Tortura y derecho penal

Book Description

Detective Story

Book Description

From Nobel Laureate Imre Kertész comes this riveting novel about a torturer for the secret police of a Latin American regime who tells the haunting story of the father and son he ensnared and destroyed. Now in prison, Antonio Martens is a torturer for a recently defunct dictatorship. He requests and is given writing materials in his cell, using them to narrate his involvement in the torture and assassination of a wealthy and prominent man and his son whose principled but passive opposition to the regime left them vulnerable to the secret police. Inside Martens's mind, we inhabit the rationalizing world of evil and see firsthand the inherent danger of inertia during times of crisis. A slim, explosive novel of justice railroaded by malevolence, Detective Story is a warning cry for our time.

The Flower of Battle

Book Description

The Flower of Battle is Colin Hatcher's translation of Fiore dei Liberi's art of combat from the early 15th century. The work included high-resolution images and English text laid out in the manner of the original.

Terapias de cine

Book Description

La medicina y el cine son parte de nuestro día a día. Acudimos a la consulta o a la sala en busca de algún tipo de alivio y de puertas a otros mundos. Y la consulta y la sala, la medicina y el cine, se miran de reojo. La medicina quiere al cine para mirar, explorar y estudiar, diagnosticar y operar; también como herramienta publicitaria y de propaganda, para construir su autoridad. Y el cine cuenta muy a menudo con la medicina porque trabaja con experiencias rutinarias de salud y enfermedad, sus miedos y sus osadías, sus servidumbres y sus rebeldías. La medicina y el cine caminan de la mano con la experiencia cotidiana de la muerte y de la vida. Y la medicina es cine porque es soñar, cuestionar y luchar, como lo es sufrir, morir y amar. Y es por esto mismo que también, en nuestro día a día, el cine es medicina.

Book Description

Inter American Yearbook on Human Rights

Book Description

The print edition is available as a set of four volumes (9789041115171).

The Body Reader

Book Description

A Thriller Award winner, Best Paperback Original Novel. For three years, Detective Jude Fontaine was kept from the outside world. Held in an underground cell, her only contact was with her sadistic captor, and reading his face was her entire existence. Learning his every line, every movement, and every flicker of thought is what kept her alive. After her experience with isolation and torture, she is left with a fierce desire for justice--and a heightened ability to interpret the body language of both the living and the dead. Despite colleagues' doubts about her mental state, she resumes her role at Homicide. Her new partner, Detective Uriah Ashby, doesn't trust her sanity, and he has a story of his own he'd rather keep hidden. But a killer is on the loose, murdering young women, so the detectives have no choice: they must work together to catch the madman before he strikes again. And no one knows madmen like Jude Fontaine.

Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 36 (2020) (VOLUME II)

Book Description

This Yearbook aims to contribute to a greater awareness of the functions and activities of the organs of the Inter-American system for the protection of human rights. The Yearbook is partly published as an English-Spanish bilingual edition. NB: This book is part of a three volume set. Each volume should be ordered separately!Vol 1 isbn 978-90-04-44560-4Vol 2 isbn 978-90-04-50440-0Vol 3 isbn 978-90-04-50991-7

I Am Pilgrim

Book Description

In a seedy hotel near Ground Zero, a woman lies face down in a pool of acid, features melted of her face, teeth missing, fingerprints gone. The room has been sprayed down with DNA-eradicating antiseptic spray. Pilgrim, the code name for a legendary, world-class segret agent, quickly realizes that all of the murderer's techniques were pulled directly from his own book, a cult classic of forensic science written under a pen name.