Poverty Reduction that Works

Book Description

This book provides an excellent framework to analyse the experience of a wide variety of successful initiatives across the world and draws attention to critical issues that practitioners need to think about when designing poverty reduction interventions and scaling up. Bill Tod, Regional MDG Adviser, SNV Asia With its wide regional coverage, and frank discussions of issues and problems encountered in designing projects that directly tackle poverty, this will be a very useful reference book for NGOs, INGOs, and also for multilateral institutions. Johanna Boestel, Country Economist, Asian Development Bank, Sri Lanka Resident Mission We are now at the midpoint for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the objective of halving poverty by 2015. Despite commendable efforts and much progress, up to 750 million people are still living in absolute poverty. To lift these people out of poverty, macro-economic policies must be complemented by targeted and local level poverty reduction. This book looks at twenty of the most innovative case studies of poverty reduction and Millennium Development Goal localization from fifteen countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Paraguay, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam - covering diverse issues ranging from housing and tourism to socio-economic empowerment of women, health insurance and markets for livestock produce. Many of the cases started as small scale interventions by NGOs, donors or government pilots but now they are being scaled up to form part of national policy or replicated across their respective countries. Yet why do some work while others do not? What are the stumbling blocks and how can they be overcome? And what lessons and principles are there for replicating and scaling up poverty reduction initiatives worldwide? This book tackles these questions and more, and presents a wealth of knowledge, evidence and ideas for all practitioners and researchers working to reduce poverty at the local level while aiming to achieve a global impact. Published with UNDP

Value Chains, Social Inclusion, and Economic Development

Book Description

Policy makers and development practitioners are increasingly using value chain analysis to frame pro-poor development interventions.

Pro-poor Tourism

Book Description

Pro-poor tourism is currently receiving enormous attention from the World Tourism Organization, government, industry, and NGOs. Through a series of cases and reviews this book provides one of the first assessments of the effectiveness of pro-poor tourism as a development strategy and tackles the issue of who benefits from tourisms potential role in poverty reduction.

Markets and Rural Poverty

Book Description

This book explores the place of poor people within a rich variety of value chains, focusing upon lagging, rural regions in Africa and Asia, and how they can 'upgrade' within such chains. Upgrading is a key concept for value chain analysis and refers to the acquisition of technological capabilities and market linkages that enable firms to improve their competitiveness and move into higher-value activities. The authors examine a range of evidence to assess whether the 'bottom billion' people, living mainly in the rural areas of low-income countries, can improve their position through productive strategies and, if so, how? They propose an innovative conceptual framework of value chain upgrading for some of the most marginal producers in the poorest local economies. They demonstrate how interventions can improve poverty and the environment for poor people supplying a wide range of services and agricultural and food products to local, regional and global markets. This analysis is based on empirical research conducted in Senegal, Mali, Tanzania, India, Nepal, Philippines and Vietnam. The main focus is on poverty, environment and gender outcomes of upgrading interventions, and represents one of the key challenges of contemporary development economics.

Tourism Development After the Crises

Book Description

HauptbeschreibungGlobal imbalances and crises which occurred more frequently and at shorter intervals made international tourism demand more volatile. This book, edited by Peter Keller and Thomas Bieger, provides a unique analysis of the recent financial crisis on world tourism and particularly the development models which contribute to reduce poverty. The volume is based on the knowledge of a network of more than 300 researches and includes experiences from Europe, Africa and Asia. It focuses on the latest economic crises as a framework for analyses and as a real life case study.

Tourism and Poverty

Book Description

1. Introduction -- 2. Poverty and tourism unpacked -- 3. Tourism entrenches poverty -- 4. Poverty attracts tourists -- 5. Tourism reduces poverty-- tourism industry approaches -- 6. Tourism reduces poverty--government approaches -- 7. Tourism reduces poverty-- development agency approaches -- 8. Conclusion.