Diesel Retrofit Technology

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The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC) is a comprehensive initiative to reduce pollution from diesel engines throughout the country, including vehicles on highways, city streets, construction sites, and ports. The NCDC comprises both regulatory programs to address new engines and voluntary programs to address the millions of diesel engines already in use. On the regulatory side, EPA is successfully implementing emissions standards for engines in the 2007 Heavy-Duty Highway Engine Rule and the Tier 4 Nonroad Rule and developing new emission requirements for locomotives and marine diesel engines, including large commercial marine engines. On the voluntary side, EPA is addressing engines that are already in use by promoting a variety of innovative emission reduction strategies such as retrofitting, repairing, replacing and repowering engines; reducing idling; and switching to cleaner fuels. The voluntary programs are accomplished in partnership with state and local governments, environmental groups and industry. The emissions standards for new engines will reduce both highway and nonroad engine emissions by roughly 90%. However, these emission reductions occur over a long period of time as new engines are phased into the fleet. Retrofitting diesel engines currently in use will allow significant and immediate emission reductions from diesel engines that would not otherwise be addressed. The purpose of this technical analysis is to evaluate the cost effectiveness of retrofitting existing heavy-duty diesel engines to reduce particulate matter (PM). (The cost effectiveness of the regulatory measures EPA has implemented is addressed the rulemakings.) Analysts in EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) evaluated the costs and emissions benefits of retrofitting school buses, freight trucks, and bulldozers with diesel oxidation catalysts (DOCs) and catalyzed diesel particulate filters (CDPFs), two of the most common PM emissions reduction technologies for diesel engines.

Diesel Retrofits

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Technology is available to reduce diesel vehicle and engine emissions in a cost-effective way. The ability to use diesel emission reductions for state implementation plan (SIP) and conformity purposes gives states and localities additional incentive to implement diesel retrofit projects. Diesel retrofit technologies reduce pollution from the existing diesel engine fleet by up to 90% for particulate matter (PM), up to 75% for nitrogen oxides (NOx), and up to 90% for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Many diesel retrofit projects are being successfully implemented around the country. Clean diesel projects already initiated are expected to result in approximately 20,000 tons of particulate matter reduced over the life of the projects, with estimated public health benefits of about $5 billion. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on quantifying and using emission reductions from on-road and nonroad diesel vehicles, engines, and equipment that have been retrofitted with emission reduction technology. This guidance document describes how to quantify and use reductions of NOx, VOCs, PM2.5, PM10, and carbon monoxide (CO) in ozone, PM2.5, PM10, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and CO nonattainment and maintenance areas. You can use the emission reductions resulting from implementing a retrofit project in a SIP to help achieve reasonable further progress (RFP), attainment of the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS or "standard"), or maintenance of the NAAQS; and in transportation conformity and general conformity determinations. This guidance document is updated to reflect the new quantification procedures to use EPA's latest on-road emissions model, the MOtor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES) model. For nonroad emissions, the nonroad portion of the National MOBILE Inventory Model (NMIM) is the preferred way to estimate benefits of retrofit programs. State and local agencies developing SIPs and conformity analyses for California should consult with EPA Region 9 for information on the current version of EMFAC approved for use in California and for information on how to quantify emission reductions from retrofit projects.

Recommendations for Reducing Emissions from the Legacy Diesel Fleet

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Diesel engines play a vital role in key industry sectors such as goods movement, public transportation, construction, and agriculture. A unique combination of efficiency, power, reliability, and durability make diesel the technology of choice for these sectors. However, the durability of the technology does not lend itself to rapid fleet turnover and investment in new equipment that meets more stringent environmental standards. Because of this, the full air quality benefits of the very stringent new engine emission standards in the US2007 Diesel Rule ("Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements.") and the Nonroad Diesel Rule ("Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule.") will likely take decades to achieve. Further, the regulatory authority of EPA and states to address the existing fleet of over 11 million diesel engines is rather limited. In response, EPA began the Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program in 2000 to discuss broad initiatives to modernize and upgrade (i.e., retrofit) current engines with modern emission control equipment or to accelerate the replacement of these engines with newer ones. Given the diversity of applications and engines, as well as significant technical and funding issues, the Clean Diesel Retrofit Work Group was formed in 2004 under the auspices of the EPA Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC) to advise EPA on how best to expand the initiative.This report is the culmination of the work of the Clean Diesel and Retrofit Work Group since April 2004. It provides consensus-based recommendations as well as other recommendations. Some recommendations are sector-specific; others apply more broadly. It is our hope that this report will substantially further our Nation's efforts to achieve healthy air for its citizens.

Report to Congress

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Reducing emissions from diesel engines is one of the most important public health challenges facing the country. Despite EPA's stringent diesel engine and fuel standards taking effect over the next decade, the 20 million engines already in use will continue to emit large amounts of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and particulate matter (PM)-both of which will contribute to serious public health problems for years to come. Fortunately, a variety of cost-effective technologies can dramatically reduce harmful emissions, save fuel, and help our nation meet its clean air and sustainability goals. To meet these challenges, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC). NCDC consists of both regulatory programs to address new engines and innovative nonregulatory programs to address the millions of diesel engines already in use. EPA standards apply to new diesel engines, and because these engines can last a long time, solutions are needed to reduce harmful emissions from the existing fleet. These innovative approaches promote a variety of emission reduction strategies such as retrofitting, repairing, replacing, and repowering engines; reducing idling; and switching to cleaner fuels. Through a dynamic network of Regional Collaboratives, whose development EPA initiated, environmental groups, industry, and government were inspired and motivated-despite their sometimes conflicting perspectives-to unite behind a common goal. NCDC mobilized diverse and unusual partners with historic differences to work together, creating broad support based on the urgency of the public health problem and bringing new technologies into use years earlier than would otherwise have occurred.

Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Engines

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Based on the 2014 National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) Medium/Heavy Truck Tasks Lists and ASE Certification Test Series for truck and bus specialists, Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Engines is designed to address these and other international training standards. The text offers comprehensive coverage of every NATEF task with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking. Fundamentals of Medium-Heavy Duty Diesel Engines describes safe and effective diagnostic, repair, and maintenance procedures for today’s medium and heavy vehicle diesel engines.

Second Report to Congress

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From goods movement to building construction to public transportation, diesel engines are the modern-day workhorse of the American economy. Diesel engines are extremely efficient, and they power nearly every major piece of machinery and equipment on farms, on construction sites, in ports, and on highways. However, not all diesel engines are as clean as those manufactured after 2006 and later, when EPA's stringent heavy-duty highway and non-road engine standards began coming into effect. EPA estimates that approximately 11 million older diesel engines remain in use, and will continue to emit significant amounts of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and particulate matter (PM) until they wear out and are replaced. To reduce the public's exposure to pollution from these older, dirtier engines, Congress in 2005 authorized funding for the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act, a grant program designed to selectively retrofit or replace the older diesel engines most likely to impact human health. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers all Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) funding under the umbrella of the National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC), which promotes clean air strategies by working with manufacturers, fleet operators, air quality professionals, environmental and community organizations, and state and local officials to reduce diesel emissions.