Rescuing Beefsteak: The Story of a Pragmatic Pioneer Idealist

Book Description

Fourteen-year-old George Harrison emigrated from England to Utah in 1856. He was part of a Mormon family relocating to "Zion" for both religious and economic reasons. The young man, suffering from malaria and extreme food shortages in the Martin Handcart Company, abandoned his family and spent a winter with a compassionate Indian family that saved him from starvation. Soon after, at Fort Laramie, Harrison served as a civilian cook for an army surgeon. He accompanied troops during the march into Salt Lake City in 1858 and cooked at Camp Floyd. Upon the camp's closure in 1861, he cooked at an Overland Stage and Pony Express station. George Harrison subsequently worked as a freighter and served in the Black Hawk War. In mid-life he built a small restaurant and hotel in Springville, Utah. Harrison's cooking, singing, and story telling attracted "drummers" (traveling salesmen) who gave the restaurateur the name of "Beefsteak" because of the quality of his steaks.

Rescuing Beefsteak: The Story of a Pragmatic Pioneer Idealist

Book Description

Fourteen-year-old George Harrison emigrated from England to Utah in 1856. He was part of a Mormon family relocating to "Zion" for both religious and economic reasons. The young man, suffering from malaria and extreme food shortages in the Martin Handcart Company, abandoned his family and spent a winter with a compassionate Indian family that saved him from starvation. Soon after, at Fort Laramie, Harrison served as a civilian cook for an army surgeon. He accompanied troops during the march into Salt Lake City in 1858 and cooked at Camp Floyd. Upon the camp's closure in 1861, he cooked at an Overland Stage and Pony Express station. George Harrison subsequently worked as a freighter and served in the Black Hawk War. In mid-life he built a small restaurant and hotel in Springville, Utah. Harrison's cooking, singing, and story telling attracted "drummers" (traveling salesmen) who gave the restaurateur the name of "Beefsteak" because of the quality of his steaks.

Great Plains Forts

Book Description

Great Plains Forts introduces readers to the fortifications that have impacted the lives of Indigenous peoples, fur trappers and traders, travelers, and military personnel on the Great Plains and prairies from precontact times to the present. Using stories to introduce patterns in fortification construction and use, Jay H. Buckley and Jeffery D. Nokes explore the eras of fort-building on the Great Plains from Canada to Texas. Stories about fortifications and fortified cities built by Indigenous peoples reveal the lesser-known history of precontact violence on the plains. Great Plains Forts includes stories of Spanish presidios and French and British outposts in their respective borderlands. Forts played a crucial role in the international fur trade and served as emporiums along the overland trails and along riverway corridors as Euro-Americans traveled into the American West. Soldiers and families resided in these military outposts, and this military presence in turn affected Indigenous Plains peoples. The appendix includes a reference guide organized by state and province, enabling readers to search easily for specific forts.

Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Ramsey

Book Description

The work explores the distinctive influences of philosophical pragmatism and absolute idealism on Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Ramsey, two influential twentieth-century theologians, who learned from and transformed these philosophies in the light of contemporary theological trends. It explores how these theologians shaped their moral theologies, political theories, and approaches to war in the light of these philosophies.

The School of Franz Brentano

Book Description

The central idea developed by the contributions to this book is that the split between analytic philosophy and phenomenology - perhaps the most impor tant schism in twentieth-century philosophy - resulted from a radicalization of reciprocal partialities. Both schools of thought share, in fact, the same cultural background and their same initial stimulus in the thought of Franz Brentano. And one outcome of the subsequent rift between them was the oblivion into which the figure and thought of Brentano have fallen. The first step to take in remedying this split is to return to Brentano and to reconstruct the 'map' of Brent ani sm. The second task (which has been addressed by this book) is to revive inter est in the theoretical complexity of Brentano' s thought and of his pupils and to revitalize those aspects that have been neglected by subsequent debate within the various movements of Brentanian inspiration. We have accordingly decided to organize the book into two introductory es says followed by two sections (Parts 1 and 2) which systematically examine Brentano's thought and that of his followers. The two introductory essays re construct the reasons for the 'invisibility', so to speak, of Brentano and set out of his philosophical doctrine. Part 1 of the book then ex the essential features amines six of Brentano's most outstanding pupils (Marty, Stumpf, Meinong, Ehrenfels, Husserl and Twardowski). Part 2 contains nine essays concentrating on the principal topics addressed by the Brentanians.

History of Economic Analysis

Book Description

At the time of his death in 1950, Joseph Schumpeter was working on his monumental History of Economic Analysis. Unprecedented in scope, the book was to provide a complete history of economic theory from Ancient Greece to the end of the second world war. A major contribution to the history of ideas as well as to economics, History of Economic Analysis rapidly gained a reputation as a unique and classic work. As well being an economist, Schumpeter was a gifted mathematician, historian, philosopher and psychologist and this is reflected in the multi-disciplinary nature of his great endeavour. Topics addressed include the techniques of economic analysis, contemporaneous developments in other sciences and the sociology of economics. This inclusiveness extends to the periods and individuals who figure in the book. As well as dealing with all of the major economists from Adam Smith to Maynard Keynes, the book considers the economic writings of Plato and Aristotle, of the Medieval Scholastics and of the major European economists. Throughout, Schumpeter perceived economics as a human science and this is reflected in a volume which is lucid and insightful throughout.

The Dada Painters and Poets

Book Description

Presents a collection of essays, manifestos, and illustrations that provide an overview of the Dada movement in art, describing its convictions, antics, and spirit, through the words and art of its principal practitioners.

A Life of Experimental Economics, Volume I

Book Description

This book provides an intimate history of Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith’s early life, combining elements of biography, history, economics and philosophy to show how crucial incidents early in his life provided the necessary framework for his research into experimental economics. Smith takes the reader from his family roots on the railroads and oil fields of Middle America to his early life on a farm in Depression-wracked Kansas. A mediocre student in high school, Smith attended Friends University, on Wichita’s west side, where an intense study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and astronomy enabled him to pass the examinations to enter Caltech and study under luminary scientists like Linus Pauling. Eventually Smith discovered economics and pursued graduate study in the field at University of Kansas and Harvard. This volume ends with his Camelot years at Purdue, where he began his famous work in experimental economics, nurturing his research into an unlikely new field of economics.

Material Culture in Europe and China, 1400–1800

Book Description

This book reinterprets the rise of consumerism in terms of interaction between Europe and China 1400-1800. In particular, it examines the intellectual foundations of consumerism in food, dress, shelter, utilities, information and symbolism. It highlights consumerism as an expression of both rationality and freedom and indicates the constructive role it has played in the formation of the modern world. Particular use is made of comparisons between developments in Europe and China to differentiate both.

M. N. Roy's Memoirs

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