Report of the Fourth Session of the Scientific Sub-Committee, Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic

Book Description

Topics discussed at the meeting included: the reports of the working groups on artisanal fisheries, small pelagic and demersal species; fisheries management measures in the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) region; the contribution of fisheries to national economies; a review of progress on the CECAF Project; and future work programmes in the region.

Report of the Eighth Session of the Scientific Sub-Committee of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 23–26 October 2018 / Rapport de la huitième session du Sous-Comité scientifique du Comité des pêches pour l’At

Book Description

This document is the final report of the eighth session of the Scientific Sub-Committee of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), which was held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from 23 to 26 October 2018. The SSC was immediately preceeded by a one-day meeting, on 22 October, on the EAF-Nansen Programme and upcoming survey related activities in the CECAF region. Major topics discussed were: (i) the reports of the assessment Working Groups on small pelagics and demersal species, as presented by the subgroups, and the report of the artisanal fisheries Working Group; (ii) fishery management advice in the CECAF region; (iii) reporting on the state of resources for the CECAF area and considerations for a revised advice framework; (iv) overview and coordination of ongoing research activities; (v) CECAF-FIRMS fisheries inventories; (vi) overview of CECAF statistics; (vii) deep-sea fisheries and vulnerable marine ecosystems; (viii) report of work of other projects/programmes in the CECAF region, report of work of research institutions or scientific groups in CECAF member countries; and (ix) future programme of work in the region. Le présent document constitue le rapport final de la huitième session du sous-comité scientifique du Comité des pêches pour l'Atlantique Centre-Est (COPACE), qui s'est tenue à Abidjan, en Côte d'Ivoire, du 23 au 26 octobre 2018. La session a été précédée d’une réunion d’une journée, le 22 octobre, sur le programme EAF-Nansen et les activités relatives aux enquêtes à venir dans la région du COPACE. Les principaux sujets de discussion ont été les suivants: (i) les rapports des groupes de travail sur l'évaluation des petits pélagiques et des espèces démersales, présentés par les sous-groupes, et le rapport du groupe de travail sur la pêche artisanale; (ii) avis de gestion de la pêche dans la région du COPACE; (iii) rendre compte de l'état des ressources pour la zone COPACE et des considérations pour un cadre d'avis révisé; (iv) aperçu et coordination des activités de recherche en cours; (v) inventaires des pêcheries CECAF-FIRMS; (vi) aperçu des statistiques du COPACE; (vii) pêche hauturière et écosystèmes marins vulnérables; (viii) rapport sur les travaux d'autres projets / programmes dans la région du COPACE, rapport sur les travaux d'institutions de recherche ou de groupes scientifiques dans les pays membres du COPACE; et (ix) programme de travail futur dans la région.

Handbook of Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management

Book Description

This handbook is the most comprehensive and interdisciplinary work on marine conservation and fisheries management ever compiled. It is the first to bridge fisheries and marine conservation issues. Its innovative ideas, detailed case studies, and governance framework provide a global special perspective over time and treat problems in the high seas, community fisheries, industrial fishing, and the many interactions between use and non-use of the oceans. Its policy tools and ideas for overcoming the perennial problems of over fishing, habitat and biodiversity loss address the facts that many marine ecosystems are in decline and plagued by overexploitation due to unsustainable fishing practices. An outstanding feature of the book is the detailed case-studies on conservation practice and fisheries management from around the world. These case studies are combined with 'foundation' chapters that provide an overview of the state of the marine world and innovative and far reaching perspectives about how we can move forward to face present and future challenges. The contributors include the world's leading fisheries scientists, economists, and managers. Ecosystem and incentive-based approaches are described and complemented by tools for cooperative, participatory solutions. Unique themes treated: fisher behavior and incentives for management beyond rights-based approaches; a synthesis of proposed 'solutions'; a framework for understanding and overcoming the critical determinants of the decline in fisheries, degradation of marine ecosystems, and poor socio-economic performance of many fishing communities; models for innovative policy instruments; a plan of action and adoption pathways to promote sustainable fishing practices globally. Collectively, the handbook's many valuable contributions offer a way forward to both understanding and resolving the multifaceted problems facing the world's oceans.

Report of the First Session of the Scientific Sub-Committee, Abuja, Nigeria, 30-31 October 2000

Book Description

Major topics discussed were: present situation of fishery statistical data collection in the CECAF region with a case study; fisheries data and their transformation into information for basic fisheries management; review of the present state of exploitation of stocks and management requirements; and future scientific work in the region.

Report of the ... Session of the Scientific Sub-Committee

Book Description