Transportation Strategic Research Plan

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The NSTC's National Transportation Science and Technology Strategy, issued in April 1997, has four key elements: Strategic Planning and Assessment, Partnership Initiatives, Enabling Research, and Education and Training. This Transportation Strategic Research Plan addresses the Enabling Research element. It incorporates R & D activities with clear potential relevance to one or more transportation modes or functions, regardless of the objectives for which it is conducted or the performing agency. Enabling research includes activities described under three Federal budget categories. For civil agencies, these are Basic Research, Applied Research, and Development. The comparable Defense Department terms are 6.1 (Basic Research), 6.2 (Applied Research), and 6.3 (Advanced Technology Demonstration).

The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a transformative technology that holds promise for tremendous societal and economic benefit. AI has the potential to revolutionize how we live, work, learn, discover, and communicate. AI research can further our national priorities, including increased economic prosperity, improved educational opportunities and quality of life, and enhanced national and homeland security. Because of these potential benefits, the U.S. government has invested in AI research for many years. Yet, as with any significant technology in which the Federal government has interest, there are not only tremendous opportunities but also a number of considerations that must be taken into account in guiding the overall direction of Federally-funded R&D in AI. On May 3, 2016, the Administration announced the formation of a new NSTC Subcommittee on Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence, to help coordinate Federal activity in AI.1 This Subcommittee, on June 15, 2016, directed the Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) to create a National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan. A NITRD Task Force on Artificial Intelligence was then formed to define the Federal strategic priorities for AI R&D, with particular attention on areas that industry is unlikely to address. This National Artificial Intelligence R&D Strategic Plan establishes a set of objectives for Federally-funded AI research, both research occurring within the government as well as Federally-funded research occurring outside of government, such as in academia. The ultimate goal of this research is to produce new AI knowledge and technologies that provide a range of positive benefits to society, while minimizing the negative impacts.

The Federal Big Data Research and Development Strategic Plan

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A primary objective of this document is to outline the key Big Data R&D strategies necessary to keep the Nation competitive in data science and innovation and to prepare for the data-intensive challenges of tomorrow. As a strategic plan, this document provides guidance for Federal agencies and policymakers in determining how to direct limited resources into activities that have the greatest potential to generate the greatest impact. The Plan profiles R&D areas that span multiple disciplines, surfacing intersections of common interest that could stimulate collaboration among researchers and technical experts in government, private industry, and academia. The Plan also offers ideas for decision makers to consider when deliberating about investments in Big Data in their respective domains. Additionally, this Plan is the Big Data SSG's response to Recommendation 11c of the 2015 review of NITRD by the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) to "coordinate a process to publish and publicly discuss periodically a research and coordination plan for its area of interest." The Plan is built around the following seven strategies that represent key areas of importance for Big Data research and development (R&D): Strategy 1: Create next-generation capabilities by leveraging emerging Big Data foundations, techniques, and technologies. Strategy 2: Support R&D to explore and understand trustworthiness of data and resulting knowledge, to make better decisions, enable breakthrough discoveries, and take confident action. Strategy 3: Build and enhance research cyberinfrastructure that enables Big Data innovation in support of agency missions. Strategy 4: Increase the value of data through policies that promote sharing and management of data. Strategy 5: Understand Big Data collection, sharing, and use with regard to privacy, security, and ethics. Strategy 6: Improve the national landscape for Big Data education and training to fulfill increasing demand for both deep analytical talent and analytical capacity for the broader workforce. Strategy 7: Create and enhance connections in the national Big Data innovation ecosystem.

Research, Development, and Technology Strategic Plan

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Research is an essential part of a robust national transportation system. The development and application of new technologies, design, processes, and materials are critical to an effectively functioning system. It is through research that the critical issues of the day- transportation injuries and deaths, greenhouse gas (GHG) production, failing infrastructure, accessibility, and economic growth- can be resolved.

National Transportation Science and Technology Strategy

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The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Committee on Technology, Subcommittee on Transportation Research and Development (R & D), has created a National Transportation Science and Technology Strategy that builds on the earlier strategy published in 1997. Like its predecessor, the National Strategy is intended to help Congress and the Administration establish national transportation R & D priorities and coordinated research activities. The National Strategy articulates goals for transportation system safety, mobility and access, economic growth, the environment and national security. It proposes the broader involvement of state, local and tribal agencies; academic institutions; and private industry in national transportation R & D strategic planning and system assessment, private-public technology partnerships, enabling research and transportation education and training.