used in the country. The fifth chapter illustrates the constraints and limiting factors that negatively affect agricultural activities across the country. The land cover/land use and the vegetation of the country are described in Chapter six. In turn, Chapter seven presents the status quo of soil biology, the corresponding related research activities, and the other biological properties of Libyan soils. The final chapter (Chapter eight) focus on land degradation and desertification in Libya, emphasizing the main causes, impacts of the phenomena, and efforts to combat it. This book demonstrates the problems that the country is currently facing as a result of climate change, soil erosion, salinization, and pollution, and outlines potential remedies to improve local food security. Bringing together the perspectives and expertise of many distinguished scientists from various universities and institutions in and outside of Libya, the book represents a unique and highly valuable resource.

Libyan Land Cover Reference System

Book Description

Land use is an essential component for many areas, from water management to agriculture, from the fight against desertification to that against climate change. The detection of changes in land cover allows a better understanding of the state and dynamics of natural resources and, to a certain extent, of their use. However, the legends used to describe land cover often have many inconsistencies and this limits their use and the sustainability of land cover monitoring efforts. The establishment of a common land cover classification system is one of the solutions identified to ensure consistency between maps prepared by different organizations. Also, with the establishment of an international standard for the development of land cover classification systems (ISO 19144-2), it is possible to use a national reference system and derive legends from it of land use that are interoperable. This facilitates the use of the same card for different objectives, forestry or agricultural, as well as for the assessment of ecosystem functions, the assessment biodiversity, the carbon cycle and many others. Many land cover maps have been established for Libya, but, as in most countries the legends were developed for very specific purposes, they are not interoperable and their use for the evaluation of temporal changes is greatly limited. The government can establish a national land cover classification system, which allows interoperability and an integration, whether for local applications (for example that collected by the teams of field) or national. The objective of this document is to present the land cover reference system for Libya. The main aim of this reference system is to provide a common framework so that experts and land cover communities can generate their own legend and classes depending on their objective in Libya. This land cover reference system is based on Land Cover Meta Language (LCML) ISO-based standards. The rules that characterize each node in LCML are controlled by a specific object-based rule that is fully documented and explained in the publication. This publication is the result of collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Libyan Centre for Remote Sensing and Space Science and University of Tripoli.

Historical Land Use/Land Cover Classification Using Remote Sensing

Book Description

Although the development of remote sensing techniques focuses greatly on construction of new sensors with higher spatial and spectral resolution, it is advisable to also use data of older sensors (especially, the LANDSAT-mission) when the historical mapping of land use/land cover and monitoring of their dynamics are needed. Using data from LANDSAT missions as well as from Terra (ASTER) Sensors, the authors shows in his book maps of historical land cover changes with a focus on agricultural irrigation projects. The kernel of this study was whether, how and to what extent applying the various remotely sensed data that were used here, would be an effective approach to classify the historical and current land use/land cover, to monitor the dynamics of land use/land cover during the last four decades, to map the development of the irrigation areas, and to classify the major strategic winter- and summer-irrigated agricultural crops in the study area of the Euphrates River Basin.

Land Cover Changes and Their Relationship with Land Surface Temperature Using Remote Sensing Technique (Penerbit USM)

Book Description

Nowadays, land cover changes are a major issue of global environmental change. Investigation on this subject has now been done by using remote sensing application. Research has been done in the Penang Island, which is one of the affected areas due to industrial and residential areas growth. Thus, this monograph is published to demonstrate an effective application through remote sensing technique to explore the environmental change and its impact on local environment that is caused by abrupt change in land use. It provides appropriate and comprehensive information for researchers involved in the study of environmental management, urban planning, land surface characteristics, and related support fields. This monograph highlights the relationship between land surface temperature and normalized difference vegetation index as the major results. The remote sensing technique used in this study was found to be efficient. It reduced the time for the analysis of land cover changes and was found to be a useful tool. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia